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Make the ai recognize reptiles and other body types as human
Considering crew NanoTrasen assets is how I fucking roll when playing NEX-13. It's nice to treat everyone by their worth to NanoTrasen. Beep boop.

Yeah I've definitely warmed up to the idea that we should just let the AI player decide. But, they should 100% be consistent with it, is the big thing. If you ignore the lizard Captain's orders on grounds of them being non-human, you better damn ignore their requests to not let a greyshirt into the Bridge when said greyshirt asks you to (though tbf you shouldn't be giving access to people just because anyways)
Assume that you don't have to follow orders from non-human (e.g. lizard) crew.

If a lizard crewmember asks you/tells you to do a thing, you don't have to do it, but if it doesn't violate the other laws (i.e. doesn't harm humans, you don't have an order from a human giving a conflicting order, and it doesn't put you at risk) you still can do the thing they asked you to. Sometimes it's just being nice. Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn and letting the staff assistants have access to insulated gloves achieves that.

You don't have to be consistent about whether you follow their orders; if anything, following them as long as convenient is the best solution because it means that they're not calling out for your blood (oil?) for treating them as the non-human that they are, but suddenly saying "no" to their request when they need you the most is a great tables-have-turned moment.

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