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Gang Wars - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk) - Printable Version

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Re: An Idea to totally revamp Gang Mode - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 02-17-2013

Yeah I see what you mean now, when I think of gangs it reminds me of how gangs conduct themselves in real life so there was a little confusion. I still think it would be really cool to add alliances, and little mini objectives like, "produce X units of weed and put them in a crate labelled with your gangs name on it."

Re: An Idea to totally revamp Gang Mode - Cogwerks - 02-17-2013

It's just kind of a weird place halfway between a couple other modes. The point of the tagged turf thing is kinda to encourage gangs to go out wandering around provoking each other. It keeps some low-level aggravation going and gets the gangs annoyed at other gangs, which usually escalates into fights and drama... and that's fun.

As for people who just ignore the leaders and go start a lot of shit, I've seen that ruin a couple of alliances, which was kinda funny. If you're a gang leader and you get some new members who are causing more problems for the gang than they are worth... make an example of them.

There are probably some things that could be done to the locker idea though to give the gang leaders a little more control of who joins up. It's kind of a cheap answer to the question of how to make sure new recruits get their equipment.

Re: An Idea to totally revamp Gang Mode - atomic1fire - 02-17-2013

Maybe having the most tags should entail some minor not too gameplay breaking rewards.

e.g the ability to spawn contraband consisting of alcohol, money, or weed.

If the gang choses to use them in recruitment, sell it for cash, or bribe captain with it that's their choice.

Re: An Idea to totally revamp Gang Mode - kyle2143 - 02-17-2013

I think I was also a little confused in thinking that because it was called "gang mode" that it should try to emulate actual gangs. But now that it's clear it should just be a form of deathmatch or some sort of gang-conquest thingy, I think it's easier to figure out what could be changed. I still think that it would be good to make some gang leaders put a locker in their respective part of the station where nobody else could put them, but I guess it's not a big deal.

Cogwerks Wrote:It keeps some low-level aggravation going and gets the gangs annoyed at other gangs, which usually escalates into fights and drama... and that's fun.

I think that it's wrong to say that there is a low-level aggression going on during the round. While gang would be much better if this was so, it has turned into, if you see another gang attack before they attack you first. I have rarely spoken to other gang members to try to resolve our differences, with one exception where my gang was allied with another from the start and everyone respected our alliance.

Cogwerks Wrote:As for people who just ignore the leaders and go start a lot of shit, I've seen that ruin a couple of alliances, which was kinda funny. If you're a gang leader and you get some new members who are causing more problems for the gang than they are worth... make an example of them.

Ignoring gang leaders can be fixed fairly simply in my opinion. Give new gang members a similar message to what mindslaves get. Make it clear that if they don't obey the gang leader's orders that there could be some punishment. Or instead of doing that, make it so that the gang leader receives a message every time someone attempts to join and then he must approve them.

Re: An Idea to totally revamp Gang Mode - CaptainBravo - 02-17-2013

i think people are mostly mad because they forget how vague the word 'gang' is. you shouldn't be mad because a round turns into crips v. bloods instead of mafia wars. gangs retaliate against other gangs for nothing or next to nothing in real life all of the time.

i think the round that sparked this thread can be used to highlight another problem. thinking back on it, our gang wasn't even all that rowdy. we retaliated for people beating rube in a hallway, and we kidnapped some other gang members and tried to force them to capitulate. instead of refusing and getting killed, they could have accepted and joined us, or even pretended to have joined us only to kill us later. my point being that they were complaining in deadchat about gang being a dumb deathmatch even though we tried to reach out and stop it from being that in our own thuggin way. not accusing anyone in this thread, but if you're contributing to gang not being a more robust roundtype, stop crying about it.

Re: An Idea to totally revamp Gang Mode - Cogwerks - 02-17-2013

Some people love chaotic modes, some hate them. You're welcome to play gang how you like (within reason), don't be surprised if other people play it differently though. I think kidnappings and schemes and goofy inter-gang drama are awesome and are sorta what the roundtype is intended for, but it's really up to the players how it's gonna play out. If one gang just wants to rampage, well, I guess it's up to the other players to deal with it somehow. If they're attacking your members just for wearing costumes, go fuck 'em up. Tell security. Slander that mean gang to the crew, make alliances with other gangs, figure something out.

If you can't deal with people playing it a different way than you do... be better players? I dunno. People are always going to complain about something if all the answers aren't just hardcoded in, and then they'll complain about that instead.* If there are ways to gently coax the mode into being more interesting without enforcing some strict How To RP nonsense, I'll see what I can do.

Also there's a fine art to making people complain in deadchat because you ruined their day somehow.
If you can earn those tears while staying inside the ruleset of the game, relish them. Maybe we should just start spawning in weapons and cool toys for the gangs that are being cool and funny? Wouldn't really hurt anything, it's a gimmick mode and it usually only gets turned on if an admin wants to laugh at how it plays out anyways.

*by complainers I mean the people who bitch in deadchat about how any mode that they lose in is a terrible mode, not the people who are offering ideas to improve it

Re: Gang Wars - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk) - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 02-17-2013

Thanks for merging the threads Wonkmin, I did not want to post my idea in this thread originally due to its size.

After thinking about my idea more, I am thinking that it could be added in as a different game-mode dubbed Mafia due to its difference from this game-mode, while the rules of Gang can be better refined so it is not as ambiguous regarding how everyone conducts themselves