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Move prismatic laser somewhere else
The Strelka is far, far too powerful considering that you can get it as a staff assistant within maybe 2-3 minutes of roundstart (depending on map) by just taking a pod, warping to mining outpost, flying south, and then taking the putt. Its weapon is extremely powerful against blobs, anyone podfighting early in the round, and the debris field drones(well, most of them). I know I am not the only one that is of the opinion that it's a bit ridiculous.

My suggestion is this: keep the strelka frame on the russian ship with the hydroponics/chem stuff, but move the prismatic laser to somewhere that requires more effort to access, and instead give the strelka, say, a Class-A Light Phaser.
I might be mistaken but I think the prismatic laser does the same damage as the phaser
(05-19-2018, 04:08 PM)New525 Wrote: I might be mistaken but I think the prismatic laser does the same damage as the phaser
it does 15 more damage according to the 2016 release
Assuming the 2k16 code is still accurate, here are the important stats for prismatic lasers vs phasers

20 damage
dissipation delay of 5 (5 tiles traveled before damage starts to drop off)
cooldown of 8 deciseconds between shots

prismatic lasers:
35 damage
dissipation delay of 10 (10 tiles traveled before damage starts to drop off)
cooldown of 5 deciseconds between shots

for fun, here are the armory issue scout lasers:
60 damage
dissipation delay of 6
8 deciseconds cooldown

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