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What's with the greytide lately? - Printable Version

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Re: What's with the greytide lately? - Huff H Law - 02-15-2015

Kirex Wrote:but, guh, as i said, i only saw a good chunk of that so i can't really speak for the hos!! so maybe Hufflaw should pop in and tell us how he felt about this since they were that HoS.
You basically got everything that you could have in your previous post, it's not like anything was happening that round so I just decided to have fun with the arrested guy. I wasn't even aware he was greytiding that round, the impression that I got was more of a general criminal. Also, that story he told me about his father was beautiful.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - atomic1fire - 02-15-2015

If you're gonna do shinanigans do shinanigans that don't immediately make sec mad.

One previous round I filled the brig visitation area (not blocking doors) with some of those owls that hoot on movement, but in a way that still made the area traversable. The hardest part was figuring out how to wrench an owl that was under a tree icon. Doesn't really harm sec unless someone starts running around the owls repeatedly making them all hoot in a chorus of owl sounds.

Also damaging brig in a way that is a pain in the neck to repair is a huge no for me personally. I can deal with someone running into the brig and flushing themselves to go pretend to be the prison snitch or lift weights and tell people that they once got shanked, but purposely breaking into brig with a oxygen tank or filling it with tables or grilles is annoying.

I've probably run into security before when I wasn't supposed to, one time to punch someone who was driving a clown car and kidnapped me and then got arrested, but at the same time I've delt with turds as a sec officer before.

I personally think there's a line between "Crewmember just being goofy or a nerd" and "this guy really wants to get tazed and handcuffed"

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - TailorTok - 02-15-2015

Wonkmin Wrote:
TailorTok Wrote:Can we just incorporate it IC? I tried a bit today. Got arrested, told the HoS a beautiful story about my father's love, then when he released me I stungloved him, called him a nerd, yelled F the Police and declared that I had caught greytidefluenza in the hallway. He wrote a prescription and treated me with buckshot the face then I praised him as a hero.

Anyway that was all quite silly but I think an IC solution such as the HoS's brilliant idea that it's a disease that can only be cured with buckshot (or double amputation or something else awful) is more fun and creates some pretty immediate consequences.

This seems like messing with security just for the sake of it, which is what we've expressly asked you not to do!

What?? I was already in the interrogation room arrested for some non-crime. He sought me out for RP fun, I didn't try to get arrested!

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - Berrik - 02-15-2015

Had an assistant run around in security about 8 minutes after the start during a nuke round. He got stunbatonned and thrown out.

A few minutes later, I catch him building a secret door into the brig and fling him into space from the secure dock, then get gibbed by an admin. So, yeah, mixed messages on this.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - Ed Venture - 02-15-2015

Berrik Wrote:Had an assistant run around in security about 8 minutes after the start during a nuke round. He got stunbatonned and thrown out.

A few minutes later, I catch him building a secret door into the brig and fling him into space from the secure dock, then get gibbed by an admin. So, yeah, mixed messages on this.

So you killed a person for trying to break into security twice in a row? The only instant it was mention in this thread of people killing assistants in in the beginning of the thread when they talked about the mob of greysuits. You don't kill a lone greysuit for trespassing a few times. Your lucky all they did was gib you.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - Grayshift - 02-15-2015

There's a difference between griffing security and just being a crimer.

Outright attacking sec, pushing them down and stealing the tools they need to do their job, or generally preventing them from arresting people (running away with cuffed prisoners is a common one) - that's griffy and shouldn't be done.

Breaking into places is just standard crime. If he was stealing the sec lockers, you might have had justification for more than brigging him. But making a secret exit out of the brig, that's exactly what the brig bathroom is for. Busting into the brig to be the permanent brig hobo is fun.

There's some edge cases in there. Hacking open the security doors really depends on the state of the round. If things have gone to shit and you're looking for a weapon to defend yourself, no big deal. If things are still vaguely functional, you're inviting every chucklefuck to wander in and trash the place, so don't do it.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - TailorTok - 02-15-2015

Keep in mind there's still a lot of shitcurity going about, I wouldn't consider freeing a prisoner griefy if the security is griefing them. I've had Janet cuff me and just drag me around for attempting to make tools to fight the blob. I just now had Sundance the HoS shoot me, flashbang me into deafness then buckle cuff me for over 10 minutes, next to another guy who had been buckle cuffed for 15+ minutes, and this was not in the security area!

As much as noise is being made about "Security is getting better," most of the time just suiciding once they cuff you and hoping to get cloned is still the only way to participate in the round.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - DyssalC - 02-15-2015

Berrik Wrote:Had an assistant run around in security about 8 minutes after the start during a nuke round. He got stunbatonned and thrown out.

A few minutes later, I catch him building a secret door into the brig and fling him into space from the secure dock, then get gibbed by an admin. So, yeah, mixed messages on this.
It's not mixed. Why did you think it was okay to just kill them?

Cogwerks Wrote:Try to err on the side of public shaming and massively inconveniencing violent troublemakers rather than outright killing them, since that just snowballs against the sec team. If the security is likable and the people yelling for riots are assholes, they're not gonna get much sympathy.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - AmosMoses - 02-15-2015

TailorTok Wrote:Keep in mind there's still a lot of shitcurity going about, I wouldn't consider freeing a prisoner griefy if the security is griefing them. I've had Janet cuff me and just drag me around for attempting to make tools to fight the blob. I just now had Sundance the HoS shoot me, flashbang me into deafness then buckle cuff me for over 10 minutes, next to another guy who had been buckle cuffed for 15+ minutes, and this was not in the security area!

As much as noise is being made about "Security is getting better," most of the time just suiciding once they cuff you and hoping to get cloned is still the only way to participate in the round.

Bucklecuffing for 10/15+ minutes? Bucklecuffing is not a thing here, you can resist out of it.

You're trying to paint sec with some sort of shitbrush to justify your own actions. Feely is a fine HoS. If you got that sort of treatment I can almost guarantee you did something to deserve it. If there's shit within sec it will be dealt with by sec/HoS/admins.

" I wouldn't consider freeing a prisoner griefy if the security is griefing them."

Do you even know why McFuck is in the brig? Did he spout some shit on the radio? Odds are he's either a shitloaf or an antag and was counting on some jerkoff to come to his rescue. If you think sec is being shit adminhelp it. Don't go out of your way to make life harder for the rest of the sec team because you're just looking for an excuse to fuck with sec as a whole. How do you know the dude in the brig wasn't a massive shit to sec earlier? Unless you're an antag or the sec team has been obviously mindslaved stay the fuck away. It is infact griefing.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - TailorTok - 02-15-2015

I assume by "In the brig" you mean "not in the brig" and by "resist out of it" you mean "get stunbatonned repeatedly for 15 minutes"

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - Sundance - 02-15-2015

TailorTok Wrote:Keep in mind there's still a lot of shitcurity going about, I wouldn't consider freeing a prisoner griefy if the security is griefing them. I've had Janet cuff me and just drag me around for attempting to make tools to fight the blob. I just now had Sundance the HoS shoot me, flashbang me into deafness then buckle cuff me for over 10 minutes, next to another guy who had been buckle cuffed for 15+ minutes, and this was not in the security area!

As much as noise is being made about "Security is getting better," most of the time just suiciding once they cuff you and hoping to get cloned is still the only way to participate in the round.

I had a traitor nabbed in the assistants dorm above barbers, who'm because it was quiet at the time in that area was questioning him (and torturing him). He was trying to communicate to his traitor borgs and I just wanted a confession outta him, but he played the silent game.
Then you came in and robbed his ID, then got up all in my grill so I shot ya then stunned you. (I didn't flashbang you?), which you then released swedium and LSD smoke (which you had a grenade in your bag to use), and so I then cuffed you beside the other dude while you were too stupid to realize that you too could nothing as regards to questioning because you too where swedium'd. Eventually I let the traitor go because I couldn't speak, and you suicided, roughly 10 minutes later. You caused that mess, not me.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - Sundance - 02-15-2015

Sorry by robbing his ID, I meant stripping him completely naked, running away, coming back, taking the ID, then coming back a second time bumping into me when I told you to hand back the ID or fuck the hell off.
Summary Execution

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - TailorTok - 02-15-2015

Hum, I'll assume you have me confused with that dude in blue named Kevin or something who you were also shooting. I yanked the dudes shirt off but I didn't do anything to you and you didn't say anything to me until I got shot and flash banged, and swediumed us both.

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - Sundance - 02-15-2015

I wasn't aiming for kevin. I was aiming for you for stripping my captive. I went and shook kevin up and apologized because he just got in the way. I took off your bag, you had a beaker assembly in here, there is absolutely no confusion here. You had a remote signaler in your pocket. The smoke emanated from you. :clegg:

Re: What's with the greytide lately? - TailorTok - 02-15-2015

Way to misread my post so you can accuse me of lying. You want to know what I was trying for? Fine, I'll tell you because nobody seems to get the gimmick, maybe the show is too old.

I was trying to get you to chase me so I could loop around and chat with him to find an inconsistency in his story, then report it to the detective. I was trying an Angela Lansbury gimmick. I kept leading the detective to clues, even though I had already seen the chef murder someone and buy stuff with his PDA in maintenance. I kept doing chef related minor crimes like throwing cream pies at your witness, then running towards where the chef was cutting down walls. The Swedium was just something I found on the floor that seemed chef-related. I figured a traitor would kill me but show up speaking Swedish at least.

The next round was the only time I've ever done anything close to actual 'grey tide' behavior. I was wearing a stolen police uniform and eating the HoS spaghetti then running towards murder sites since "detective detective I found a clue" wasn't working for me. I did also heal a prisoner that was bleeding out in the cells, I guess that could be considered a bit shit since it wasn't part of the gimmick.

Both approaches were met with getting shot at so I'm giving up on the gimmick because it's not working and it's not fun if everyone gets too focused on shooting me and doesn't notice what I'm "accidentally" stumbling into.

The ironic part is everyone is trying to go Angela Lansbury on my posts here to find inconsistencies. You just parsed the object and subject wrong on purpose because you wanted to be like my gimmick character!