Mentor and HOS Application: Peacekeeper Pete
I just tell people to put their weapons away, not actually disarm them.

Why did this even become one of those 'How to play security' threads anyway? His nice poem didn't even follow the template.
Fair enough. I don't remember it, but considering how often I forget where I put my keys, that probably doesn't mean anything, and I know Weavel wouldn't make this stuff up. Sorry.

Captain_Bravo is right. All I give security officers are kisses, hugs, and chocolates now. <3
Honestly Pete if may well by my mistake, as now that I'm trying to think back it might have been Shameful Sam and not you. But I did talk to SOMEONE afterwards in deadchat about it and they seemed pretty chill about the events.
Just make Pete an HoS and see if he can handle the task. If he can then great, if not demote him.
A real good guy, knows what to do and how to do it. Smart, if a little rough around the edges. Played a round with him and we had a bunch of fun. Saw him kill a guy for noraisens and thought about posting a negative, but he was a traitor captain, so it was all good. A yes from me.

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