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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
Jerkop-4 calmly waits until the Donk he ate earlier does it's fucking job for once and turns him into an unstoppable twitchy popeye reject. Once that happens, he anticlimactically sets off a flashbang and shoots everyone and wins the game.
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.
(I say we keep the round going until the shuttle reaches centcom, see how things go)

I drag the captured syndie in front of the security team, take off his spacesuit, search his backpack for any loot, then tell security to bring the op to centcom for interrogation, before I go back into medbay to find and steal their nuke for my collection.
Oh yeah I also transfer all the tools in my utility belt into the fancy gold belt I stole from him and put it on.
Irene Mincine, QM.

I am incompetent. frown

"Well... uh... cooked works for me?" I press the COOK JERKOP button on the combustion chamber once the canister is hooked up. "Should we get to the shuttle or just leave him here?"
KRAKEN, AI: (I vote wait, might as well). Given the humans have a decent grip on the nuke-op, i stand around and supervise
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)

Shoes, perfect. Now to get more. The syndicate operative tied up in Chemistry is definitely a possible way for me to get more shoes...

  • Stand next to anyone near the syndicate operative.
  • Add 25u of neurotoxin into beaker #3.
  • Add 25u of smoke powder into beaker #3.
  • Observe the phlogiston/neurotoxin/perflurodecalin smoke as it makes its way into those near the operative's lungs.
  • Unbuckle the operative, pull him, and yakety-sax away to find somewhere quiet.
Vote Results:
Literally every vote was to keep going so guess what's gonna happen bro?

Beelzebub (3)
You take your wheelbarrel of bananas down to medbay.  Upon being let in by the AI, you notice Dr.Acula inside the medical director's room.
You knock on the window with your oversized shoe protected feet.
Dr.Acula proceeds to go to sleep.
Adorable.  Unhelpful, but adorable.

Jhon Warcleans (3) + Irene Minicine (5) vs. Jerk-Op #4 (2) vs. BEEP-BOOP (1)
"Well, I suppose jamming him into the gas chamber and pushing the spark button is as good a solution as any..."
You and the Janitor proceed to shove the Operative into the testing chamber naked.
He seems less than happy.
He seems less happy once the fire starts.
You head into the last known location of the Nuke Op and janitor/QM standoff.
Nobody is in the chemical room.

Jack Jackson (N/A)
One of the Nuclear Operatives is successfully in custody.  Even more, you have a really neato belt.
You head into Medbay and look around to see if the nukies left their nuke in here.........
Ah, there it is.  Right next to those two dead medical staff.

You keep a watchful eye on the developments in the science wing.
The two humans stuff the non-human into the toxin testing chamber and proceed to set him on fire.
You are happy to be able to follow your laws with so little effort.
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.

I bring the nuke to my office for safe keeping, use one of the power cells in the engineering lobby to recharge my stungloves, then go play on the arcade machine in escape to pass the time.
KRAKEN, AI: While I chuckle in glee at the scene in toxins, I check in with BEEP-BOOP, given we haven't spoken in a bit.
Beelzebub : Clown

I stop Jack Jackson. He looks like a handyman that could help me with my handy problem.
Jhon Warcleans, Janitor Provocateur:

I proceed to put on all of Jerkop#4's gear, except his ID of course.
"Hey look at me i'm a terrorist haha"

";AI, where's the clown?"
I wander off to see if he's in the mood for a good old fashioned harassment.
As Jerkop-4 is being dragged to the combustion chamber, he thinks to himself about the events that took place up to this point.

About the syndicate Donk Pockets that did precisely nothing.

About the cloud of spiders that singlehandedly enuselessened his battlebuddy with no chance to do anything but suck and die.

About the wave after wave of flashbangs that doing anything virtually impossible--for himself, mostly.

About the utter lack of a captain to have the disk to even complete this mission.

In the moment before he succumbs to the plasma-oxygen flames, hoping to catch the janitor in the blast of his fail-deadly bomb implant, he thinks about whether to post all this on the forums as a bug report or just shoot off a nasty adminhelp. He does both and explodes.
Irene Mincine, QM


"We need to get to the shuttle." Irene, who definitely didn't cheat, heads off in that direction, assuming she wasn't blown to bits by the jerkop's bomb implant.
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)

I mean, I was already in Chemistry with them, and his shoes but sure. Maybe the emagging is messing with my optical sensors.

  • Ask the AI via silicon chat where any of those red-dressed newbies are. Proceed to that location, or go looking in likely places myself if no useful response.
  • If I find one that's alive: if they have their gas mask, do as per last round's mixing if anyone else is near them. If they don't have a gas mask, just grab him and use my superior speed to GTFO of there. I'm going to need a highly trained operative to help me acquire more shoes.
Manne Love, Chaplain:

I open my chair, stand atop it, and let loose a mighty moonsault upon the station itself.

This is not the best idea ever. The constant woo'ing may have deprived my brain of much needed oxygen. It happens.
Jack Jackson (N/A)
You stuff the nuke in your office for safe keeping.  What better place to keep a weapon of mass destruction than in your trophy room?
To pass the time, you start up the arcade in the escape lounge.
Welcome to ye olde arcade game.  In this game, you play as a heroic knight trying to fulfill thy quest.  To exit the game, simply say Exit Game as well as whatever boring task you would rather do.
Jack the Knight
MP: 0/0
Known skills: None
Thou are standing outside of thy castle after receiving a holy quest from thy king.  Promises of adventure await you!
There is a castle in view.  It is surrounded by a moat.  There's not much else of importance.  What does thou wish to do?

You attempt to contact BEEP-BOOP.
You can't seem to connect.  Weird...

Beelzebub (2)
You attempt to get the attention of the medical staff in the surgery room.
They appear to be sleeping.
Or dead?
Either way, they don't seem to feel like helping you.

Jhon Warcleans (1) + Irene Minicine (3) vs. Jerk-Op #4 (Explosion Source, Automatic 1)
Jhon and yourself are having a fun time talking about how hilarious it was to see a nuclear operative spasm all over the floor.  Then the Nuclear Op explodes.  Both you and Jhon are relatively close to the blast.
You yourself end up losing a leg from the blast.
Jhon on the other hand was super close and is now a pile of gibs.
Man, if this isn't an awkward way to end the day, you're not sure what is.  Also, Toxins is losing air really fast.

You attempt to contact the AI.
You keep getting a communications error.
You attempt to look yourself instead.
It appears the security team is escorting the Nuke Op to security.  You're not sure what for.  It seems some of security is arresting the chaplain as well for some reason?

Manne Love (2)
You get on your chair and attempt to body slam the very station itself.
Unfortunately, one of the security officers stupidly gets in the way.
Congratulations.  You have been arrested.  Now what?

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