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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
Gonna join in as a miner

Just gonna grab my gear, and make a power hammer of course. And then go about mining using the magnet.
Manne Love, Chaplain:
I head to the gym, switch out my black jumpsuit for a wrassle-thong, and start hitting up the workout machines. The Church says your body is your temple, but on this station I need an iron fortress.

Since it is my duty, I smack any injured folks I see with the Bible along the way.
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)


While awaiting a cell upgrade (so moving back to the charging dock if the AI/a roboticist comes to switch it out):
  • Self-install the propulsion upgrade (wasn't clarified that it was done in the last minute).
  • Broadcast over 145.9: "Hello, humans. Current medical personnel count is zero. Requesting staff assistant to report to robotics for module writing. Clonescans are recommended prior to death, due to lack of medical personnel to load your mangled carcasses into the clonescanner."
  • Using the nearby terminal by the cloner, look through crew medical records and note any who are Puritans.
Jhon Warcleans :

Let's ride this puppy all the way to the bar. And request some interesting floor mix if the bartender will oblige.
Drake Fisher, scientist.

I suggest that the coders do something anatomically unlikely with themselves, then fix the pad.
Name: Montgommery Scott

Job: Doctor

Actions: Grab some basic medical supplies and the defib, get cryo running, and start patrolling the station for hurt people.
KRAKEN, AI: "Of course, BEEP-BOOP"

And I deploy to my shell to replace their cell
Bryon Small (2)
You feel pretty exhausted from all that working out.  Now seems like a good time to break.

Jack Jackson
You stuff all the equipment listed in your "Basic tools for space survival" book and start wearing everything you can listed.  You feel safe (+1 survival rolls).
Time to steal shit for more safe stuff.  Wonder where  a good looting place would be...

Beelzebub ((Curse of the Clown) 2)
You throw your banana in anger.  And pain.  Mostly anger.  You head off into the bar and look at the pet ferrets scattered around the room.
Wait a minute, isn't this the Assistants lounge?

Jerkop Master Tech Operative #4 (5)
You order your things from your radio and stuff everything you think you need for the mission.
It seems you still have a few telecrystals left.

Casany (1)
You create and equip your trusty power hammer and activate the mining magnet.
It seems it brings in an asteroid made of ice.  It seems to contain nothing of value. Damn it.
The mining magnet can be used again in two minutes.

Manne Love (3)
You head to the gym and start listing some weights.  You feel a little tired after a little bit of effort.

(01-02-2018, 06:26 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: Self-install the propulsion upgrade (wasn't clarified that it was done in the last minute).
I'm shit at running games and I'm sorry OKAY!?!
I'm gonna get a lot of mileage out of this quote.
KRAKEN uses a shell to replace BEEPs cell.  BEEP-BOOP then proceeds to check the medical records for possible Puritans.
NEW EVENT:Anyone who dies for the first time rolls a D20.  On a 1, that person is a puritan and cannot be cloned.  Cloning will permanently remove the person from the game (and leave medbay in a messy state).  Silicons will automatically warn anyone against cloning Puritans if they know about their death.
BEEP goes to equip the upgrade that's already installed...weird.

Jhon Warcleans (2)
You head to the bar and ask for your choice of mix.  The bartender says he'll give you something, but you have to pay for it.

Drake Fisher (3)
Whelp, telesciencing ain't gonna happen if the pad ain't working.  You grab some nearby tools and work on it.
At this rate, you think you can get it working in two minutes.

Montgommery Scott (4)
You get ready to patrol around the station for injured and get the Cryo machine started.
You'll see anyone out in the open who is injured.  Anyone in maintenance or rooms you can't access will probably be missed.
"Hello, humans. Current medical personnel count is zero. Requesting staff assistant to report to robotics for module writing. Clonescans are recommended prior to death, due to lack of medical personnel to load your mangled carcasses into the clonescanner."


Special Note
Two minutes in and not a single 6 yet oh boy.
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.
Action: With no security officers, I decide nobody would be upset if I hacked into security to grab an armor vest to make my firesuit into an armored firesuit. Make sure to cover my tracks so no one else follows me in.
Irene Mincine, Quartermaster.

I latejoin and head down toward Cargo. I stop and grab a pack of Pro Puffs and a matchbook on the way, lighting and smoking the first cigarette I pull out. I check to see if Josh has any skateboards in stock.
Manne Love, Chaplain:

Ah, nice and warmed up! Sensing a dire lack of luck on the station, I attempt to roll a 6 with my d6! For reasons.

My faith is strong. God's will be done.
KRAKEN, AI: I close my core shield, change my colour to dark blue, my expression to surprised, and my status to the first 3 paragraphs of the wikipedia page for clowns.
I join as Jerkop Master Tech Operative #5 on the Syndicate shuttle.

I buy a wresting belt and 5 microbomb implants and equip all of these items.
Beelzebub: Clown

Action: Gonna grab that ferret and stuff it into my funny pack. Never know when you could use a ferret
An associate? A team-mate? Hey wow, this is good! Better than good, it's great! And a wrestleman! Can't stop us before, couldn't even more even now!

JMTO-4 stores an oxy-medkit and tosses #5 a few Donks. The radio reports still having a few TCs left unexpended, fantastic! Stuff insurance! A free surprise--for free! Can't wait to see what I want!

Checkin' my notes, where we hauling this bad boy? Disk and all! Of course! The pinpointer, I'm a-taking one of those!

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