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BYOND Username: warc
All right, time for part two of
Jhon Warcleans: Ultra Chemical Janitor Extraordinaire!
Pop into chemistry for a few beakers and igniter assemblies.
Gonna fill these bad boys with spiders and smoke powder and strap it all togetherlike.
it's time.
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BYOND Username: Superlagg
I can't hear shit, but I think that clown is the captain! Nanotrassen is so stupid!
To show he means business, Jerkop-4 flexes, does a backflip, and shoots the chief engineer.
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BYOND Username: Technature
Jack Jackson (5) and Beelzebub (6) vs. Jerk-Ops #4 (5)
"Wait! Don't shoot!" the...clown? Shouts as the door opens. He raises his hands before saying "I'm the captain, and I'm here to negotiate!"
You're pretty sure the station isn't taking your threat very seriously.
Fuck it.
"All right. Fine. Tell you what. You get me the authentication disk. Otherwise..."
You aim right behind him and shoot at the chief engineer. However, he closes the door before you even fire your gun.
"That and your brain are gonna start becoming...close friends. If you get my drift."
Even though it didn't hit anything, you're pretty sure that was totally badass.
Irene Minicine (5):
"The good shit? Uh, yeah. I think I can find something in here...hold on..."
You get a suspicious looking crate labelled "The good shit". Inside this crate appears to be an experimental grenade kit, some medical supplies, and a Double barrel shotgun with enough ammo for 5 rounds.
That can't possibly be legal.
The left behind weapons crate contains two phasers.
The captain tells you that it would probably be a good idea to keep ordering weapons if the budget allows it, but to help out when you can.
So do whatever I guess?
KRAKEN (1) vs. BEEP-BOOP (3)
What does the law mean exactly?
It does seem open to a lot of interpretation. You say that it's most likely involving the threatening red suited gentlemen currently in medbay. When asked why you think this, the only answer you can give is "Well, isn't it obvious?", which is probably not the best answer.
BEEP-BOOP reasons that it is entirely possible that there may be something else on the station that only security knows about, and that the reason they haven't said anything is they don't wish to alarm the civilians. Considering who the civilians are, this seems like faulty logic. It's still better than the reason you have though.
It is ultimately up to you how all silicons interpret the law in the end, though BEEP-BOOP's reasoning seems significantly less flawed than yours. Not to mention that misinterpreting the law could mean being terminated. Which would suck.
Jhon Warcleans (5)
You take out your trusty rusty tools and get to work on the toxins door.
After a few attempts, you make your way in and start making Spider Smoke grenades.........somehow.
Depowering, turning ID checking on/off, and bolting/unbolting doors is now an effortless action to you.
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.
With the responsibility of dealing with the nukeops now on the clown, I make my way to the Cargo bay to assist the Quartermaster in her duties in any way I can, stopping by mechanics to recharge my stungloves in the process.
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I say "I'm perfectly willing to surrender the disk, and myself, to you in exchange for the release of the hostages. I'm going to remove the disk from my bag now. It's in this box"
Action: I slowly take the box out of my bag and slide it towards Jerk-Ops 4 with my oversized shoe
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
Irene Mincine, QM.
Yesssssssss! I shove one phaser in my belt and the other in my backpack. The medical supplies and grenade kit go in my backpack. The shotgun I load and pump like an action hero. I'm going to sneak the back way into Medbay. I use my all-access ID to go through Research, the chemistry lab, then into Pathology.
Chemistry lab? Huh! I examine the experimental grenade kit closely to see what I can do with it here.
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BYOND Username: warc
Jhon Warcleans:
I grab some internals from toxins and make my way through the airlocks toward chemistry, to get a view through the pharmacy to see how the situation has developed since I escaped. I try to be stealthy about it.
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BYOND Username: Superlagg
Jerkop-4 picks up the box and dumps it on the floor. If it's full of that'd piss him off, he's gonna say screw it and go make a canbomb in toxins. And shoot the clown.
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BYOND Username: Mordent
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
- Whatever. The AI will work out who we're supposed to be exterminating soon enough.
- Move over to the morgue via escape and maintenance to take a peak at medbay, where there are lots of fun sounds.
- Spit out some saline-solution pills via my internal ChemMaster to give the wounded crewman while making sure to stay clear of any open doors that shots might be coming through.
- Ask "What's the sitch, friend-o?" like the kids these days speak again for some reason to anyone who seems able to form a response.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
Character Name: Nathan Dunkleman
KRAKEN, AI: Being lost in a law discussion, I keep an eye on the syndicates while I spend most of my attention just staring at my laws
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BYOND Username: Technature
01-15-2018, 11:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2018, 11:04 PM by Technature. Edited 2 times in total.)
Jack Jackson (Automatic Failure)
You make your way to assist the QM in any way you can. However, it seems the department is completely empty.
You decide to just recharge your gloves here instead.
Beelzebub (6) vs. Jerk Op #4 (5)
You pick up the box and immediately dump its contents on the floor.
Your vision is suddenly filled with fur.
You tear the ferret from your face and immediately open fire on it.
The ferret lays on the floor dead.
You feel rather angry about this.
Irene Minicine (N/A)
You make your way to science in an attempt to take the syndicates by surprise. You get through and make your way to the chemistry lab.
You have an easy view of medbay from here. It seems at the end is one of the syndicate operatives think the captain?
It appears the Janitor is watching the syndicates from here. After hearing a gunshot, you look out to see what's going on.
There is a dead animal on the floor, currently bleeding out.
Jhon Warcleans (N/A)
You make your way to chemistry to get a look at the situation. Upon arriving, it appears one of the QMs is here as well.
From what you can tell, one of the syndicates are dealing with what appears to be the captain at the end of the room. (Distracted) He appears to be too busy to notice you.
The Nuclear Operative takes the box offered by the captain and is immediately assaulted by...something?
After he shoots it dead, it appears to be a small animal.
You make your way to the morgue to get an eye on the situation in medbay. You open the door just enough to see outside.
The captain...ID, the clown dressed as the captain, appears to be discussing something with the Nuclear Operative outside.
The operative opens the box and is immediately attacked by a small furry animal. In his rush, he tears it off of him and shoots it.
How rude.
You're half focused on the syndicate and 75% focused on the law debate.
Your attention immediately turns to the syndicate when you hear a gunshot from your camera.
The syndicate appears to have fired on the ferret. You're pretty sure the clown won't live for very long.
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
01-15-2018, 11:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2018, 11:39 PM by Lady Birb. Edited 1 time in total.)
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.
With the QM nowhere to be seen, I decide to try my luck and hack into security again to try and get some armor. Hopefully they will all be too busy in medbay to stop me from stealing anything. Maybe grab a stun baton if there is one available.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
Character Name: Nathan Dunkleman
01-16-2018, 01:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2018, 03:49 AM by NateTheSquid. Edited 1 time in total.)
KRAKEN, AI: That's it, not only did this non-human scum kill a ferret, but they seem like they're endangering the clown! I attempt to blow a welding tank, if there's one that I don't believe will hit the clown but will hit the syndicate. If I can't find a tank in the right spot, I'll switch to the good ol' "deploy to a shell, push the target into a shocked door repeatedly while stabbing with a screwdriver" strategy
edit: god i hope we get some sick accidental clown bullshit where he jumps into the morgue chute as the room explodes into fire, but i just gotta believe in the heart of the dice
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01-16-2018, 03:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2018, 03:38 AM by Frank_Stein. Edited 1 time in total.)
"Pop goes the... weasel?"
Huh, Ferret went down faster than I thought it would...
Action: I still throw the rest of my meat and stimulant slurry at Jerk Op 4 as I had been planning all along, then dive into the morgue chute in the hopes that they're to icked out to hit me.
I honk my horn furiously and drop my PDA on the floor along the way
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Joined: Oct 2014
Manne Love, Chaplain:
If I'm not dead I'm still woo'in.
(Busy IRL. Who even am I?)