Kingston Rowley - Goofballer's HoS application
Usual character name: Kingston Rowley
BYOND username: Goofballer
Discord username (if you are on our discord): bigbossman272

Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Goon 3, Morty

Reason for application: I love playing security and would love even more to be able to guide others.

Security experience (300 word minimum): 
I have played on other servers before, Paradise was my go to before Goon. I have over 100 hours as HoS on that and they have a very lengthy requirement for HoS, making me very confident in my abilities to perform well as HoS. 

I play security off and on but I always enjoy it, I have had opportunities to lead security on the rare occasion and loved it. I really like to help people learn. I would apply for mentor but I feel like being HoS is more suited for me, giving me a role I love and allowing me to teach at the same time. I have played Goon for a few months now and during the summer while I wasn't working I would play hours of games, loving the time I would either play security or encounter them as an antag and be able to make a fun roleplay scene.

I feel that I am a competent Security member on Goon as I have some things memorized and know the basic times that people should be given in the brig and brig procedures. I have found myself helping other Security team members brigging criminals and helping them get the basics of being a Security member. Personally, helping out is something I go out of the way to do when I play games like this, where it takes a lot of time to nail down what you're doing and it has a sharp learning curve. I love being able to think of myself as a competent player and having the ability to show others the premise of Security as it is a daunting thing to jump into at first. 

I understand that some of the people applying have many recommendations, I haven't really made a name for myself as security as I like to play different roles every game to keep me from burning out of one. 

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Try to play off and on, keep yourself from getting burnt out on one role and try to have fun with other roles that encounter security.

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    I remember when I was a janitor recently I would steal all the HoP's loose furniture and say it was trash that needed to get thrown out, needless to say I had security called on me and I ran over to a booth, grabbed a ski mask and sun glasses and hid my ID. I walked in there still with my uniform obvious that I was the janitor and said I was his twin brother. I had a great time and security seemed to have it too.

  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    When I am on a team I usually try to see if someone wants to help me patrol the halls and observe for any suspicious behavior. I sometimes will help by sitting back at the desk so others can patrol and leave the burden of sitting there bored to me. 

    When I am solo or close to solo (three or less) I try to manage a workload where I deal with cases like traitors or changelings on a higher priority then if someone stole a plate from the chef. 

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I have always wanted to have a clown force, where all the security agents are clowns and have to wear the shoes too. The whole clown get up and have to do their best to be entertaining and enforce the law.

  • Draw a picture!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it wi
None, I have been given warnings for slipping up and saying the B word, coming from Paradise where they allowed it. 
Having had Kingston under me as HoS, I have serious doubts on their ability to lead or work with a team. He almost never communicated unless asked multiple times, and begged me to let him drink my champagne while I was trying to get a report of what had happened on the shift before I latejoined. After the antagonists (salvagers in this case) made themselves known, I heard and saw almost nothing from him. I had to spend almost all of my time and attention that round holding the team together, and having even one more officer step up and act accountable would have made things much easier.

Yes, it is just a game. But as Head of Security, your team is counting on you to lead them. If you are serious about applying for this role, I would like to see you demonstrate a bit more responsibility in working with the rest of your department.
Hey man, I remember that game. I was messing around and didn't know you actually wanted me to be serious. I thought I did my job pretty well on the communication side as I was one if not only the only one talking on that communication side. The reason you didn't hear from me after a bit was because I was blown up.
Per Mentor/HoS app feedback guidelines (READ BEFORE REPLYING TO APPLICATIONS)

Quote:do not post on someone’s application if you yourself have an application open.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to insufficient community response. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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