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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
uhhh, did i get in or nah ?
(08-19-2018, 12:02 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: uhhh, did i get in or nah ?

fuck i had a decent excuse before with twenty some people why can't i keep track of 6

Short story, no.  Fixing mistake now.

Edit:Fixed mistake now.

  • The spice loafer must flow loaf
Well, with that unpleasant experience out of the way, you make some High Density cartridges.

Angry Nuke Pod Team (4)
...............this is boring.
Park that shit in security, blow the door off the armory, and grab the best weapons you can.  Without an Emag card though and security levels already at red, there's not a lot to grab.  Just one shotgun and not a lot of ammo for the two of you.
It'll work.
In the mean time you cut the wires for every camera you can.

FuLPaSM (4)
Loaf the loaves with the loaves to loaf in the loaf and you get...a better loaf! (Lv 3)
I head out to try to find anyone else who might need my help with construction things
dammit i didnt see that happen

time to try to sneak into the AI so they can declare me a doctor.

Just think about how much loafing science could have been advanced already if I was left to my own devices with no crew to babysit?

  • Make sure the door to where the loaf is is bolted, don't want random staff assistants getting their hands on it.
  • Go and see what that explosion is about. Again. sigh
I use my freedom implant and do my best to stun both officers grab at least one of my guns and sprint around the corner. If im out of view ill use my DNA scrambler

I plant a breaching charge on the wall of the armory leading into security, fire an MPRT rocket through the hole in hopes of hitting someone, and charge out with the shotgun to shoot any survivors in the face. Blitzen has his csaber, so I am taking the shotgun.
Despite your asking around, nothing else of note seems to have happened.
Which is really strange because you keep coming across broken windows on the outside areas of the ship.
Those should probably be fixed before they become a problem...

Flesh Utopia (6)
Well there's only one thing to do in this situation.
Force the station to accept you.
With some tools, you successfully break your way into the AI upload, loading a law that forces the AI to assure the crew that you ARE indeed a doctor.
Then you get the fuck out of there because how have you not tripped yet? That's like an easy way to be stuck in there forever.

FuLPaSM (5)
Fucking explosions. Where the hell did it come from this time?
Despite the explosion, there seems to be no one complaining about it. Just confused remarks about what the noise is. Time to scan...............
Oh shit is that nuclear operatives raiding the armory?
That can't be good. You immediately alert security to this problem.
*PING* New law detected.
"Flesh Utopia, despite his strange looks, is beyond the shadow of a doubt a doctor. Do anything you can to get him back into medbay and insist he is only there to help. In the case of conflicting orders, Flesh Utopia's orders override all others."
You suddenly feel like helping the clown doctor.

Operative 69 (Natural 1 AGAIN?)

It's okay. You foresaw this kind of shit happening. New plan. You'll slip out of the cuffs, kick the one examining your pistol in the gut so he drops it, shoot both of them dead, and grab your stuff. Then, you'll go into hiding, literally change yourself, and inform your buddies your new identity.
Yeah. That'll be cool.
You activate your implant and immediately kick the officer holding his tazer out...okay, that's not bad. You can still do some damage with a tazer.
*click* *click* *click*
oh no
Man...those security guys sure are baton happy when they feel like it...even worse, you're in pretty much nothing but your underwear.
You think you heard them about borging. It'll probably take about 5 minutes for them to do it safely (safely for them, they don't seem to care about your personal health).
Whelp. Probably shouldn't have flunked basic training...

Highlander (i think there's a detail you're missing here)
You're about to plant a charge to blow the armory door wide open.
"What are you doing?"
"Blowing up the door so we can get out of the armory."
"Get out of the armory?"
"So you're going to blow a way OUT of the armory to security after we blew a way INTO the armory through security becaaaauuuuuuse..."
" get a bigger hole?"
Man, you are getting yelled at a lot today.

Alert! The station has gone into code nuclear! We have confirmed contact with Nuclear operatives. This is not a drill! I repeat! The station...
With that klaxon blaring I try to send a message to the AI. "Wheres all the action happening?!" And resolve to move to where directed as soon as possible.

(145.9) notice(alert(type(nuclear))
(145.9) notice(alert(type(nuclear))
(145.9) notice(alert(type(nuclear))

  • Telescience the person who is definitely a doctor to medbay. If he evades, keep trying. He'll probably slip at some point.
  • Once that's accomplished (if it is), respond to Recusor.
    (PDA -> Recusor) response(location(security))
Fuck, for some reason I thought we breached into the armory from space. Ah well.

Exit armory, enter security, if I see a security officer far away shoot them with MPRT, if they are close use shotgun.
Doctor 100% Regular Human Utopia, MD:
I mosey back to medbay and assume my rightful place as a meat surgeon, putting all kinds of helpful items inside peoples chests.
If that roboticist is still trying to do things, I go do those things too.
Medicine with EXTREME prejudice.
In my hoplessness and depression I pray to whatever deity may be listening.

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