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Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Printable Version

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Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Darkgenerallord - 03-10-2013

So I was a borg. I got emagged. I went on a rampage. Someone flashed me, then started beating me in the head. I got in a stun loop. It was impossible to get out of, and I died.

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Weavel - 03-10-2013

how is that a bug

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Darkgenerallord - 03-10-2013

Well, Borgs dont have nerves. Nor do they really need the head for anything except the brain, which is hooked up to wires. Plus a taser shot shouldnt really completely stun a borg. And the beating loop doesnt really make sense as its not on, he's just whacking you with a metal stick.

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Weavel - 03-10-2013

Borgs are wired electronicly, a taser or baton sends a large electronic charge into the body

therefore a borg is stunned as it's circuits are overloaded

What you want is for borg to become even more of an invincible death machine; unless you actually have a baton or a flash, a borg is essentially invincible

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - CaptainBravo - 03-10-2013

stopping triple double reinforced rogue chemistry borgs would be stupid hard without this being a thing, you know. not that they aren't hard to stop already, it just sounds like you want them to be invincible or something.

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Dauntasa - 03-10-2013

Tasers and Batons are one thing, but they should probably be flash proof.

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - CaptainBravo - 03-10-2013

Dauntasa Wrote:if you're an assistant you should just accept that the borgs are rogue and get beaten to death

woah now, slow down

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - BlackPhoenix - 03-10-2013

Dauntasa Wrote:Tasers and Batons are one thing, but they should probably be flash proof.
Overloading their optic sensors.

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Dauntasa - 03-11-2013

CaptainBravo Wrote:
Dauntasa Wrote:if you're an assistant you should just accept that the borgs are rogue and get beaten to death

woah now, slow down
That isn't what I said at all. Liberal application of blunt object to head still works.

Plus what kind of assistant doesn't have stungloves or a baton by the time cyborgs go rogue? No assistant. No assistant at all.

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Weavel - 03-11-2013

How about this:

Advanced EMP Protection Module

While active, drains 15/second

Provides a resistance to stuns and flashes via an improved recovery time; will also make it harder to emag a borg, requiring multiple smacks with an emag possibly.

Seriosuly though borgs are already nigh invulnerable and making them stunproof and flashproof is a really horrible idea

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 03-11-2013

This is a bug report you idiots go suggest new things in the ideas and suggestions area, besides hes complaning about a stun loop that occurs when he was flashed once not the fucking concept of Cyborgs getting stunned

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Weavel - 03-11-2013

FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:besides hes complaning about a stun loop that occurs when he was flashed once not the fucking concept of Cyborgs getting stunned

Quote:Well, Borgs dont have nerves. Nor do they really need the head for anything except the brain, which is hooked up to wires. Plus a taser shot shouldnt really completely stun a borg. And the beating loop doesnt really make sense as its not on, he's just whacking you with a metal stick.

No he isn't, he's complaining about why a taser is stunning a borg

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Weavel - 03-11-2013

Actually he's complaining about why being beat in the head as a borg is keeping him stunned, then going on to say that tasers shouldn't stun borgs. Either way

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 03-11-2013

How does someone getting flashed once and stunned forever not be a bug?

Re: Borgs get stunned by batons and tasers. - Weavel - 03-11-2013

That's not what he's talking about, god damn

He got flashed
Then he started getting beat

He's complaining about the beatings stunning him, not the one-flash.