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Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Printable Version

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RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Ed Venture - 10-31-2018

(10-29-2018, 07:55 AM)Wonkmin Wrote: I vote let people change them.

They can still request a random one.

I agree. Why not both?

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - fosstar - 10-31-2018

(10-29-2018, 11:24 AM)Technature Wrote: But few things add joy to my life as much as seeing what shitty image I'll have represent me for the year.

plus i guarantee there would be a shit ton of anime avatars.

Including me.


There is no way I won't use this if given the chance.

Do the right thing.  Don't let me do it.
Coming out of my hibernation to second this, if we get choosable avatars i'm liable to make some bad anime reference with it. probably smug aqua to compete with technature's smug megumin

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Technature - 10-31-2018


RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Newtonsolo - 11-01-2018

I don’t trust y’all to pick entertaining avatars, it’ll just be a ton of anime pics. plus everywhere else you get too pick avatars, it’s boring

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Vitatroll - 11-01-2018

(11-01-2018, 04:27 AM)Newtonsolo Wrote: I don’t trust y’all to pick entertaining avatars, it’ll just be a ton of anime pics. plus everywhere else you get too pick avatars, it’s boring
On one hand I agree with you, on the other I see the grand potential of laughing derisively at shit tastes.

I'm for it. Never thought I would be, but I am.

PS: Mine is me IRL so it stays.

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Infinite Monkeys - 11-01-2018

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - New525 - 11-01-2018

Allow people to pick their own avatar but let admins change them at anytime

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Berrik - 11-02-2018

Admins can already change avatars, and anything else, at any time.

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - aft2001 - 11-02-2018

how about:

people get 1 pick a year. That's it. Even if it gets changed by an admin, that was their only change and they must wait a whole year to change it.

but even then, that's just a compromise, since I personally prefer to not let people change their avatars

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Vitatroll - 11-02-2018

I'm just interested to see what people do.

If people are shit it ain't like it can't be revoked with ease.

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - EristheSlackWyrm - 11-03-2018

As a clown I vote to keep it as it is. There is something truly charming and quite intriguing to see everyone's avatar. Instead of seeing something they want us to see, it feels like we are seeing someone else sees them as.

For the most part the admins have picked something that fits the person that asked for one. Be it in name or personality. This has given meaning to the avatars in a way that anime or memes could NEVER live up to.

They are not perfect. They are not what we would have chosen ourselves. But sometimes limitations, imperfection and being represented not by what you think you are but what other think you are, has its place.

For me I was actually found it really cool that we cannot choose our own avatars. it gives the forums a certain sense of vibe. That Goon™ Flavor of sass and silly.

There is nothing like SS13, and there is no other place in SS13 that has the Goon™ sass.

To keep Goon Goon we gotta keep the Goon things that are Goony and makes Goon Goon. Avatars goon goon forums quite up to goon levels and degooming the avatar sass would just take away one of those goony things.

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Technature - 11-03-2018

(11-03-2018, 08:06 AM)EristheSlackWyrm Wrote: This has given meaning to the avatars in a way that anime or memes could NEVER live up to.

i'm sorry but the maymays are the only way i could express myself properly.

Why else would I request them constantly?


RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Spoodle - 11-03-2018

I think that we should keep the avatar system how it is. That is all.

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - Maegor - 11-03-2018

The avatars not being chosen allows them to hold greater meaning. I believe it should remain this way.

RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - warcrimes - 01-09-2019

I think it would be rad and kind of some madmins to make your avatar, upon your request, your mugshot from ingame. This should be the only acceptable "by request" avatar.