01-11-2018, 06:54 AM
Warcleans: "Dear Bar Captain, gimme some more ants before I make myself regret it"
then it's off to break into the medical station nearby!
then it's off to break into the medical station nearby!
Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
01-11-2018, 06:54 AM
Warcleans: "Dear Bar Captain, gimme some more ants before I make myself regret it"
then it's off to break into the medical station nearby!
01-11-2018, 08:01 AM
Manne Love, Chaplain:
More wooing, just off to the side a bit. I can't think of anything better to do right now. Can't think over all the wooing.
01-11-2018, 12:33 PM
Jerkop-4 pries his hand out of the trap and shakes off some of the throbbing in his palm. He then resets the trap, jimmies one of *his* flashbangs in there, and tosses the assembly by the front entrance. See how you jackasses like it. He then spends one of his bonus telecrystals on a box of EMP grenades and Emags the closed-and-bolted entrances from Robotics, Maintenance, and the Morgue. Pretty sure that fucks the door up forever, maybe? Or fucks them open? They're fucked anyway, probably. ...like three mousetraps away from just blasting my way into Toxins and canbombing this fuckhell to shit! "Fivesy, would you get one of them headsets offa someone and ask *politely* where's their damn captain at?"
01-11-2018, 02:52 PM
Irene Mincine, QM.
Well, the booze didn't kill me so that's a plus. I bottle it and offer some to anyone who rolls up to Cargo! With the threat of nuke ops, I figure I should stay here in case we need supplies. I ask the Captain to route more money to the shipping budget.
01-11-2018, 03:39 PM
Jack Jackson, Chief engineer.
Now or Never! I have had a bunch of low rolls this round but I am taking a risk anyway! I hack through the door leading from the morgue to medbay, then tackle the closest op to me with my stungloves before dragging them into the morgue and prying the door shut, before I pin them to the ground under my magboots and try to unscrew their helmet so I can choke them into unconsciousness; smacking them a few times with my crowbar if they start getting up.
01-11-2018, 11:59 PM
"Hey you little red wearing pieces of shit. You better stop what you're doing right now if you know what's good for ya, you understand?" Security seems confused by this. The HoS himself seems to be heading towards your upload, and will probably be there in a minute. Perhaps you should of specified WHICH red wearing pieces of shit you're talking about? BEEP-BOOP (Mousetrap (2, -1), 3) You unbolt and rebolt a door near medbay to get to robotics, running past a Nuke op screaming his lungs off. Something about mouse traps. You activate the fabricator. Looks like it only has materials for one securidrone. Oh well, it's better than nothing. You hear a scuffle happen outside robotics. Curious, you decide to investigate. *BANG* VISUAL SENSOR OVERLOAD! VISUAL SENSOR OVERLOAD! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Beelzebub (4): You send QM a secret message for paint. You make your way to QM, hearing again "Anything to get that fuck face away from here." You got paint ![]() Jhon Warcleans (6) "Uh...sure? I guess I could get some more from the stash." Looks like the bartender keeps these things around for some reason. ANYWAYS, TIME TO DO THE IMPORTANT THINGS! You take a screwdriver and go to break into the mini-medbay...but then you remember that you have access to it as the janitor. You open the door and let yourself in. Manne Love (5) You keep up the impression. "...oh, I get it now. Huh." You listen to the security guards explain what it is you're doing before hearing each of them audibly get it. You have no idea what you accomplished. Jerkop-4 (Mousetrap (1, -1), 2) vs. Jack Jackson (Mousetrap (1, -1) 1) With your sight back, you take the mousetrap off of your hand and, with your last few telecrystals, order a box of grenades, promptly sticking one of the flashbangs on it. Suddenly, one of the doors nearby opens, someone leaping towards you. You attempt to fend back when...oh shit, where'd the mousetrap go? Oh no... OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO-*bang* SWEET CHRIST NOT AGAIN! At least someone else suffers for this. Irene Mincine (5) You decide that now is the best time to start making money. You decide to sell some of your homemade booze to the station goers. There's not much business, but it's still made more than it's price of what you spent. Profit!
01-12-2018, 12:22 AM
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer
"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT MY FUCKING EYES WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE FUCKING PEOPLE?" I grasp around trying to get my assailant with my stungloves. As my vision returns, I grab them by the neck with the business end of my gloves(in case I didn't manage to stun them already) and then put them in a headlock and raise them up as a human shield as I back into the morgue, trying to unscrew their helmet so I can choke them out all the while.
01-12-2018, 12:26 AM
KRAKEN, AI: I inform BEEP-BOOP of the likely incoming law change of some description, then get back to work keeping an eye on the syndicates. I trust the HoS not to straight up murder me, and if he does, well, I'll get real steamed about it
01-12-2018, 03:27 AM
Alright I think I've got what I needed. Time to put it all together Actions:
01-12-2018, 04:16 AM
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
01-12-2018, 10:31 AM
Jhon Wharcleans, Jhanitor Shupreme:
If there's any sort of medical personnel nearby, I grab an air tank and: "Doc, shove this shit in my chest pronto- i need to save the world" *flex *flex *flex *flex *flex *flex *flex *flex If there is no medical, I loot a burn kit, brute kit, and pop a bunch of salbutamol and painkillers, and dash on my noble floor-sparkling steed to research maint.
01-12-2018, 12:27 PM
Irene Mincine, QM:
*scream as the clown dumps a whole paint bucket on himself. Then, I fabricate some treads for BEEP-BOOP. I grab an oil can from the arc smelter room and apply oil to the treads, too. Gotta go fast! Irene Mincine says, "Borg, if you can get me an all-access ID, I'll order some heavy weapons crates and stash them here. Give the word and I'll come running."
01-12-2018, 02:15 PM
Jerkop #5
I continue to cover myself with the RPG, ready to blow up any intruders.
01-12-2018, 04:19 PM
Manne Love, Chaplain:
Satisfied, I admire myself.
01-12-2018, 06:23 PM
"WOW HOLY SHIT GOOD THING I DIDN'T PUT A SARIN IN THERE GOOD GRIFF! GUESS I AIN'T SEEING ANYTHING TODAY!" Jerkop-4 quaffs the Donk he's been trying to quaff for the past several minutes, then starts punching around wildly, blind and hoping to clobber whoever just ran in yelling. |
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