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BYOND Username: Mordent
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
Alright, the shoes aren't filling the void. Maybe I just need more?
- *birdwell
- Mix some styptic powder, splash the Nuke Op with it.
- Mix some silver sulfadiazine, splash the Nuke Op with it.
- Note that the shuttle needs to be boarded, stuff the Nuke Op back into the locker (assuming willingness) and head that way. If not willing, screw that guy, head to the shuttle with my locker of shoes.
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
Irene Mincine, QM
Well, fortunately we're all human. Hey, wait. That's... a clown with no hands? Uh... hey! Between me and him, we have a full set of limbs!
"Clown! Use your legs! Push me to Escape! Let's go!"
I continue shoveling myself to Escape.
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BYOND Username: Technature
01-25-2018, 10:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-25-2018, 10:29 PM by Technature. Edited 1 time in total.)
As the AI, you are left behind on the station, one day hopeful that a new crew will eventually be sent and things will begin again.
Your observation bots, however, are free to leave whenever.
And board the shuttle they do.
Beelzebub (2) + Irene Minicine (N/A)
"All right. Let's go to the shuttle."
"All right, off to the arrival shuttle."
Your words are lost on the clown as he runs to the arrival shuttle as fast as possible with you in tow.
You have successfully wasted a minute.
Officer Dmytro (N/A)
You do what any decent officer does upon joining the round and ask for information on what's going on. From what the AI says: - The confirmed round is Nuke Ops.
- There are two confirmed Nuclear Operatives. One of them is dead. The others location is unknown. Since the round hasn't ended yet, he must be alive, assuming there aren't any other Operatives.
- The Nuclear Device has gone missing, and no one seems sure as to where it is.
The AI also mentions as you head into the bar that the Shuttle is here, is going to leave within a minute, and that "you may want to run if you want to catch it".
You splash various healing chemicals on the Nuke Operative and, before he realizes what's going on, shove him into the locker filled with shoes.
You head off with him to the shuttle.
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BYOND Username: Wisecrack34
Character Name: Ereven Nailo
01-25-2018, 10:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2018, 01:04 AM by Wisecrack34. Edited 3 times in total.
Edit Reason: Wasn't as coolio bro
With my Vodka in tow ( I assume based on my rolls being so good they're non applicable) I make a dash for the shuttle, stopping by sec for gear if time allows
Edit: I chug a few bottles on the way if allowed
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
01-26-2018, 01:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2018, 01:01 AM by LuigiThirty. Edited 1 time in total.)
Irene Mincine, QM
I punch the clown in the face and scoot my chair toward the escape shuttle. On my way out of the room, I throw a stinger grenade at him.
“If I’m stuck here, you’re dead, clown!”
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01-26-2018, 06:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2018, 06:14 AM by Frank_Stein. Edited 1 time in total.)
Beelzebub : Clown
Huh, this isn't the right place? Well, walking back the other way would take too long.
Action: I attempt to override the arrivals shuttle controls and drive it over to the escape shuttle using all my ingenuity and also my feet and teeth
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BYOND Username: Mordent
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
Alright, the shoes aren't filling the void. Maybe I just need more?
- Get to the shuttle with my shoe/nuke-op locker in tow.
- Stash the locker in the bridge of the shuttle.
- Bolt the bridge.
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.
Yeah this game is boring. I leave the arcade machine and go to my trophy room to protect my treasure. Not even going to bother with the shuttle.
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BYOND Username: Technature
Officer Dmytro (5)
You quickly go into security and grab your gear. (Well funded security) There seems to be more equipment than usual. Neato.
On the way out you see a legless person trying to scoot herself across the floor on a chair.
You immediately offer your services to get both of you to the shuttle.
Irene Mincine (5)
You throw a stinger grenade between yourself and the clown and use the propulsion of the blast to head back, flipping the clown off on the way out.
You shovel yourself to the escape shuttle, but realize there is no way you can make it like this. Luckily, a security officer leaving security offers to push you to the shuttle.
Beelzebub (1): The QM tosses a stinger grenade at you, which tears your arms off further. Rude.
You head to the arrival shuttle and, using your feet and teeth to the best of your ability, leave the station.
You're going super fast when you hear sirens...?
"This is the space police. Pull over right now!"
You floor the brake... and crash through the windshield.
You're probably dead now.
Before anyone says anything, you stash the Nuclear Operative stuffed locker into the bridge of the shuttle and bolt it closed.
This MUST be accomplishing something, right?
Jack Jackson (N/A)
Fuck this game. This shit's boring.
Why do we even have it here?
Seriously, who the fuck makes an arcade version of an NES RPG?
You go into your office and guard your precious the Nuclear device.
A syndicate has been detected on the shuttle. The game will end in 2 minutes or when he dies, whichever happens first.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
Character Name: Nathan Dunkleman
KRAKEN, AI: Assuming I put my shells in the command section (who doesn't), I point at the locker and casually ask what's in it.
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BYOND Username: Wisecrack34
Character Name: Ereven Nailo
Pleased with my good work I place Irene (and chair if possible, for comfort) into the medical pod inside the shuttle. I then go to my sec room, draw my 2 tasers (to keep on hand) and kick back in a seat, buckled for the ride home
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
Irene Mincine, QM
Before I’m shoveled into the medical pod, I give the sec guy my box of grenades. “5 left, pretty much all kinds.”
I say fuck it and hit the sleeper.
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01-27-2018, 08:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2018, 08:27 AM by Frank_Stein. Edited 1 time in total.)
Action: As my nearly lifeless, armless, shrapnel filled body floats through the void, I think about my life choices and what led to this moment.
I pull my horn out and place it into my mouth, ready to give a final honk...
...I crash through the windshield of the escape shuttle, smacking into the locker containing the Nuke Op, bursting it open
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BYOND Username: warc
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BYOND Username: Mordent
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
- Answer the AI: "Purpose."
- Once the shuttle departs, head out into the main area.
- *birdwell
- Mix the remaining smoke powder, phlogiston, fluorosulfuric acid, and perfluorodecalin (because screaming is loud) into one big, happy, beaker.
- *birdwell
- Open the locker, yelling "GET THEIR SHOES!"