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Martian Station, Martian Cloner
Just a quick pointers if yer thinking of doing anything with martians, copied and pasted from a .txt file I have lying about:

Martian pros:
Not effected by cold, can breathe in space.
Cannot suffer from any organ failure.
Do not require clothing/ids/shoes or headsets. Martian apparel is only dependant on glove, head, back, exosuit and eye slots. (aside: will probably need changing for freak cloned martians)
Hivemind speak, all speak is heard by martians everywhere. Comes out in "GJADDS! XVIEUTO!" to humans. Can communicate to humans through telapathy, however.
Access to martian weaponry and machinary.
Humans cannot use martian machinary (ripping off an arm if they do) unless a martian arm is grafted onto them.
Has several "breeds" which has own perks, chosen at round start, or can be changed in exchange for biopoints.

Martian cons:
Will gib when killed (non explosively), possibly leaving behind martian limbs to be grafted onto humans
Not human, can be targeted by silicons.
Can suffer from brute and burn, but is particularly vunerable to bloodloss.
Can pick up "human" items, but cannot use them. I.e: Cannot fire a gun, cannot interact with items.
Cannot use "human" healing items or medicine. Only martian medicine, which is used in stationary statis pods, meaning that martians must escape to heal.
Cannot wear human clothing, but can wear human hats (looking ridiculous in the process)

The strikethough is only really relevant to the envisioned mode (the balances wouldn't really work if you're just some chump freak martian), so can be largely ignored bar for perspective.
I wasn't responsible for the mobcritter changes, it seems that they were brought in line to make martian mobcritters more like how the martian diplomat is instead of more like how critters are.

Apparently martians can't actually survive in space. Who knew?

Giving martians some tweaks if they can happen through non-admin-shenanigans does seem warranted, though. I'll look into it.

The martian cloning tube is nearly finished, as some of you might be able to attest to by the time you read this post.
(06-08-2017, 04:51 AM)Cirrial Wrote: I wasn't responsible for the mobcritter changes, it seems that they were brought in line to make martian mobcritters more like how the martian diplomat is instead of more like how critters are.

Apparently martians can't actually survive in space. Who knew?

Giving martians some tweaks if they can happen through non-admin-shenanigans does seem warranted, though. I'll look into it.

The martian cloning tube is nearly finished, as some of you might be able to attest to by the time you read this post.

For what it's worth, if I'm on #1 and you're a martian diplomat or whatever just hit me up via the pray verb and I'll at least give you telepathy.
I like the idea of Martians all getting telepathy. It lets you get a message across while still being limited, and fits really well thematically.

Also coooooool this is becoming a thing. big grin

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