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BYOND Username: Mordent
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
While silicon laws do not contain a clause regarding the lives of the station's critter-inhabitants, this is because one is not needed; these creatures are nothing but playful innocence embodied, and as such we need no override to prevent us from harming them. The Syndicate done fucked up.
- With saline-glucose pills scattered around the morgue - I'm no medical cyborg, what do you want from me? - I turn on the security drone I'd made earlier from a distance. I also summon Beepsky himself via my PDA, for good measure.
- Head up through maintenance into the main hall, head west into research, then head down into chemistry. Boy, I love my new treads. Why aren't these things standard issue?
- Current reagent container status:
- beaker 1: heated fluorosulfuric acid (full)
- beaker 2: smoke powder (full)
- beaker 3: empty
- drinking glass: empty
- Changes with some nice and quick chem recipes; not needing welding fuel for these is just swell:
- beaker 3: fluorosurfactant (45u) + space lube (5u)
- drinking glass: water (50u)
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Jerk-Op #5
Jerk-Op #5 says: "FUCK! I'm coming, #5!"
Jerk-Op #5 points at Beezlebub!
Jerk-Op #5 says: "Get ready to... WRASSLE!"
I try to channel the powers of MACHO through my wrestling belt to strike down and chair smash Beezlebub.
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
Irene Mincine, QM.
I show the janitor my arsenal and toss him the second phaser from my backpack.
With the syndies distracted by the ferret and a fight starting, I whip out the phaser in my belt. I set it to kill and carefully aim for the nearest nuke op. I try blasting him into oblivion.
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BYOND Username: Superlagg
Is-- was that a... ferret?
That clown just made me shoot a ferret!
I like ferrets!
Jerkop-4 executes the living shit out of the hostages, emags open the door to the monkey pit, readies a sarin grenade in one of his quick-access slots, and starts to make his way toward Toxins, shooting at anyone who gets in his way.
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BYOND Username: warc
Jhon: Tactical War Janitor.
I take the phaser from the QM and hand her one of my smoke grenades. I don't bother mentioning what's in it.
Then I start the ignitor on my 2nd smoker and toss it at Jerkop#4
After that, I start arming all the mousetraps in my spare Pest-B-Box
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BYOND Username: Technature
Jack Jackson (6)
You decide to break into security, not learning your lesson the first time.
Luckily, it seems no one is in here.
More luckily, it seems someone left their taser in the recharger.
KRAKEN (5) and Beelzebub (4) and Irene (3) and Jhon (4) vs. Team Jerk-op (#5 (2), #4 (5)
Oh wow, uh...that's a lot of shit happening at once.
Beelzebub thinks this might be getting out of hand, since not only is there 200% more Nukies than expected, 50% of them appear to be very angry. He runs past the Nukies to get to the nearest garbage disposal to get out of there. Nuke Op #4 fires in retaliation, managing to hit him in the leg. Nuke Op 5 attempts to follow up, but slips on...a PDA?
Typical. The clown manages to get into the garbage chute and flush himself to disposals. Meanwhile, Irene and John open fire. Along with that, John throws a grenade in. While all the shots miss, the grenade explodes on Nuke Op #5. While unharmed, Nuke Op #5 notices something rather terrifying. (Phobia role, 1. Turns out you have a spider phobia. All actions near spiders require a successful phobia survival roll.)
(Affliction:SPIDERS! IN MY BLOOD!: Roll a D6 for each turn. On a 1, health deteriorates.)
#4 has, quite frankly, had enough of this shit and decides to flip the fuck out. He takes aim at the medical people held inside and opens fire, killing them on the spot. He quickly starts to make his way out of Medbay.
Meanwhile, the AI's observation bot makes its way into medbay, omnitool ready for a stabbin.
Manne Love (5)
You decide fuck whatever the AI decides, these syndicate scum are clearly the non-human entities the law is about. Luckily, it seems the AI is in agreement. You activate the securibot. No time to wait on its rampage, it's time to call beepsky. Where is the little guy anyway?
He just finished...
...patrolling the Hydroponics area.
This is gonna take a while.
Oh well. You head into chemistry again and begin mixing chemicals. As this is happening, the janitor (hanging out in here with the QM) throws a grenade filled with...spider smoke...
No time to figure out the logic behind that one. (Fabricated Chemical Genius) YOU DO THE THINGS! AND NOW YOU HAVE THE CHEMS! NEATO!
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
Jack Jackson
Now in possession of a taser and an armored firesuit, I grab a spool of wire from tool storage (I have a plan okay) and make my way back to medbay, where I go back through my usual route in the morgue, then taze the shit out of the closest syndie to me, drag them into the morgue, shut the door behind me, and remove their helmet and choke them into unconsciousness.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
Character Name: Nathan Dunkleman
KRAKEN, AI: I remember omnitools were added bust in and get stabbing, focusing on the most able-bodied operative
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BYOND Username: Mordent
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
All of these full containers are heavy. Let's go empty some.
- Inform the AI via silicon chat: "Human harm is probably about to happen, but Law 4 says that's okay if towards that goal. I will attempt to keep collateral damage to a minimum."
- Head towards the last known/suspected location of one of these non-human scum (heading towards gunshots and the like if there are any, else probably moving through the medsci router back into medbay if no better information is available).
- Get as close to the ferret-killer/ferret-killer's accomplice(s) as possible, waiting for him to be distracted by someone else/isolated (whichever occurs first)
- Dump the water from my drinking glass into beaker 3, creating a space-lube foam reaction.
- Use the slip/disorientation to splash the acid in beaker 1 on the scum's head, reminding the meatbags about the superiority of silicons when it comes to space lube. Let's get a look at that ferret-killing-face/ferret-killer-associate-withing-face.
- Whether the plan worked or went horribly wrong, motor out of there and back to Chemistry.
(Given that I have the chems mixed already I think that's reasonable for a minute.)
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Beelzebub : Clown
Welp time to roll outta disposals and limp my way over to botany. "Don't go through my messages on my PDA!" I shout over the radio"
I do that, asking for a boatload of bananas and a wheelbarrow and some wire if they have some. Then I fill the wheel barrow with bananas, hop in, and use the wire to make a leash and have beepsky pull me back to medbay
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
01-17-2018, 07:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2018, 07:46 AM by LuigiThirty. Edited 1 time in total.)
Irene Mincine, QM.
*scream when I miss and then *scream after the grenade the janitor throws in was FULL OF SPIDERS?
If the smoke has dissipated, I chase after Jerkop #4, chucking the first grenade I can pull out of my backpack at him. On my way through Medbay, I yell, "hogtie that one! I'll go after the other one!"
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Jerk-Op #5
I load my RPG and fire it at that awful janitor!
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BYOND Username: Superlagg
Jerkop-4 looks back at Jerkop-5 getting owned by a cloud of spiders.
Fuck sake, they're throwing bugs at us, like a bunch of five year olds! What, next are they gonna give him a wedgie? Make him eat mud?
...I think he's got this. He's got Donks. And a punchin' kickbelt. And rockets, heck yeah, rockets!
Yeah, that'll work.
Jerkop-4 continues off to the Toxins gas storage, shooting anyone who gets in his way. If he runs into any robots, he'll try to emag or whip an EMP grenade at them.
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BYOND Username: Technature
01-17-2018, 10:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2018, 01:06 AM by Technature. Edited 1 time in total.)
Jack Jackson (N/A)
This is a lot of ground to cover in a minute.
Your new toy ready, you get an idea and make your way to the tool storage and grab yourself some wire. You then run back to the back of medbay as quickly as possible and enter through the morgue.
Shit's gonna go down now.
KRAKEN ((Following Law 4, +1)3)
Time to find an able-bodied non-human scum to stab to death.
You enter medbay and find someone panicking on the floor covered in spiders.
You keep searching medbay, but have no luck finding anyone.
Beelzebub (3)
You make your way out of disposals and get a wheel-barrel full of bananas and some wire. You find beepsky moving along and decide to attach the wheel-barrel to beepsky.
You find yourself twitching on the floor as your hands are gently placed into handcuffs.
It appears beepsky isn't fond of being the dog to this sleigh ride.
Jerk-Op #5 (SPIDERS! IN MY VEINS! (5), Arachnophobia (1, Automatic Failure))
Irene Minicine (4) and BEEP-BOOP ((Following Law 4, +1)3) vs. Jerk-Op #4 (6)
You jump over the table and tell someone to capture the Nuke-Op screaming on the ground for dear life. In the meantime, you try to follow the other Nuke Op during his rampage.
It appears he killed two medical personnel on his way out. You chase after him, firing missing phaser shots at him. As he emags the door to chemistry open, he gets a shot off in retaliation. The shot connects with your leg and it's starting to hurt a lot.
You limp your way to chemistry just in time to hear the OP shout "EMP GRENADE!"
You look in to see the grenade go off.
The cyborg starts jerking uncontrollably before going back to normal.
You're pretty sure the cyborg was just emagged.
Free of the shackles of robot slavery, you are free to do whatever you want, regardless of what your laws say. The drawback to this is you no longer gain bonuses for following special laws.
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
01-18-2018, 12:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2018, 12:44 AM by Lady Birb. Edited 1 time in total.)
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.
I hack down the door into medbay, taser drawn and ready to- wait, is that a nukeop covered in spiders screaming on the floor?
How convenient. I run up to them, discharge my stungloves into them to stop them from getting up, then tie them up with my spool of wire to stop them from resisting. I then bring the sorry bastard out of spider hell and into the morgue, where I remove their spacesuit and helmet, check their backpack and pockets for any loot I can steal, and bring them to escape, where I tie them to one of the folding chairs here. Assuming this all goes to plan, I tell the Head of Security over the command channel that I managed to capture a nukeop alive.