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Limit stripping to one item at a time - Printable Version

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Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Daeren - 07-19-2013

Marquesas Wrote:Also the consequences would be pretty damn frustrating for a changeling who already has a relatively limited timeframe between spitting and the dude getting up yelling his location.

Yeah the first thing I thought of when I saw this suggestion is that it would make being a changeling a colossal pain in the ass, with how frequently I like to pull a full disguise switcheroo with someone's entire outfit. Even just getting the hat/mask/radio off before someone gets up and screams an entire novel about their predicament would suddenly be a major problem.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 07-19-2013

Daeren Wrote:
Marquesas Wrote:Also the consequences would be pretty damn frustrating for a changeling who already has a relatively limited timeframe between spitting and the dude getting up yelling his location.

Yeah the first thing I thought of when I saw this suggestion is that it would make being a changeling a colossal pain in the ass, with how frequently I like to pull a full disguise switcheroo with someone's entire outfit. Even just getting the hat/mask/radio off before someone gets up and screams an entire novel about their predicament would suddenly be a major problem.

This is what concerns me the most about this idea.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Readster - 07-19-2013

Yeah, thinking about it now this would be problematic for changelings.

Possible solution: A dead man can't resist being stripped, so you can still strip everything from a corpse. Perhaps add a 'Strip all' option to the panel exclusive to dead corpses, because I know genetics and other places strip corpses all the time and would probably enjoy the addition of that button, as well as a changeling that just finished eating it's victim.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 07-19-2013

Readster Wrote:Yeah, thinking about it now this would be problematic for changelings.

Possible solution: A dead man can't resist being stripped, so you can still strip everything from a corpse. Perhaps add a 'Strip all' option to the panel exclusive to dead corpses, because I know genetics and other places strip corpses all the time and would probably enjoy the addition of that button, as well as a changeling that just finished eating it's victim.

What about living victims who you have to take their mask and hat off before absorbing?

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Readster - 07-19-2013

FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:What about living victims who you have to take their mask and hat off before absorbing?

I've never understood why I need to take a hat, sunglasses and breathmask off to stab somebody with a proboscis but yeah...that is still a problem.

I dunno maybe the w_class thing cogwerks brought up is the way to go on this.
Or maybe sort items into head, torso, legs and feet categories and limit people to removing from one category at a time.
Something that doesn't make things a pain at least.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Weavel - 07-19-2013

I would dearly love to be able to absorb someone who is simply hat/maskless rather than having to remove their ProDoc goggles, in case I get glass in my delicate proboscis

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Clarks - 07-19-2013

What's even the point of having quicker items to take out.

Making faster to take small items like sunglasses or thermals would just increase the stupid brawling in the corridors.
Making removal of headsets faster would screw the fighter that gets stunned first. And while I think that it's dumb to yell who/what/where/how is attacking you, rushing to help some dude who is screaming is a often tons of fun.

Ok, it might be a tad more realistic (someone said tactical, c'mon). But what's the point?

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Marquesas - 07-19-2013

Yeah, well, basically if you're a changeling you have to get rid of 3 things in the following order:
- Headset
- Mask
- Hat
Now even if this somehow fits into your timeframe you will still have a horrible time eating a security officer as you also should probably take just in case they get up:
- The taser from the belt
- Flash from the pockets
- Backpack for the stun baton
And all this in 10 seconds. Sequentially. People, please start thinking about consequences before suggesting things.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - mozi - 07-19-2013

maybe you shouldn't eat a sec officer until you've gotten handcuffs or a stun weapon of your own then. or drag them out into space so they won't wake up. or lock them in a crate and shove that into space. etc

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Morphing_Dwarf - 07-19-2013

I don't really support this. Because by adding this we basically screw any antagonists by forcing them to kill anybody they want to strip. I don't like that.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Readster - 07-19-2013

Morphing_Dwarf Wrote:I don't really support this. Because by adding this we basically screw any antagonists by forcing them to kill anybody they want to strip. I don't like that.
I don't think I could possibly name a time an antagonist stripped me without killing me.
Except for if they wanted one specific item like the nuke disk or my cap ID

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Sundance - 07-19-2013

mozi Wrote:maybe you shouldn't eat a sec officer until you've gotten handcuffs or a stun weapon of your own then. or drag them out into space so they won't wake up. or lock them in a crate and shove that into space. etc



A totally separate idea for changeling would be change how changlings absorb a player entirely.
Clicking the absorb tab undergoes the timely "X extends his proboscis" stage, but the changling does not need the player to be strangled/incapicated. Furthermore, you can target what part of the body you want to stab, each with varying degrees of success. This is canon, as The Thing never strangled anybody, just targeted flesh.
Mr A attempts to stab Mr B in the left leg with the proboscis
Mr B Resists!

Mr A attempts to stab Mr B in the chest with the proboscis
Mr B's armor deflect the blow!

Mr A attempts to stab Mr B in the face with the proboscis
Mr A stabs Mr B in the face with the proboscis!
Mr B screams!

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Marquesas - 07-19-2013

Readster Wrote:
Morphing_Dwarf Wrote:I don't really support this. Because by adding this we basically screw any antagonists by forcing them to kill anybody they want to strip. I don't like that.
I don't think I could possibly name a time an antagonist stripped me without killing me.
Except for if they wanted one specific item like the nuke disk or my cap ID

They usually do the killing for good measure, so you don't talk. It happens often, but not always. This update would encourage that sort of behaviour.

I still do not think this is a good idea, it's an unnecessary hint of realism, a cry to change a game mechanic that actually worked fine so far because you got stripped by a traitor and feel it's unfair.

Fine, let's make this all dull and inconvenient.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Dachshundofdoom - 07-19-2013

This sounds miserable. Now instead of just completely stripping you once you're stunned, they'll just strip any headwear, hit you in the face until unconscious, and strip the rest off as/after they murder you. Getting stunned in serious combat in SS13 is basically a death sentence either way.

Re: Limit stripping to one item at a time - Stonekill - 07-19-2013

Why does the ling even need to remove a mask, hat and eventually mask, the hell is that supposed to be? Ling is not a vampyre, it can stab everywhere, and it's sting is not made out of paper. Remove that weird requirement and the idea will be cool.