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[MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Printable Version

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Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Vunterslaush - 01-19-2015

More options for surgery sounds pretty cool.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Crumplehat - 01-19-2015

First and foremost can we make it so tread sprites actually go over top of clothing again? That'd be a pretty major robotics upgrade in my mind.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - DyssalC - 01-19-2015

Cyborg Skull
(Implement by performing the the first 3 steps of brain removal, then use cyborg head on patient's head, then staple, then sew it shut)
Unpowered- Standard skull functionality, provides head protection similar to a helmet.
Powered- Active functionality, lets you hack and interface with a door the same way borgs can. However, unlike borgs you aren't linked to the AI's door network so you have to hack EVERY door you want to access the interface for, and you have to stand next to it as you do it.
Electrical Interference- Two levels of brain damage, double stun duration.

Bionic Lungs
Unpowered- Standard lung functionality, the rate at which you suffer suffocation damage from oxygen deprivation is halved.
Power- Passive functionality, you activate an internal reservoir of oxygen that your lungs have stored up over time, thus functioning like internal internals.
Electrical Interference- Suffocation for 20 seconds.

Bionic Liver
Unpowered- Standard liver functionality, tox damage is accumulated at a slightly slower rate.
Powered- Passive functionality, your body rapidly flushes out all foreign chemicals in your bloodstream, at a rate slightly slower than calomel.
Electrical Interference- Your liver shuts down, allowing toxins into your bloodstream, dealing tox damage for a short while.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - BaneOfGiygas - 01-19-2015

Cyborg Skull - Any blunt attacks to the head trigger an electric shock to the attacker and/or the person with the cyborg skull.

Bionic Lungs - Your *screams and/or general speech become unbelievably loud, giving everyone in radius (including yourself!) hearing damage whenever you perform any of those actions.

Bionic Liver - Functions similarly or possibly identically to toxin resistance: All ingested chemicals cannot be transferred out of the blood with syringes and are invisible on health/reagent scans. Alternatively, it completely scrambles depletion rates, making them go slower or faster at random intervals.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - BaneOfGiygas - 01-19-2015

Oops, I totally forgot to mention that the above list was more suggested emag functionality.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Waffles64 - 01-19-2015

I'm not a fan of having X-Ray/Heat Vision eye augments. If we have glasses for it, we shouldn't be able to get eye augments for it too. Instead, I'd be interested in some BRAIN augments. How about a brain augment that allows you to use computers remotely, like cyborgs? Or a brain implant that gives you station-camera-vision?

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - atomic1fire - 01-20-2015

Having some end game where both materials science and robotics meet so you can have an arc reactor in your chest providing power to all your cyborg doodads and serving as a flashlight would be cool.

Of course allowing the crew to make reactors that could explode with shoddy workmanship is probably a terrible idea unless there's lots of overhead.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - DyssalC - 01-20-2015

Waffles64 Wrote:I'm not a fan of having X-Ray/Heat Vision eye augments. If we have glasses for it, we shouldn't be able to get eye augments for it too. Instead, I'd be interested in some BRAIN augments. How about a brain augment that allows you to use computers remotely, like cyborgs? Or a brain implant that gives you station-camera-vision?
Those are both good ideas, but the main reason the eye augments I came up with are based around visors is the idea that you can never actually have them removed. Like, anybody can strip you of your thermals as detective, but nobody can remove your eyes. Well, not quickly anyways.

atomic1fire Wrote:Having some end game where both materials science and robotics meet so you can have an arc reactor in your chest providing power to all your cyborg doodads and serving as a flashlight would be cool.

Of course allowing the crew to make reactors that could explode with shoddy workmanship is probably a terrible idea unless there's lots of overhead.

Ya, robotics is like genetics in the sense that it's a field trapped between many categories with specific needs.

It's a medical field because it requires quick access to the morgue and involves surgery, but it's also kind of an engineering field because of the heavy resource consumption and need. I feel that robotics should eventually start making its way closer to the half-way point between engineering and medbay if it ends up taking the augment path. Maybe even get its own NanoMed.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Zadeon - 01-20-2015

Let us be able to put our brain in another limb so that we could
Daeren Wrote:slam dunk my own head

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Amuys - 01-20-2015

I want cyberbrains that let you remotely control doors and function like PDAs so you can use detomatrixes with your mind

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Vunterslaush - 01-20-2015

Amuys Wrote:I want cyberbrains that let you remotely control doors and function like PDAs so you can use detomatrixes with your mind

So would it let you blow up your brain just like the detomax can with your own PDA?

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Amuys - 01-20-2015


Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - Vunterslaush - 01-20-2015

Outstanding I approve of this.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - salix_catus - 01-20-2015

Treads on your arms as well as your legs.... you could go really fast..... and little else.

Re: [MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments - atomic1fire - 01-20-2015

DyssalC Wrote:
Waffles64 Wrote:I'm not a fan of having X-Ray/Heat Vision eye augments. If we have glasses for it, we shouldn't be able to get eye augments for it too. Instead, I'd be interested in some BRAIN augments. How about a brain augment that allows you to use computers remotely, like cyborgs? Or a brain implant that gives you station-camera-vision?
Those are both good ideas, but the main reason the eye augments I came up with are based around visors is the idea that you can never actually have them removed. Like, anybody can strip you of your thermals as detective, but nobody can remove your eyes. Well, not quickly anyways.

atomic1fire Wrote:Having some end game where both materials science and robotics meet so you can have an arc reactor in your chest providing power to all your cyborg doodads and serving as a flashlight would be cool.

Of course allowing the crew to make reactors that could explode with shoddy workmanship is probably a terrible idea unless there's lots of overhead.

Ya, robotics is like genetics in the sense that it's a field trapped between many categories with specific needs.

It's a medical field because it requires quick access to the morgue and involves surgery, but it's also kind of an engineering field because of the heavy resource consumption and need. I feel that robotics should eventually start making its way closer to the half-way point between engineering and medbay if it ends up taking the augment path. Maybe even get its own NanoMed.

The big thing I suggested arc reactors for is materials science is kinda underused right now, and "Would you be willing to craft something and attach it permanently to your chest where it could mutate you or explode" seems like a cool goal for that. Also having a tier 3 power source which should ideally never run out of power during the round despite wearing augments errywhere would be a good goal. Like genetics has stability, robotics would have power consumption and while smes human could probably serve as an extended battery, having a thing actively generating power inside you would be the end goal, especially for an extended round where you want to do your solarium run as the six million dollar man.