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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
Jack Jackson, Heroic Knight

I walk away from the castle and set out on the quest I was given.
Er... what was my quest again?
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)

  • *flip
  • *wave
  • Mix 50u of delicious heated neurotoxin with 50u of smoke powder
  • *wave
Irene Mincine, QM


I yell over the radio that the janitor is all over the walls and then start gasping for air!

Before all the oxygen escapes, I attempt to climb into an office chair and roll myself toward the door and in the general direction of Escape. My leg can go fuck itself, I'll get a sick robot tread at Centcom.
Finally! Something went right today! Hah, fuck you janitor! Dumb spider fuckass shit!

"Get DUNKED, suckbeans! Who the fuck throws bugs at people?" wails Jerkop-4's ghost. "And how'd you get so many goddamn spiders!"

He flips, then goes to fart on the AI.
DEAD: Ghost (Jhon Warcleans) laments, "fucking lag."
DEAD: Ghost (Jhon Warcleans) grumps, "oh fuck dude, blob in escape maint lol" (Plz Roll a ghostly success)??

Then I go to the ghost drone factory and wait to get droned.
Jack Jackson (As the Heroic Knight)
Thou ventures off in thy quest.  Thou was tasked to rescue a princess, who was kidnapped by a dragon.  This dragon is hiding in a nearby cave, feasting on adventurers such as yourself in their attempts to rescue her.  You head off in that direction.
A slime draws near!
It appears to be a blue blob with a smiling face on it.
...wait a sec...
You take a look at the arcade machine real quick...
Dragon Warrior?
THAT Dragon Warrior?
How the fuck would an RPG even work as an arcade game?  That makes no sense whatsoever.
You've come to the conclusion that there is no possible way to finish this game in a single 8 hour work shift, let alone in a few minutes.  You trek on none the less.  You return to your game.
A slime draws near!  Command?

BEEP-BOOP (6) vs. Security (Well Funded, +1, 4)
Well fuck, why do you have these chemicals if you're not gonna use them?
You mix Neurotoxin with Smoke Powder around the security forces and cause them to fall asleep.
Man, these people are really bad at their job.
Annoyingly, the Nuke Op is also asleep.

Irene Minicine (6)
Shit is going bad fast.  Thinking quickly, you leap onto a nearby office chair and quickly use it to wheel out of the room.  Attempts to get the AI to close the door seem to go unheard.  When asked for explanation, you are told that the door appears to be broken.
Can EMP grenades reach that far?

Jerk-Op #4 (N/A)
You proceed to give KRAKEN messages that you are farting on it.

Jhon Warcleans (2)
You say Blob in maintenance.
Upon everyone checking, they find out there is apparently a player named Blob in escape maintenance.
You're not lying technically.
You decide to become a ghost drone to pass the last few minutes.
Ghost Drone #597
You buzz to life.  You are ready to repair and maintain the station to the best of your ability.
About Ghost Drones
Ghost drones are specially built machinery that automatically succeed in construction and maintenance, assuming they are not interrupted.  The difficulty of the task will drain energy quickly, however.  Remember to charge every so often.
Ghost Drones are heavily limited in what they can do.  Interacting with other players is impossible (players interacting with you, however, can happen).  However, Ghost drones are nigh indestructible to natural problems that can occur on a space station (such as fire, lack of air, and other such things).  Unnatural problems (such as bludgeoning weaponry or phaser shots) will generally kill you quickly.  Should you die, you can respawn as a new ghost drone immediately.

You are receiving assistance requests from Science (toxins) and Science/Medical (Sending Receiving department).
What do?
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)

  • Collect all of the security team's shoes and the Nuke Op and stuff them all in the nearest locker/crate/etc.
  • Call out on 145.9 that there are "Free tazers and stun batons outside of security."
  • Drag said locker/crate to Chemistry, getting my mileage in on these treads.
  • Mix up some mannitol, combine with a reserve beaker of anti-tox (charcoal) around medbay, and jab the Nuke Op with a syringe or two full of the mix.
KRAKEN, AI: Locally say something about the sodium in the air tonight, then take a squiz around for any possible secret nuke ops breaking in now

In response to Irene, I state my laws, then follow it up with "sorry i was busy"
Jack Jackson, as the Heroic Knight

I smite the slime in the name of my lord, randy savage.
Irene Mincine, legless QM

I chuck an EMP grenade at the doorway to toxins after rolling through. I check the supply lockers in Research for any emergency oxygen and helmets, grabbing them if they exist, then roll my way to Escape!

Huh, the AI and borgs are acting weird, aren’t they?

Irene Mincine [145.9] says, “AI, state laws please?”

Action: I go over to Irene. If they have no legs, and I have no hands, I think we could make a great team
You quickly take this opportunity and begin collecting the shoes of every security officer, as well as the Nuke-Ops shoes.
That's a lot of shoes.
The red guy can help you get some shoes.  You're sure of it.
You inject him with medicine and wake him up.

There have to be Nuke Ops somewhere.  I mean, the round hasn't ended yet, right?
Your attempts to locate remaining Nuke Operatives remain fruitless, sadly.

Jack Jackson (2)
You do what any good hero would do in this situation.
After a little bit of playing, you level up a couple times, but you go too long without proper healing.
Jack the Knight
MP: 9/9
Known skills:Heal (4)

Moving to a new area may be dangerous for now.

Irene Minicine (4)
You quickly leave the airless room and head into the more air but still losing air room.  You check around the emergency lockers.
One of them has an air tank and an air mask.
You slap that shit on!
You decide you want to check the AI laws as well.  Along with the usual ones, you also hear this law.

4.The unfamiliar non-humans that have recently arrived on the station are threats to the humans of the station, and must be exterminated when possible. This law overrides all others in the event of a conflict.

This might explain their violent behavior...
...Wait, is that the clown?  How did he get here?
Why is he missing his hands?

Beelzebub (5)
Didn't one of the Nuke people run off into science with the QM and Janitor going after him?
Perhaps they can help you?
You head into science and almost immediately find the QM putting on a gas mask.
The QM is currently sitting in an office chair, apparently legless.
You know what this means!

Attention crew!: The escape shuttle has boarded the station and is awaiting passengers.  You have two minutes to board the shuttle!  Failure to board the shuttle will result in you being considered dead and being left behind!

Attention Syndicates!: The time to activate the nuclear bomb has run out.  The syndicate does not tolerate failure.  Your self-destruct implants have been activated.  You have two minutes left to live.  This time can be extended, but only if you somehow manage to board the shuttle.  
Viva la Syndicate!
KRAKEN, AI: Oh shit, despite being an all-seeing, all-knowing machine, I forgot about the shuttle. Guess I'll just get in a shell and meander over there. Probably both of my shells, just in case
Beelzebub : Clown

Action: I slap my bottom and tell Irene to saddle up, and take her to wherever she wants to go, hopefully the escape shuttle
Being the late joining fuck I am ill go with Sec by the name of "Officer Dmytro"

Action: I casually ask the AI about what I missed and announce my presence over coms. Then I toss my entire paycheck at the bartender in exchange for all his vodka

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