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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
Miner here again. Gonna go ahead and just keep using the mineral magnet until I get some cool stuff. Then create industrial stuffz when I can. Also, gonna hack and bolt mining and attempt to build a wall around mining, and make a disposals system which delivers my ore to the QM without needing me to go over there.
Two out of a few? Couple more than nothing! Fantastic! Time to get on down to hostage town!

But first, it's like what mother always said: guns are for shooting or storing, and walking aint either. Jerkop-4's well familiar with Nanotrasen's crew, the grabby fucks; doesn't matter if you're not done with it yet, they'll slap *anything* out of your hands and run away with it like a goddamn monkey.

Must be why they keep so many.

So, he slips his gun back into his fannypack and-- hey, someone's still roughly here!

"Ey Jitterbuddy, want a bite of my Donk? Got plenty in the OR!"

Jerkop-4 makes his way into the operating room, motioning for him to follow.
Manne Love, Chaplain:

Well now that that'd done I wave bye to the Clown and head to QM and try to order a trained gym monkey or two for training my flock. The ones with an obedience implant. The others are cheaper quite cheaper, but a pain to manage.

(I was gonna make a suit of money but I didn't feel the DiBiase)
(because I was not mentioned last update I am just going to assume I succeeded in making stungloves because fuck you)
Jack Jackson: Chief Engineer

'Unscheduled renovations'? That is not happening under my watch! I enable my internals, put on my spacesuit, and run to medbay to get ready to discipline a motherfucker.
(01-08-2018, 06:06 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: (because I was not mentioned last update I am just going to assume I succeeded in making stungloves because fuck you)

Holy shit sorry!
Probably a good thing to assume since that strikes me as effortless.

It's not often the crew can see a live weapon guaranteed to kill everyone within a million mile radius if anyone so much as looks at it funny.  You decide to alert everyone of its presence and encourage them to come and see it.

Security in particular seems to be interested in it.

Beelzebub (2) vs. BEEP-BOOP (4)
You think it likes the meatball.  It's almost taken the bait, and you're ready to pull.
Suddenly, the door opens and a cyborg barges in.
*synthetic scream
The ferret gets scared and runs out the open door.
Well that's six minutes of your life wasted.

Casany (2)
You turn on the mining magnet again.
Looks like it brought in a charcoal filled asteroid this time.
Better than ice.

Jerk Op #4 (Mouse Traps, 3. Roll -1)(Natural 1)
The medical person went into the waiting room from the looks of it.  You follow him and try to bribe him with a donk.
He appears to be talking to a security officer.
This is awkward. You back up and accidentally set off a mouse trap, catching the guards attention.
The guard must be new, as his first reaction to seeing you is throwing a flashbang and running off with the medical officer.
Security probably knows you're here now.

Manne Love (N/A)
You wave goodbye to the clown and wish him luck on his quest to obtain the ferret.  Then you head to QM to try to order some pre-trained monkies.
There seem to be a large number of people riding skateboards.  Weird.

Jack Jackson (N/A)
Equipped with your punishment gloves that were definitely mentioned you head to medbay, hearing of unscheduled renovations you didn't approve of.  Upon reaching medbay, you notice a number of security outside.  They mention something about an explosion happening in medbay.

You definitely don't remember approving explosives.


Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.

Fuckin' SYNDIES trying to blow up MY FUCKING STATION?
I begin to make my way through maintenance to hack into the morgue, and then hack and partially open the door connecting the morgue to medbay so I can peek in to scan the area and see if the syndies have their backs turned.
I've made one roll, I'm pretty sure. Let's do some more difficult stuff.

KRAKEN, AI: Upon hearing the announcement about syndicates and death, I decide to kick into action. I attempt to lock down any visible syndicates, and try to keep the crew as informed of their location as I can, manually following them with my cams if they move around
Beelzebub: Clown

Action: Chase that fukkin ferret. It's key to my plan to stop the syndicates
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)


Excellent efficiency on the minutes-spent/clown-minutes-wasted there, not quite a personal best but not far off. Following the large red (because transmissions come with metadetails) notice, time to assess current priorities.
  • Ask the AI via silicon chat: "Does the syndicate presence constitute a concern with regards to Law 3? Do we have any directives regarding how to approach this?"
  • While waiting for a response, head to cargo and see if the QM needs me to drag some supplies for dealing with this threat anywhere.
Irene Mincine, QM

What kind of renovations need guns?

Oh! Shit! Nuke ops!

Well, if they insist...

- *scream
- I order some weapons crates from the QM console and tell the borg to get them to whoever needs them. I then gather all the plant material I can find and start brewing as much alcohol as possible in my home brewing kit, because I’m going to need it.
Alright! Fuckin' contact!

Jerkop-4, quick as a button, snarfs a pocketed Donk and ducks into the operating room in response to the thrown flashbang.

Once inside, he swipes a headset from one of the hostages. Aw man, woulda been hilarious to have the mic on when the flashbang went off.

Into the headset, Jerkop-4 says, "Mornin', 'trasers! Gimme yer captain if you wanna live! Just want 'em and we'll be on our merry little way!"

Grab another box of pest-b-gone from my closet (backpack it), a mechanical toolbox from maintenance, and head back to the bar to make some tactical area denial chems, breaking into the bar if necessary. Space lube would be nice, maybe with some Styptic Powder to give away the position of anyone who slips in it. Also maybe some sulf. acid. dice roll i guess.

dunno if that fits in one action, but hey i missed a turn anyways.
Manne Love, Chaplain:

The monkeys will have to wait. I stuff the loose money in my wrassle thong, grab a folding chair, and set off towards the action.
i become very interested in the other side of the station and run like a complete chicken to the bar, then decide to be less of a chicken and sneak back to medbay, looking for injured people along the way while yelling PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I HAVE A FAMILY OF CHICKENS
Jack Jackson (Mousetrap, 3 (-1), Natural 1): SYNDICATES!  ON THIS STATION!?!  Well shit, guess it's more likely than you'd think.  I'm sorry.
You head into maintenance and begin hacking the door.........
...wait, did you grab the tools you needed to do this?
You keep checking your pockets, but you can't find your basic tools.
Well shit.

You lock down medical completely.
Good news.  The only way the syndicates can get out is the way they came in.
Bad news.  The syndicates seem to have hostages.
More bad news. this seems to have stopped security from doing anything.
Even more bad news, a medical officer seems to have run in almost immediately before you locked it down, raising the hostage count.
On a side note, BEEP-BOOP seems to be seeking advice on how to handle the syndicate situation.

Beelzebub (6)
You hurry out the door after the ferret.  It's scampering its way towards the bar.  You run after it as quickly as you can, taking a leap of faith with your hands outstretched in an attempt to catch the ferret with your bare hands before it gets away.
Holy shit you got it!
You quickly stuff the ferret into your box before it gets away.

You ask the AI for suggestions on how to approach the situation.  You also reflect on law 3 and what it may mean.
Law 3:
  • A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
You're pretty sure that this means you have to do everything you can to stop the syndicates, as long as it doesn't actually harm humans or, less importantly, you're specifically told not to stop the syndicates.  If this unlikely event happens, you could probably convince them that the sheer presence of the syndicate is a likely sign of human danger.

Anyways, you head to QM and notice Irene has already ordered weapons to deal with the syndicate.  You remember seeing security near medbay on your way here.  You're pretty sure they would be able to use it best, or at least make sure the syndicates don't intercept it over other crewmen.  Bringing all of them over cakes a little more energy than usual.

Irene Minicine (5)
After ordering some weapon crates and sending the cyborg on his way, you find everything you can and start making some homemade alcohol.
This will probably take a minute or two to finish.

Jerkop-4 (Mousetraps (6), 2)
You try to get out of the room before the flashbang goes off.  In your panic, you nearly stumble over a table to get out before you hear a BANG and become blinded by light.
Oh sweet christ!  The retinas!  They burn!  The ringing!  It hurts!

Jhon Warcleans (2)
You head off to the bar and see the bartender at his post.  He's wielding a shotgun.  This and the combination of the syndicate presence convinces that you can put aside your differences created today and work together for now.  You can always break the lying fucks face later.

Anyways, you try to go off your knowledge of chemicals and request the bartender to make them for you.  Sadly, he doesn't know how to make anything that you're asking for.

Manne Love (N/A)
Fucking syndicates, always ruining the day.  You don't need a monkey, you need something that will help spread the love that is wrastlin.
You grab the nearest folding chair and make your way towards medbay.  Looks like all of security beat you to it though.

Montgommery Scott (N/A)
You get dragged out of medbay by a security officer shortly after he threw a flashbang inside.  Upon listening to the HoS's advice, you decide to heed it by heading to the bar.  You then decide to ignore it by going straight back to medbay, past the screaming security officers, and proceed to begin telling one of the nuke ops that killing you is a not cool thing to do.

You're not really sure what possessed you to do any of this.
Furthermore, medbay seems to be bolted right now for some reason.

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