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[Feature] A traitor Katana - Printable Version

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RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Nnystyxx - 03-27-2017

(03-26-2017, 07:40 PM)zewaka Wrote:
(03-23-2017, 06:47 AM)Sundance Wrote: ..But look at the Katana idea. Put in limbo, somebody actually coded it and now it's sitting in the patches subforum for literally a year.

ok also I haven't merged the katana idea because it's basically a reskinned csaber with a custom suicide, if it had more uniqueness to it, then I would 100% merge it and laugh at it, it just is lame with its current implementation

can the katana block lasers? is that a permissible ability? we gotta make it more unique guys

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Noah Buttes - 03-27-2017

There are some problems with some of the initial values for the variables on this thing.

icon_state = "Sheathed"
item_state = "SheathedHand"
hit_type = DAMAGE_BLUNT
var/sheathed = 1
w_class = 3.0

If we take a look at some later bits of code, we find that these values create some odd behavior.
    var/mob/living/carbon/human/U = user
    playsound(get_turf(U), pick('sound/effects/bloody_stab.ogg'), 70, 0, 0, max(0.7, min(1.2, 1.0 + (30 - U.bioHolder.age)/60)))
/obj/item/katana/attack_self(mob/user as mob)
    if (user.bioHolder.HasEffect("clumsy") && prob(50))
        user.visible_message("<span style=\"color:red\"><b>[user]</b> fumbles [src] and cuts \himself.</span>")
        user.TakeDamage(user.hand == 1 ? "l_arm" : "r_arm", 5, 5)
        take_bleeding_damage(user, user, 5)
    src.sheathed = !( src.sheathed )
    if (src.sheathed)
        boutput(user, "<span style=\"color:blue\">The sword is now unsheathed</span>")
        hit_type = DAMAGE_CUT
            var/mob/living/carbon/human/U = user
            if(U.gender == MALE) playsound(get_turf(U),"sound/weapons/swordsheath.ogg", 70, 0, 0, max(0.7, min(1.2, 1.0 + (30 - U.bioHolder.age)/60)))
            else playsound(get_turf(U),"sound/weapons/swordsheath.ogg", 100, 0, 0, max(0.7, min(1.4, 1.0 + (30 - U.bioHolder.age)/50)))
        src.force = 80
        src.icon_state = "Katana"
        src.item_state = "Katana"
        src.w_class = 4
        boutput(user, "<span style=\"color:blue\">The sword is now sheathed</span>")
        hit_type = DAMAGE_BLUNT
            var/mob/living/carbon/human/U = user
            if(U.gender == MALE) playsound(get_turf(U),"sound/weapons/swordsheath.ogg", 70, 0, 0, max(0.7, min(1.2, 1.0 + (30 - U.bioHolder.age)/60)))
            else playsound(get_turf(U),"sound/weapons/swordsheath.ogg", 100, 0, 0, max(0.7, min(1.4, 1.0 + (30 - U.bioHolder.age)/50)))
        src.force = 1
        src.icon_state = "Sheathed"
        src.item_state = "SheathedHand"
        src.w_class = 2

This causes some interesting results with newly spawned katanas.

A freshly spawned katana will spawn with its icons matching those of a sheathed katana, but if you smack someone with it, it will make stabbing noises like an unsheathed sword.

Even though its already sheathed, at least in apperance, you have to actually resheathe it once before you can unsheathe it.

The w_class is initially 3.0, but neither unsheathing nor resheathing the katana will restore it to this weight value. An unsheathed sword has a w_class of 4, and a katana replaced in its scabbard will have a w_class of 2. This means that a newly spawned katana is somehow bigger than the same katana once its been unsheathed and resheathed at least once.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Superlagg - 03-27-2017

Maybe if this was part of a sweet ninja kit, something that gives the wielder some kind of quick stealthy hit and run shit. Like, it comes with smoke pellets that make you disappear, the sword only works in the shadows, something for lunging around like a spastic dork, and it does extra damage to people on segways cus mall cops.

I dunno, something to make it less of a cheeky csaber reskin and more of a unique, overly situational showboating instrument.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Frank_Stein - 03-28-2017

(03-27-2017, 09:01 PM)Superlagg Wrote: Maybe if this was part of a sweet ninja kit, something that gives the wielder some kind of quick stealthy hit and run shit. Like, it comes with smoke pellets that make you disappear, the sword only works in the shadows, something for lunging around like a spastic dork, and it does extra damage to people on segways cus mall cops.

I dunno, something to make it less of a cheeky csaber reskin and more of a unique, overly situational showboating instrument.

Like a wrestling belt, where the wielder had a few powers they could do

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Wraithcraft - 03-28-2017

Maybe it could have a higher dismember chance, but a lowered damage rate.
Also, does the C-saber cause bleed? Because if so, that's stupid. It's a lightsaber, it should cauterize as it goes.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - HydroFloric - 03-28-2017

As far as I remember yes, it causes bleed damage.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Dr Zoidcrab - 03-29-2017

(03-28-2017, 02:12 PM)Wraithcraft Wrote: Maybe it could have a higher dismember chance, but a lowered damage rate.
Also, does the C-saber cause bleed? Because if so, that's stupid. It's a lightsaber, it should cauterize as it goes.

The current iteration of C-sabers deal 50+ brute damage, massive amounts of bleeding, lengthy stuns, and delimbing, and that's after the nerf that removed its ability to knock people down when powered off. Most of the time it's not the damage that kills you it's bleeding to death on the floor while powerless after two hits.

You could argue that it's unsuitable as a stealth weapon, but then this is space. Break a few lights, open a few hull breaches, use your imagination.

It's everything you could want from a melee weapon aside from being throwable and gibbing targets. Might be why there are few others.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Cirrial - 03-29-2017

I mean, I dunno, what I'd love to do to make this a ridiculously show-offy weapon is something like:

- Wield it
- Click your target (from some distance away)
- User screams, shouts some vaguely incomprehensible half-remembered "ninja" words at their target
- After a delay of 3-4 seconds, providing opportunity for the target to get away, the user FUCKING RUNS at the target in an uninterruptable uncontrolled frenzied scream that will only end upon the sword's user hitting something.
- If the sword meets its target, severe sharp damage (maybe a forced crit), massive bleeding and a chance for a delimbing, as with the c-saber but with more power.
- If the sword hits a wall, it gets stuck into it, requiring the user to remain absolutely still and uninterrupted to pull it out of the wall.
- If the user charges out into space, well, the charge will end, and you have something you can throw for the delta-v to get back to the station if you don't suffocate first.
- The charge cannot be cancelled and does not home in on the target's position if they move while the screaming guy with the sword is running full pelt at them.

Oh I guess it could be throwable too, with the same thing of either impaling some bastard or getting stuck in a wall.

Why use this, when the c-saber is more effective? Exactly. This is a showboating murder weapon. This is not meant to be a tool of precision in this design.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Sundance - 03-29-2017

Seen as this thread is now become an idea on how to expand it, how about a totally kawaii samurai kit?
+ armored kimono: oversuit, strong as sec armor
+ Geta: footwear. Makes you run a fraction faster, but also has that clipclop sound of highheels
+ 3x ninja stars: reskinned syndicate knives, same throw force + stun + bleeding damage but unlike the knives aren't good at melee.
+ Belted Sheath: belt slot sheath. Click on it to take out your katana, click on it with the katana to put it the sheath. So its a quick click thing, like the derringer but more Japanese.
+ Katana: Damage is quite weak, akin to getting stabbed with a plasma shard. But it has high laceration damage, resulting in more bleeding and higher delimb chance. Sets it apart from the saber in that it would be very difficult to doctor the victim rather than outright killing them. Its also necessary to wear the kimono to use the katana, like other kits.

Price 10tc? Its a very loud item, the oversuit kind of grounds the samurai a little, while the weapons arent outright big damage hitters, concentrating on quickly downing your opponent and mangling him.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Noah Buttes - 03-29-2017

(03-29-2017, 09:48 AM)Sundance Wrote: Seen as this thread is now become an idea on how to expand it, how about a totally kawaii samurai kit?
+ armored kimono: oversuit, strong as sec armor
+ Geta: footwear. Makes you run a fraction faster, but also has that clipclop sound of highheels
+ 3x ninja stars: reskinned syndicate knives, same throw force + stun + bleeding damage but unlike the knives aren't good at melee.
+ Belted Sheath: belt slot sheath. Click on it to take out your katana, click on it with the katana to put it the sheath. So its a quick click thing, like the derringer but more Japanese.
+ Katana: Damage is quite weak, akin to getting stabbed with a plasma shard. But it has high laceration damage, resulting in more bleeding and higher delimb chance. Sets it apart from the saber in that it would be very difficult to doctor the victim rather than outright killing them. Its also necessary to wear the kimono to use the katana, like other kits.

Price 10tc? Its a very loud item, the oversuit kind of grounds the samurai a little, while the weapons arent outright big damage hitters, concentrating on quickly downing your opponent and mangling him.

I assume you have to wear the kimono and footwear in order to actually be able to use the katana?

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Sundance - 03-29-2017

Kimono yes. The oversuit basically screams samurai, and you can't hide it like you can with the bowler suit (which is a uniform)
Geta? Nah. I'd feel that might unbalance things if people can hear you constantly. Its more of a balanced pro: choose to run quicker but be noisy, or run normal and be quiet. Or a combo of both.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Dr Zoidcrab - 03-29-2017

Katanas aren't ninja swords. Unless you were going for fedora levels of cringe in which case please continue.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Noah Buttes - 03-29-2017

(03-29-2017, 10:33 AM)Dr Zoidcrab Wrote: Katanas aren't ninja swords. Unless you were going for fedora levels of cringe in which case please continue.

All swords can be ninja swords if a ninja uses them Ninja

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Sundance - 03-29-2017

(03-29-2017, 10:33 AM)Dr Zoidcrab Wrote: Katanas aren't ninja swords. Unless you were going for fedora levels of cringe in which case please continue.

They are if its a caricature of a samurai ala Samurai Jack.

Yeah we all know real militant samurai used bows and spears. But thats not cool enough imo.

RE: [Feature] A traitor Katana - Frank_Stein - 03-29-2017

TBH I like the concept of a fedora bro with a shitty joke sword than a ninja or samurai thing.

If it's going to be a kit item, back it with a skateboard, some stimulants in a mountain dew bottle, some healing Doritos, and maybe that flame shirt and call it a day.