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Sam Eagle
Wooo! Alright, imma head back towards the bar I think its time for my lunch break and Im on a liquid courage diet. I would like to focus on implanting any heads of staff I see, or any animals that show high levels of intelligence.

Also *Presses T* :s Do you want a borg shell when im done with my implanting and getting viciously drunk?
I start heading towards tech storage to start my campaign for Tanhony for HoP 2k53. If I pass anyone on the way, I'll flip at them.
Wiggles Wigglesby (Test Subject)

Dance on the clown's flailing, fallen, honking mass while stuffing a bunch of the paper into my backpack, then loot the clown for the inevitable crayons in his funny pack. Apply a few more shoves if he appears to have a problem with this.

  • Worn: medical jumpsuit
  • Head: disgusting detective's hat
  • Back: backpack
    • anesthetic tank
    • gross saxophone
    • paper
Replying to Rubber Johnson on PDA:
"Ooh, who's she? Someone I know?"

Dang! Chug back some of that good ol tricit (that's what the cool kids call triple citrus) and leave botany's comforting embrace to head for the tool storage near medical.
...wish I had a segway.
Now that the mopping's more or less done, I'm going to try to carefully scoop all the glass into the glass recycler, and maybe try to see if I can't have it make me a bong.
Jack Jackson [5]
You limbo through some plastic flappos, pocket a multitool, and cavort directly into medbay.
You steal a medical backpack and start sneaking things into it.
You nab a scalpel [3], a burn medkit [4], a defibrilator [3], and then you get tossed out into the lobby [2].

Adrian Clarke [3]
Worrying about your future as a mallpig for hire, you decide it's time to go punk.
You knock on the glass to the Hydroponicists' and hope for some herb to fill your ticket blunt.
At that moment, Selladore darts out and goes running. The door is still open.

Selladore Kaine [4]
You PDA message Rubber Johnson: "Ooh, who's she? Someone I know?"
Your PDA lights up almost immediately: "she goes to a different school, okay. i swear."
You definitely got him, and this drink is your sweet prize. You zip out the door and head for tool storage, passing a somewhat distracted secoff on the way.

Sam Eagle [3]
You head southwest again to the bar, hoping for some refreshments
You let people know you've got Secret Club Radio Chips for their skulls if they want em.
The AI responds: yeah that sounds like a good idea honestly

Rocco Berry [6]
You turn toward Tech Storage, keeping an eye for passers by, giving each a quip about Tanhonny's platform, and a perfect flip. Many seem to agree with Monkarchy. Before long you find a stack of scattered papers in one of the halls and pick some of it up. It's poster time.
You arrive in technical storage.

Wiggles Wigglesby [1]
You stuff your paper prize into your backpack and give the clown a kick for good karma-
karma that pays dividends immediately.
The clown whispers "meth, motherfucker"
He kicks you hard enough to knock you back out into the main hallway.

Kickflip Brozinski [5]
You sweep up the broken glass, still covered in blood, and stuff it into the recycler.
Before you can even check the Wiki to see if a bong is a thing, you've got it in your own two hands.

Superlagg [5]
v r o o m m m m (eta 1 min)
You pull into the parking lot.
With a bounty of stolen goods, I go to the bar, because from the sound of it that is where all the fun is.
Well. Door is open. Guess I wander in. I look at all of the plants. A wiser person would ask a botanist what they were before they do anything. Instead I just grab a hunk from each plant, mix it all up, and roll it all up into some sort of cig. I look around botany for a lighter (those potheads have to have one somewhere) and light up if I find it.
Wiggles Wigglesby (Test Subject)

Urgh, whatever. He probably had stupid color crayons anyway, like earwax yellow and compost brown. I'll go sob at a doctor later to get that kick looked at.

So trying to access the door leads to it beeping and flashing an angry red... hmmm... I guess I'm going to need one of those ID cards everyone I've seen so far is wearing. Dance for passer-bys to get their attention, then point at their ID badge and at my lack of one and scratch my head. Boy, this would be a lot easier if I had mime training...

  • Worn: medical jumpsuit
  • Head: disgusting detective's hat
  • Back: backpack
    • anesthetic tank
    • gross saxophone
    • paper
Sam Eagle Once I get to the bar I ask for my usual of a rum and space drugs before continuing on my patrol. I will loop the station once then start on the shell when i get back to robotics.
Turn Nine 
Jack Jackson [1]
You head for the bar. You feel very unlucky as you do so.

Adrian Clarke [3]
You let yourself into Botany
You look at the unlbeled trays and, knowing seldom better, pick some leaves from the best looking ones.
You roll a fat legal notice of blunt. You light up and feel... not much.  

Wiggles Wigglesby [2]
You start heading back to medbay in hopes of passing someone who understands your frantic pantomime of emotes.
*Dance, *Point, *Dance-
It's not quite working, but theres a doctor paying attention by now.
[145.9] "Get me a surgical clown" he says.

Sam Eagle [4]
You sit down on a barstool and bark out- "Rum & Dumb, buddy"
The barman gives you a look. Followed by a drink. You sip. You can't grip.
Next few rolls are going to be hampered by these space pigs

Meanwhile, Superlagg has kicked their way through the librarian and is pulling our their library card to log into the public use whitebox PCs
it's okay, he'll be up again before you know it

I grab the NetDiag cart in Tech Storage and insert it in my PDA, if I can find it. Time to start spoofing packets! I open up the packet crafter tool.

sender_name=Friends of Tanhony
message=Are you tired of low wages and no sick days? Self-righteous Regional Directors screaming at you, telling you to stop slacking off? Brave and moral Staff Assistant Union Reps mysteriously showing up mangled and mutilated in the morgue?

I confirm that the frequency is 1149 and hit send.

If I can't find the NetDiag cart, I guess I'll boot up the DWAINE console.
Ella Oats
I peer into botany intently. "Officer, is that a blunt?"
I begin to mark down notes on my clipboard.
Well that was disappointing. I say "I have no idea. Maybe? I may have just smoked a potato" to Ella. I decide that this is unacceptable, and go to track down the botanist that darted by earlier to gripe at them for not providing me with appropriate plant material for ticket-smoking. I ask the AI where the botanist is and start heading wherever that is. This dork is being farted on for this injustice.

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