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Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Printable Version

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Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Darkchis - 07-15-2013

Usual Character Name: Walter Poehl.
BYOND Username: DarkChis.
Recommended by (if applicable): Marquesas, Daeren too? idk. I remember some other dudes telling me to apply too, but I can't remember right now.

Times Available:
Varies a lot, mostly from 4-6 PM onwards, GMT -4.

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): Ever since I started playing, I've noticed most people don't care for security actually catching traitors or being overly zealous about getting shit done. What most people want is to just chill and have fun, something that a good HoS needs to provide as much as protecting the chumps that act as the crew from dangers, be it changeling, syndies, traitors, etc, while also making sure he's not making the role of said antagonists be any less entertaining.

That's what I'd aspire to do. Maybe at first I'd suck at it, getting shot and mauled by a bunch of assistants, but I'm hoping to be eventually able to turn rounds into a fun time for everyone involved, making sure no one is ran over just for the sake of it. Catching traitors first thing of the day is pretty easy if you're looking for them, but what fun is there to ruining their rounds just for the sake of bragging about it? That's just terrible, and would be one of the things I'd resent doing. Sure, if someone is running around hitting everyone with a saber and the only thing you have on yourself is a laser gun, that's cool, but when you see someone with a fake moustache running around and throwing moustache grenades at people, there's no reason to inmediately go after him like he just murdered the captain.

What I'm trying to say is, I don't wanna be a HoS to have a sense of power, or to order chumps to go on a crusade against criminals (although that does sound neat), but to be able to make sure things go smooth and fun as long as I can. Make people actually like to play as and deal with security, stuff like that is what makes me apply for the role today.

Also the beret is superior, hats suck.

Security Experience (300 word minimum):
I've played a lot of rounds as security, even if I at first hated the job, a lot of times simply jumping into the grinder as soon as the round started. I slowly came to realize it wasn't that bad, actually having fun and trying to make things go well for the crew. Of course there was a time when I tried to be a jerk supercop and catch traitors etc as soon as I could, but then I realized I just killed the fun from the round for everyone, so it didn't last long. Then I started trying to talk things out, but as I was met with a saber/laser to the face I realized a somewhat more direct approach was needed.

Arresting people on itself is not truly a bad thing, but being zealous and throwing them into jail, fully stripped and such is. That's why I tend to stun people, take any contraband from them and locking it, and then giving them a slap on the wrist while asking them to stop commiting crimes. As other positions of power, such as captain and HoP, I try to make sure I never abuse my authority and such, not wanting people to see me as someone to fear and/or ignore, but more like someone they can approach if they need even petty stuff, same for when I'm security, trying to solve things like someone stealing a person's id, and things like that.

Playing as the detective, too, running investigations, following people around and trying to see who's planning what before it all happens always is interesting, even if most of the tools at your disposal are never used. Basically just running around asking stuff, hearing shit, and seeing what's what can take you a long way if you know how to put the pieces together, something I try to accomplish everytime the cool hat is given to me.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): The brig on itself is pretty meh, nothing to add there, any chump can break out, but that's part of the fun of it, the layout is really efficient, though. It works really fine, so not much to add there, maybe just working on the system a bit to make it a little more neat.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum):

First movie was pretty good, after that it went downhill.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Weavel - 07-15-2013


Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Readster - 07-15-2013

I've played security with him recently and he certainly did a good job.
Yes from me.

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Dachshundofdoom - 07-15-2013

Back when he applied for mentor I was surprised that he wasn't already an HoS. Walter is always fantastic to see in any Sec role, if anyone deserves the beret it's him.


Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Morphing_Dwarf - 07-15-2013

Don't know how much my opinion is worth, but I'd say YES any day.

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 07-15-2013

Yes, very responsible, but this upsets me greatly:
Darkchis Wrote:Also the beret is superior, hats suck.
Come on man what the hell

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Shoddy - 07-15-2013


Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Preid - 07-15-2013

You should have applied sooner, yes.

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - T-man - 07-15-2013

He's pretty chill and good at Sec. Yes.

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Clarks - 07-16-2013


Darkchis Wrote:Also the beret is superior, hats suck.

The hat tells pros like me from scrubs like you.

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Nitrous - 07-16-2013

Clarks Wrote:The hat tells pros like me from scrubs like you.
get out, we all know that the beret is the latest in space fashion. The hat is for nerds and dorks like you.

also a yes from me, Walter is a good dude, and obviously got the right idea that berets are waay superior to the hat!

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Sundance - 07-16-2013

Fuck y'all I wear the Hat OR the Beret depending on how I feel. but mostly the beret
Also, yes Walter is a very good candidate for HoS.

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Conor12 - 07-16-2013

ew a walter. Stealing my hairstyle.

He's a smart, fun player and can be trusted with the Head of Security position.


Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - Wydamn - 07-16-2013

Walter has had an up-and-down spaceman career, but overall he is a cool guy who plays a chill detective. He would make a great HoS.

Re: Walter Poehl's HoS Application - berets rule - BillyMays - 07-17-2013

Yes, Walter is definitely capable of the job.