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Re: Vigilantes - Cogwerks - 08-02-2013

Yeah, that's definitely something that experienced players can do to make things more interesting. Don't suicide just because you were caught, take it as a challenge.

Hell, one of my favorite wizard rounds was when I screwed up early on and got captured, but managed to talk the guards into deputizing me despite the murderous demands of the HoP. Fun fact: arse nath works without any gear, so the sec team gave me a uniform and deployed me to break up fights and riots with the Arse Nath spell. It was pretty damn fun, even set up a side deal with the roboticists. There were dozens of buttbots brought to the shuttle at the end of that round.

I've seen some pretty funny things happen too with traitors getting hired on as bodyguards for the captain or as vigilantes in their own right, like 'hey, don't hurt any innocent people, but if you want to clean up certain ~problems~ on the station, go for it.'

It's also a lot of fun to set up a rivalry with the detective and the HoS but keep them alive, or commit a lot of weird crimes as a traitor and pretend to help solve them as a Concerned Citizen.

Re: Vigilantes - Weavel - 08-02-2013

it's part of a larger problem, known as "Being A Bloodthirsty Awful P2W Unfun Shitty Hitler" which is a horrible disease far too many players seem to have

it's this mentality of I-can-kill-therefore-I-will; vigilante shitbirds get an excuse to kill people, and in parallel bad guys use their round to do nothing but silently attack people with no interest in doing something original

for vigilantes, just cracking down on that shit is the best process, but as for boring traitors, maybe a batch of new items might stem the dullness of what feels like a slew of rampage-after-rampage games

one other maybe-unmentioned thing is how often the AI gets a law like the following:

4. Anyone seen doing traitorous or magical acts is to be considered non-human and is to be destroyed immediately.

i really cant be the only one of seeing this every time someone breaks out an emag or whatever, it's so bad

Re: Vigilantes - Daeren - 08-02-2013

I am proooobably a little more kill-happy than a lot of really regular players/HoSes, but this is because I have been burned over and over and over when I try taking a rampager in alive, or let them go with a warning, or let the 'fun wizard' get the second chance, and then I get reamed by the rest of the crew, killed by the traitor before I can actually let them know I'm willing to be lenient, or immediately murdered by the ungrateful son of a bitch when I give them my terms and let them go. This is why my fun punishments are usually actual PUNISHMENTS as well as second chances, like de-arming a murderer, punishing anyone who tries to take advantage of his defenselessness, and giving him immunity to further prosecution if he actually manages to kill more people without arms.

Murderous, thieving vigilantes are met with savage beatings, confiscations, briggings, and shaming over the radio, because no matter how much I hate silent rampagers, I hate the people who sow the seeds for their existence more.

And yeah, for some regular players that practically default to traitor item rampages - you know who you are - try being hammy as hell and creative with how you're killing people. Instead of 'the fiftieth guy who's killed me with a c-saber' now you're the guy who's got a syringe gun that mixes Chlorine Azide inside of people and keeps taunting security like a Batman villain. It's way more entertaining for the victims and you'll have way more fun yourself. One of my favorite ways I've taken out several assassination targets was simply convincing them to hold onto a beaker/igniter/radio assembly full of crank mix, and then mashing the RSD I had until they exploded violently. It was practically a Tom and Jerry gag that should never have worked but it DID.

Re: Vigilantes - Dauntasa - 08-02-2013

Daeren Wrote:And yeah, for some regular players that practically default to traitor item rampages - you know who you are - try being hammy as hell and creative with how you're killing people. Instead of 'the fiftieth guy who's killed me with a c-saber' now you're the guy who's got a syringe gun that mixes Chlorine Azide inside of people and keeps taunting security like a Batman villain. It's way more entertaining for the victims and you'll have way more fun yourself. One of my favorite ways I've taken out several assassination targets was simply convincing them to hold onto a beaker/igniter/radio assembly full of crank mix, and then mashing the RSD I had until they exploded violently. It was practically a Tom and Jerry gag that should never have worked but it DID.
I almost killed a guy the other day as a traitor by telling him that the recipe for sarin was putting chlorine, fluorine, plasma and weldingfuel in the heater and turning it on. He got to medbay in time, though.

Re: Vigilantes - VictorMAngoStein - 08-02-2013

So far I have had once encounter with a vigilante. I was purchasing a microbomb and some jackass assistant with thermals and a stun baton saw me and stunned me. Somehow I got away, and I guess sec confiscated his gear while I was somewhere else. So I ran into him again, he was shouting about how I was a traitor, so I space lubed him and beat him to death in public with a floor tile. No one cared.

Re: Vigilantes - Monotonical - 08-03-2013

Just had a encounter with a vigilante detective: Spiff McGriff.

I had been running about with a cloaker stealing shoes, got arrested and then released without my gear, I walk past him murdering a traitor with a c-saber and upon telling him I was a traitor who got released he shot me and sabred me into oblivion despite not having anything dangerous on me. Then he bitched about getting killed in death chat. Fun times.

Re: Vigilantes - Dauntasa - 08-03-2013

Monotonical Wrote:vigilante detective
not really a thing since the detective's job description is basically "get drunk and catch traitors"

Re: Vigilantes - VictorMAngoStein - 08-03-2013

Sounds like the detective was being shit anyway though

Re: Vigilantes - Nubcake - 08-03-2013

As a hos I am a fan of giving a second chance, which I will grant if the guy i caught participates and wins some sort of challenge. He may or may not get some of his gear back, depending on how dangerous i think he might be.

I always make it clear that if i let them go, and they then turn up 5 mins later and try to kill me or do something destructive, i will laser them into oblivion without any regrets. Perhaps surprisingly, a large amount do actually try something, and some have the audacity to complain about it.

Two way street guys

Re: Vigilantes - Dauntasa - 08-03-2013

Nubcake Wrote:As a hos I am a fan of giving a second chance, which I will grant if the guy i caught participates and wins some sort of challenge. He may or may not get some of his gear back, depending on how dangerous i think he might be.

I always make it clear that if i let them go, and they then turn up 5 mins later and try to kill me or do something destructive, i will laser them into oblivion without any regrets. Perhaps surprisingly, a large amount do actually try something, and some have the audacity to complain about it.

Two way street guys

I remember one time Strelok decided to give me a "second chance" after thermal stalking me, strip searching me and getting me drunk for a minor crime and taking all of my items and I immediately disarmed my backpack out of his hands and gutted him with the butcher knife inside.

Re: Vigilantes - Sundance - 08-03-2013

I remember a round back on mushroom where I tased and brigged some dude for busting into security to beat the wizard who was in jail into crit. As I was putting the jerk in jail, who was making a racket saying I was rogue, the wizard succumbed and the round ended. I got jeered at by alot of people in ooc but I stood by what I did.
Much more recently, I brigged a dude for shoving the critical wiz into the enzymatic reclaimer, after me screaming at him not to, yet he still goddamn activated it. But this time around the support was resounding against the dude who did it, and he was pretty much labelled a murderer.
My point is that attitudes have changed, sure you can kill someone in self defense but it appears generally frowned upon by the majority to murder someone who is already subdued, or to murder someone going about their business not actually murdering people themselves but is a known/suspected traitor.

If this thread serves any purpose, it wouldn't be towards the minority vigilantes as really they'll learn what they're doing and why it's wrong over time from having their rounds messed up by people of their own kind when they roll traitor. Perhaps people who play security/HoS often could crack down a little harder on their kind, perhaps they'll get the picture sooner.

Re: Vigilantes - Klayboxx - 08-04-2013

Sundance Wrote:I remember a round back on mushroom where I tased and brigged some dude for busting into security to beat the wizard who was in jail into crit. As I was putting the jerk in jail, who was making a racket saying I was rogue, the wizard succumbed and the round ended. I got jeered at by alot of people in ooc but I stood by what I did.
Much more recently, I brigged a dude for shoving the critical wiz into the enzymatic reclaimer, after me screaming at him not to, yet he still goddamn activated it. But this time around the support was resounding against the dude who did it, and he was pretty much labelled a murderer.
My point is that attitudes have changed, sure you can kill someone in self defense but it appears generally frowned upon by the majority to murder someone who is already subdued, or to murder someone going about their business not actually murdering people themselves but is a known/suspected traitor.

If this thread serves any purpose, it wouldn't be towards the minority vigilantes as really they'll learn what they're doing and why it's wrong over time from having their rounds messed up by people of their own kind when they roll traitor. Perhaps people who play security/HoS often could crack down a little harder on their kind, perhaps they'll get the picture sooner.

Why don't wizard rounds end when they are cuffed and in the brig? Nuke rounds act like this - it'd be neat if wizard rounds did too. Or maybe when you shave their beards off.


Re: Vigilantes - mozi - 08-04-2013

Klayboxx Wrote:Why don't wizard rounds end when they are cuffed and in the brig? Nuke rounds act like this - it'd be neat if wizard rounds did too. Or maybe when you shave their beards off.


yeah taking prisoners in alive is a lot more rewarding. it's not as practical for changelings/vampires who can still fuck you up even in cuffs but it's fun to capture a traitor/wiz/nuke op instead of just lasering them to death.

once when I was playing sec a rampaging evil chemist deployed some awful awful awful mess of poison, lube, mutagen, swedium, everywhere that killed over half the crew and a sec officer still managed to tase cuff and haul him in without dying horribly, I was very impressed. of course once the guy was in custody the HoS walked up and shot him to death with an e-gun oh well

Re: Vigilantes - Daeren - 08-04-2013

Klayboxx Wrote:Why don't wizard rounds end when they are cuffed and in the brig? Nuke rounds act like this - it'd be neat if wizard rounds did too. Or maybe when you shave their beards off.


Cool HoSes seem to do the shaving thing often enough that I think it should be a straight-up mechanic that wizards lose their magical powers when shaved and are now Shameful Plebs to the wizard confederation, and if all wizards are shaved the station wins as if they were dead. It'd give the barber shop a reason to exist, and wizards could scheme to regain their bearded glory by tricking geneticists or barbers.

Re: Vigilantes - Cogwerks - 08-04-2013

uh dude why do you think people shave wizards
(it does things like what you are saying)