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So, I'm not sure how to really report this- terrible round.
Quote:Just now, or a few minutes before now, there was a really incredibly stupid gimmick by (what I assume was) a traitor captain on Gibbed 4. Now, you can murder me in space as much as you want, I accept that SS13 is a death simulator.
His gimmick was to abduct crew, stun them, and then put them in glass cells in the market, naked. They were slaved to be sold.
I just suicided and quit because fuck that horrible shit, what the fuck. Adminhelp yielded nothing really, so I just sorta threw up my hands and walked away. I don't know if I'm being a baby or what, but being pressed into some sort of bizzare and shitty space slavery roleplay is kinda terrible.
I have attached a screenshot, wherein you can see maybe an admin response? I don't know if things were going on the background, and thank you if they were- but I wasn't sticking around to see what happened.
They were traitors. Dick mindslaved them. As an antag, anything goes, as long as its not breaking the rules.
You can see this as terribly shit, but its better than killing you, which would have removed you from the game in the same respect, sans the ability to be bought out of slavery and freed, as one guy was.
Normally you would report this in adminhelp in-game while the round is going on. That way the admins can deal with it right then and there, observe the situation, etc.
However I'm pretty sure so long as it wasn't sexual and nobody made any sort of actual slavery references this should be relatively okay, albeit it's a strange gimmick as I assume most players wouldn't go along with it and would just try to kill the captain.
Of course I'm also not an admin, so nothing I say actually matters in this specific context, however the first thing I said is rather important, remember that.
If I was a traitor doing this, that's actually awesome. I love it when traitors go above-and-beyond just massacring the crew.
As stated above, I think if they're traitors, anything goes. If captain was the traitor, then what he did was hilarious, in my opinion. Part of this game, like you said, is you get shit rounds where sometimes you die for really unfair reasons. At least this time you had something new and interesting (AND UNIQUE) to experience.
We don't do RP.
I'm going to say what's on everyone's mind; you're kinda shit for not rolling with it, actively going braindead just so you can be all "fuck you" to the traitor.
Traitor went out of his way to try something different, and it's clear from your post that this is new to you.
So what if he stripped you naked and put you in a box? That's only somewhat more extreme than being arrested and being put into solitary. Did you even think what would happen when you got sold? There'd be no way enforce your slavery (unless he was using electropaks, probably should imo), and you'd more than likely escape.
Also the fact that you weren't in the slightest bit entertained by what was happening tells me something about your attitude.
To be fair, I don't think this is about "play to win" as much as being uncomfortable being compelled to go along with a certain gimmick. I mean regardless of whether we think that gimmick was okay or not, you can't compel someone to go with it if they feel uncomfortable, and you have no reason to assume that it wasn't a genuine feeling.
And you're perfectly entitled in "quitting"
But you gotta ask yourself, if everyone was going to "quit" everytime some traitor does something unique then there'd be no more situations like this and people would straight up murder because they'd know peeps wont play along.
You dont quit because you're contributing to a traitor round who's trying to do something unique and you hope that when you do something unique people will also play along. Sure it's probably not fun, but that's the nature of the game, there are times when stuff can't be fun, but the best players know how to make a shit situation enjoyable if you know how. It's called community spirit and while that word sounds like a hugbox, the opposite will often get the scorn that you've inherited by posting this thread.
Well since we can't read minds and don't know the user personally to even make a personality judgment, it has to remain a supposition at this point. When it comes down to it, some things are clearly over the line and call for admin intervention, and some things fall into a grey area. For those cases, instead of requiring endless arbitration as to whether it was creepy or unique and fun, people can just choose to opt out and be done with it. Sometimes things just aren't as clear-cut as we'd like.
Personally I don't think it's unique, cause it was a weird and tired trope back in the days when I was in an improv group with only white people (what a shock!) and some people thought it would be funny. I'm just saying that our personal experience colors our perceptions quite a bit.
Well since we can't read minds and don't know the user personally to even make a personality judgment, it has to remain a supposition at this point. When it comes down to it, some things are clearly over the line and call for admin intervention, and some things fall into a grey area. For those cases, instead of requiring endless arbitration as to whether it was creepy or unique and fun, people can just choose to opt out and be done with it. Sometimes things just aren't as clear-cut as we'd like.
Personally I don't think it's unique, cause it was a weird and tired trope back in the days when I was in an improv group with only white people (what a shock!) and some people thought it would be funny. I'm just saying that our personal experience colors our perceptions quite a bit.
Oh jeez. I had a weird feeling about this at first, but now I feel really bad for making you uncomfortable about this. I was one of the mindslaved kidnappers and I was actively trying to wrangle the captives when they tried to escape. I'm even in the picture you used, I'm that orange-bearded nerd with the beret and vest.
I was ordered to help him do this, though, and nothing happened that was against the rules... My hands were more tied than the people I handcuffed, I guess.
Sorry about that, man. You can always suicide to get out of it, I'm sorry that it made you uncomfortable.
Hi. I'm the one who did this. I don't know why you thought this harmless gimmick was creepy. Everyone else seemed to enjoy it! Lighten up a little, yeah?
I don't care why you suicided. It's the fact that you made this thread to complain about it that makes me think you should lighten it up a little.
Haha, well if it counts, a werewolf Abraham Lincoln spawned on top of me after all the slaves had escaped and tore me a new asshole. If that isn't funny I don't know what is.
If you didn't like the decision an admin came to you should have posted it in the admin complaints board, and not started shit here. This is why there's a post titled "Do not ask for players to be banned.", and what popecrunch wrote basically sums up this thread.
For twelve years, you have been asking: Who is John Galt? This is John Galt speaking. I am the man who loves his life. I am the man who does not sacrifice his love or his values. I am the man who has deprived you of victims and thus has destroyed your world, and if you wish to know why you are perishing-you who dread knowledge -I am the man who will now tell you.”
The chief engineer was the only one able to move; he ran to a television set and struggled frantically with its dials. But the screen remained empty; the speaker had not chosen to be seen. Only his voice filled the airways of the country-of the world, thought the chief engineer-sounding as if he were speaking here, in this room, not to a group, but to one man; it was not the tone of addressing a meeting, but the tone of addressing a mind.
“You have heard it said that this is an age of moral crisis. You have said it yourself, half in fear, half in hope that the words had no meaning. You have cried that man’s sins are destroying the world and you have cursed human nature for its unwillingness to practice the virtues you demanded. Since virtue, to you, consists of sacrifice, you have demanded more sacrifices at every successive disaster. In the name of a return to morality, you have sacrificed all those evils which you held as the cause of your plight. You have sacrificed justice to mercy. You have sacrificed independence to unity. You have sacrificed reason to faith. You have sacrificed wealth to need. You have sacrificed self-esteem to self-denial. You have sacrificed happiness to duty.
“You have destroyed all that which you held to be evil and achieved all that which you held to be good. Why, then, do you shrink in horror from the sight of the world around you? That world is not the product of your sins, it is the product and the image of your virtues. It is your moral ideal brought into reality in its full and final perfection. You have fought for it, you have dreamed of it, and you have wished it, and I-I am the man who has granted you your wish.
The last film Tarkovsky completed in the Soviet Union was Stalker, inspired by the novel Roadside Picnic by the brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Tarkovsky had met the brothers first in 1971 and was in contact with them until his death in 1986. Initially he wanted to shoot a film based on their novel Dead Mountaineer's Hotel and he developed a raw script. Influenced by a discussion with Arkady Strugatsky he changed his plan and began to work on the script based on Roadside Picnic. Work on this film began in 1976. The production was mired in troubles; improper development of the negatives had ruined all the exterior shots. Tarkovsky's relationship with cinematographer Georgy Rerberg deteriorated to the point where he hired Alexander Knyazhinsky as a new first cinematographer. Furthermore, Tarkovsky suffered a heart attack in April 1978, resulting in further delay. The film was completed in 1979 and won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury at the Cannes Film Festival.
“Your ideal had an implacable enemy, which your code of morality was designed to destroy. I have withdrawn that enemy. I have taken it out of your way and out of your reach. I have removed the source of all those evils you were sacrificing one by one. I have ended your battle. I have stopped your motor. I have deprived your world of man’s mind.
Have you ever thought to consider that he might be backpedaling because he's got a bunch of people on his case, which compounds the awkwardness of an already uncomfortable situation?
As multiple people have said, this isn't a player complaint so much as it is questioning the validity of a traitor gimmick, taking specific effort to NOT directly call out anyone involved. He's not whining, he just seems concerned about something that made him really uncomfortable and might have made or might make other people uncomfortable. If I saw something that deeply perturbed me and no one, not even the administration, seems to give a damn at the moment, I'd get pretty worried about the integrity of the server. And yet here we are calling him a huge baby who should just dea, with it and move on? What the hell is that going to accomplish aside from turning off a potential player?
Sure, if people turned to the forums with every possible dodgy thing that happens in a round, they would cram up the forums. I get that. But I get that because I've been here for a while, and SRQ here strikes me as a relatively new player. He isn't quite as familiar with Goonstation's attitude, and there's a clear disparity between a situation that he sees as really creepy and the rules that clearly prohibit anything creepy, so he no doubt wants to see if his opinion is valid. And you know what? Good on him for it! It takes some fortitude to dive into something as notoriously off-the-wall as the Goonstation community with something like this, and even if you disagree with the guy, at least have the courtesy to hear him out and consider his stance instead of brushing him off as some random twit and moving on. That does nothing but bad things to our public image, which is not something anyone wants.
Except the title "I'm not sure how to report this"
As far as I can tell you just came here to stir up shit and cause drama. The sticky clearly states if you have a problem, adminhelp it. Not post it on the forum under a title that's basically "WOW LOOK AT WHAT THIS GUY DID IT'S AGAINST THE RULES".
Adminhelp and let it be.
You should have known that this post would start "drama", the primary reason why player complaints are not allowed. Yes you didn't ask for any punishment for the player, but you are still complaining about the conduct of a player that you didn't agree with. If it's not about the conduct of the player, then why did you not post a complaint about how the admins handled the situation?
So then you are complaining about what the traitor was doing? That sounds like a player complaint.
I really don't see the point to this thread. The traitor in question did nothing wrong and it really sounds like you are just complaining about the whole ordeal.
You did less whining during my Hitler-ness and that was a thousand times worse.
Also I want to say that you are not in the wrong for killing yourself for not wanting to take part in this traitor's gimmick. Traitors don't give a shit about what you are doing so you don't have to care about what they are trying to do. I still don't think you should have made a thread complaining about it that was pretty dumb in my opinion.
Man, I don't want to put words in SRQ's mouth, but the way I see it is they felt weird about something that happened in round and wanted to talk about it within the community it occurred in to try and sort out whether their discomfort was something to be legitimately worried about.
Like, yeah I'm aware this is just a silly spaceman game and these forums shouldn't really have a player complaint section or something, but damn. If a person is willing to make the effort of posting and risk coming across as a stick in the mud to tell you how something someone else did in the community made them feel off, have the courtesy to hear them out and not be so dismissive. To do otherwise is just going to discourage people from participating in said community.
Except there is no forum section to discuss how other people have acted and you're not supposed to outside of mentor/HoS apps. Why? Drama. Just look at this thread. It's stupid. This thread wasn't about discussing it, it was about REPORTING it. Read the title. If it had a different OP and title, one that wasn't made to basically be an ooc ahelp and one not about a singular player, there wouldn't be this crap. If you have an issue with someone you can message them on byond or try IRC.
I'm not trying to be an asshole but this thread is just pure waste and people trying to justify its creation.
Bringing up discussion of this sort of thing should never be discouraged. It does sound like this time is was mostly innocuous but I can definitely respect the player's right to opt out of that sort of thing.
But we really, really don't want people afraid to ask 'is this okay' on questionable stuff. That leads to actual awfulness being allowed to continue.
Could I point out first of all that it shows in the screenshot that SQR did adminhelp this issue, had a reply, and replied to that? This isn't being done instead of adminhelping, and it isn't naming or singling out the traitor in question.
A slavery gimmick has the potential to become extremely awful very quickly. Personally I would wait to see if the traitor had something interesting planned and adminhelp when things got creepy, but it's understandable for someone to be unwilling to even see where things went, simply because of where they could go.
What this thread is essentially asking is if slavery comes under the 'do not do this' list of rules, and, if it doesn't, whether other players think that it should be added. It's clear from the majority of replies that people are against that, but I don't see any harm in asking. When something is in a grey area like this, with some people being ok with it and some not, you absolutely should start a discussion about whether it's allowed on the server.
I could have misunderstood something, but I was told in the early days the goonservers didn't have anti-bigotry rules. I'm sure there was at least some discussion before those were added, and I guarantee there were people opposed to them. The issue in this thread is obviously not on the same scale, but it should be talked about.
Grayshift beat me to saying it, but if people shout SQR down for this, other people will be reluctant to draw attention to similar issues, possibly even worse ones.
SQR is a huge baby who shouldn't play this game because he gets upset at something this lame. People are not going to be afraid to report actual rule breaking things, like calling people slurs and making it clear they're trying to recreate black slavery. There is a clear and large difference. This thread should have never existed and was clearly originally intended as a player report, despite what SQR is saying now. He is obviously backpedaling now that he realizes that player complaints are ~against the rules~
Have you ever thought to consider that he might be backpedaling because he's got a bunch of people on his case, which compounds the awkwardness of an already uncomfortable situation?
As multiple people have said, this isn't a player complaint so much as it is questioning the validity of a traitor gimmick, taking specific effort to NOT directly call out anyone involved. He's not whining, he just seems concerned about something that made him really uncomfortable and might have made or might make other people uncomfortable. If I saw something that deeply perturbed me and no one, not even the administration, seems to give a damn at the moment, I'd get pretty worried about the integrity of the server. And yet here we are calling him a huge baby who should just dea, with it and move on? What the hell is that going to accomplish aside from turning off a potential player?
Sure, if people turned to the forums with every possible dodgy thing that happens in a round, they would cram up the forums. I get that. But I get that because I've been here for a while, and SRQ here strikes me as a relatively new player. He isn't quite as familiar with Goonstation's attitude, and there's a clear disparity between a situation that he sees as really creepy and the rules that clearly prohibit anything creepy, so he no doubt wants to see if his opinion is valid. And you know what? Good on him for it! It takes some fortitude to dive into something as notoriously off-the-wall as the Goonstation community with something like this, and even if you disagree with the guy, at least have the courtesy to hear him out and consider his stance instead of brushing him off as some random twit and moving on. That does nothing but bad things to our public image, which is not something anyone wants.
You have to really, really thick glasses to see this thread as something other than a player complaint. If you feel something is wrong adminhelp it. He did and that just wasn't enough apparently.
Isn't the point of a player complaint that you're complaining about, y'know, a specific player? With a specific name? If you're going to go out of your way to complain about a player and their gimmick, not naming them (specifically and intentionally, mind you) or giving any indication about their identity aside from a screenshot, their job, and a description of what they were doing that round seems counterproductive, don't you think?
While I disagree with the sentiment that SRQ had when he posted, an angry post that probably did more damage than good, I do need to say that the underlying question, "what if I think this is too far?" is an important one and should be considered.
Whereas the Irish people is by right a free people:
And Whereas for seven hundred years the Irish people has never ceased to repudiate and has repeatedly protested in arms against foreign usurpation:
And Whereas English rule in this country is, and always has been, based upon force and fraud and maintained by military occupation against the declared will of the people:
And Whereas the Irish Republic was proclaimed in Dublin on Easter Monday, 1916, by the Irish Republican Army acting on behalf of the Irish people:
And Whereas the Irish people is resolved to secure and maintain its complete independence in order to promote the common weal, to re-establish justice, to provide for future defence, to insure peace at home and goodwill with all nations and to constitute a national polity based upon the people's will with equal right and equal opportunity for every citizen:
And Whereas at the threshold of a new era in history the Irish electorate has in the General Election of December, 1918, seized the first occasion to declare by an overwhelming majority its firm allegiance to the Irish Republic:
Now, therefore, we, the elected Representatives of the ancient Irish people in National Parliament assembled, do, in the name of the Irish nation, ratify the establishment of the Irish Republic and pledge ourselves and our people to make this declaration effective by every means at our command:
We ordain that the elected Representatives of the Irish people alone have power to make laws binding on the people of Ireland, and that the Irish Parliament is the only Parliament to which that people will give its allegiance:
We solemnly declare foreign government in Ireland to be an invasion of our national right which we will never tolerate, and we demand the evacuation of our country by the English Garrison:
We claim for our national independence the recognition and support of every free nation in the world, and we proclaim that independence to be a condition precedent to international peace hereafter:
In the name of the Irish people we humbly commit our destiny to Almighty God who gave our fathers the courage and determination to persevere through long centuries of a ruthless tyranny, and strong in the justice of the cause which they have handed down to us, we ask His divine blessing on this the last stage of the struggle we have pledged ourselves to carry through to Freedom.
We can't be heckling players over these types of queries and while I do feel as a whole the question has been answered, in the future it'd probably do us all good to be a little civil.
While I don't really mind that you've identified me since I don't think I was in the wrong here, I have to say if your intention was to keep everything anonymous you've done a really poor job.
If you ever make another thread where you're questioning the conduct of a player but also want to keep names private, you should probably at least state it as such in the OP. It would probably also help if you didn't post a screenshot picturing the name of the person in question!
I don't agree with the slavery BS and it can fuck right off, now close the thread for god's sake this is going to turn into a curbstomp fest or another one of those what's creepy what isn't threads aaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh
The stupid creepy rule has been abolished because it was ambiguous as fuck. The rules are simply anti bigotry and anti sexual content.
This thread would've probably served as a nice grounds to discuss something, i.e: slavery, that is borderline both those things.
But unfortunately it's become a shitfest of finger pointing

That's just plain wrong, let me explai
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