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Buff clown cars
The clown car is almost unusable, if you hit a wall even going very slowly you pop out, it should be made more forgiving.
a seatbelt would be nice instead of just getting flung out of the car

we need more whiplash
You just need to learn some pro clown car strats. Driving into anything other than a wall is safe - that includes vending machines, grilles, tables and doors. If you hit a wall it's pretty much always your own fault and part of the inherent hilarity of the clown car.

I do think maybe it should be hard to move though? People can just drag it away and shuffle it into the crusher while you lie stunned.
I think there needs to be a way for the clown car to only work for the clown that spawned it in.

It seems like every time I get the car I have to deal with dorky vigilantes wearing clown shoes and the clown mask trying to pull me out of the car and hijack it for them selves. Another thing I don't like is that people can pull the clown out of car and then simply release all the people inside the car. That's not very fun. Make it so that takes a good couple of seconds to release the people or something.

As for crashing into walls and flying out I say keep that feature. It shows which clowns are truly robust and which ones are not.
It's a clown car. Have it eject people comically in all directions when people get released. A little delay in pulling people would make sense, too, since people are all packed in there and it'd take effort to dislodge them and create the spaceman explosion.

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