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Sprite Request - Printable Version

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RE: Sprite Request - Sundance - 11-05-2017

(09-14-2017, 11:49 AM)Flourish Wrote: A rice plant is on my to-do list, and the most intimidating part seems to be the spriting. I can recolor the wheat plant, but I'm going to need totally new sprites for the foods. So if anyone is willing to make any sprites for the following (or some other rice-based food that they think would be neat), please let me know!

Fried rice
Omelette rice
Sushi (any kind)
Porridge (variation of gruel?)
Rice cakes
Rice crackers

Specify the shapes and idea you want with this, artistic liberty is not my strong point. Do you want the rice to be in a bowl? The sushi to be small enough to fit on a plate? ..or large and detailed? 
Because I'm fairly sure i've some assets in some begotten folder that actually has these, notably the rice.

Quote:If someone could sprite a transparent tank full of reagent-colorable fluid (think like, slightly smaller than a gastank, meant to be dragged around), that would be really cool.

I could do something like this. Along the lines of looking kind of like this$_86.JPG
Difference would be that it would have a translucent window (like the hypospray) and would have a nozzle pointing downwards for suction (as suggested in your thread for absorbing liquid)
Would that be kosher?

RE: Sprite Request - Nnystyxx - 11-05-2017

(11-05-2017, 07:47 AM)Sundance Wrote:
(09-14-2017, 11:49 AM)Flourish Wrote: A rice plant is on my to-do list, and the most intimidating part seems to be the spriting. I can recolor the wheat plant, but I'm going to need totally new sprites for the foods. So if anyone is willing to make any sprites for the following (or some other rice-based food that they think would be neat), please let me know!

Fried rice
Omelette rice
Sushi (any kind)
Porridge (variation of gruel?)
Rice cakes
Rice crackers

Specify the shapes and idea you want with this, artistic liberty is not my strong point. Do you want the rice to be in a bowl? The sushi to be small enough to fit on a plate? ..or large and detailed? 
Because I'm fairly sure i've some assets in some begotten folder that actually has these, notably the rice.

Quote:If someone could sprite a transparent tank full of reagent-colorable fluid (think like, slightly smaller than a gastank, meant to be dragged around), that would be really cool.

I could do something like this. Along the lines of looking kind of like this$_86.JPG
Difference would be that it would have a translucent window (like the hypospray) and would have a nozzle pointing downwards for suction (as suggested in your thread for absorbing liquid)
Would that be kosher?

Yeah that would be pretty b-ballin'. Cart included or none? Preferably the latter but that is ok either way-- window is absolutely what I meant. Thank you!

RE: Sprite Request - Firebarrage - 01-17-2018

Hello spriters. I want people to be able to turn themselves into a sandwich. While still alive. This would be done by wearing bread on their feet slot and their hat slot, which would rename them to something like "Adrian Clarke sandwich". Is someone willing to sprite up some breadshoes and a breadhat?

RE: Sprite Request - Silvercloud29 - 09-15-2019

it has been almost 2 years since someone posted anything in this thread. So I hope someone sees this...

When playing as the construction worker, and pick the Alternate Jumpsuit option for item to bring with you. It also gives you an alternate spacesuit as well. It looks something like this: 
[Image: xCqbllc.png]

I was wondering if we can get someone to recolor the visor to match the rest of the purple of the suit? 
An added idea (completely optional) Maybe add some gold lines in the arms and trim on the suit to make it constant with the engineers alternate jumpsuit pattern of purple and gold?

RE: Sprite Request - Silvercloud29 - 09-16-2019

(09-15-2019, 05:30 AM)Silvercloud29 Wrote: -Snip-

Come to find out. The purple helmet does exist. Just the con worker doesn't spawn with it. Sorry dudes.

RE: Sprite Request - aft2001 - 09-17-2019

Would be a good idea to have the top-level post here be regularly updated with a list of what the coders need to be sprited, so it would be easier to contribute to the community without good knowledge of BYOND's shitty programming language and SS13's even shittier code.

RE: Sprite Request - Studenterhue - 10-17-2019

I know I'm not in any position to actually implement them, save for wiki documentation, but I would like to see new icons for the various food buffs, with different ones for each buff. Currently, you can tell the broad types of buffs apart, but not specific ones. For example, I can tell if I have HP up or Energized, since their icons are completely different (former uses a heart, latter is a lightning bolt in this case). But I can't tell at a glance if I have Energized or Refreshed, since they use the same icon, nor can I tell if it's Energized+ or the regular Energized, since they again share an icon.

RE: Sprite Request - Katzen - 08-03-2021

Wakizashi bread knife replacement for chef job XP reward.

It would be a pretty similar size and look.