mozi Wrote:Wydamn Wrote:MEOW POW Wrote:As a side note, that disposal chute in the current brig needs to be re coloured or something. I still run into sec officers trying to manually push prisoners through the holding cell's double door lock. It was hilarious at first, but it becomes less funny after half a dozen times.
that's actually how it's "supposed" to work, the chute is theoretically for sending in food and stuff but people just stuff prisoners in there because dealing with the double doors is a horrible pain in the butt
I find it humorous in a droll way, that it's maximum security to get a prisoner
into the prison via the double doors, yet for a prisoner to bust out, it's easy as the nearest blunt object to the nearest window. That to me, doesn't make much sense.
Clarks Wrote:...The new brig is good. It doesn't handle releasing automatically, so you have to actually care about jailing somebody..
Why should you care about jailing somebody? As far as I'm concerned, leave the care to the Warden, oh wait, that doesn't exist.
The previous brig WAS fair on both sides, a fair time set meant that the player who was jailed was going to get out at that EXACT time that was set (byond permitting) but now, if a player gets jailed, security HAS to keep an eye on that player, and if they don't then that player suffers due to been stuck in the brig.
Quote:..There is a ton of other more entertaining ways to punish bad players..
This is the crux of the problem right here. There ARE tons more ways of punishing players, and as HoS, I do them alot, like tele-tagging a player so I can teleport to their location, similar to house arrest, or forcing a traitor to work in the kitchen.
But what if I want to use the brig in conjunction with this?
What if I want to use the brig if a player messes up their community service?
What if I
just want to use the brig because that's what it's there for?
The fact of the matter is, the brig right now is, dare I say it, completely redundant.
Quote:..This post here is the best summary of how to play security right: ... 404813750..
While I agree with baron von pidgeons point of view for the most part, I still believe there is an issue with the brig. He says that nobody complains about how hard engineering is when it takes an eternity to fix hull breaches, but the way I see it the brig is so central to security, it's more like a broken engine that won't power the station rather than a hull breach in central hallway
You dig?