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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP *** - Printable Version

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Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - QP Evergrande - 08-07-2014

Awesome. I do try. But I take back what I said about removing the northern arm of the central belt system. I was mistaken, thinking in a cargo bay-centered fashion. I forgot that the botanists might want to send a crate of weed to engineering. Or the bridge. The bridge could use a cargo dock too. Maybe it'd see some use if you could make it into an executive party room.

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - Cogwerks - 08-31-2014

Been busy as hell IRL lately, but here's some more work on the science wing:

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - Zadeon - 08-31-2014

I love it how those hell foams people make could accidentally break out of the test chamber and spread all the way to medical.

Please don't fix this.

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - APARTHEID - 08-31-2014

A damn shame.

I'm really going to mix Engineering Toxins. oh sigh

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - Cogwerks - 08-31-2014

I might still put a mini version over there with sci access. IDK yet. I'd like to encourage more traffic between toxins and engineering somehow, especially with canisters of doomgas.

A shitty option would be to remove the combustion chamber from the engine, but that's just arbitrarily dickish.

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - Sundance - 08-31-2014

Cogwerks Wrote:Been busy as hell IRL lately, but here's some more work on the science wing:
The new toxins has a few new things incorperated into it, or at least looks that way. Does it have more functionality?

Test chamber looks neat. I approve of the mass driver. One thing that the test chamber on the current map allows somewhat explosive chem mixes (and in some cases, tank transfer bombs) to be tested in it, but I can't see it being tested in this map, due to the close proximity of the test chamber to literally everything. Will there be more practical uses of the test chamber in this map?

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - Cogwerks - 08-31-2014

More work on the medbay overall shape:

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - QP Evergrande - 08-31-2014

Telescience looks great. But I kinda miss the research courtyard area from the current map. It's one of my favorite areas to get in a fight, big enough for you to run around in, with lots of exits, while not being open to the public, so you don't have to worry about getting interrupted quite so much. That last point is the biggest difference between this station and the current one. But at the same time, I have no idea how to fit it in with the current design.

Medbay in general looks good. It's an efficient design. I especially like that arrangement of the surgical theater, with the med dispenser where people can get at it without bumping others out of the way. A second door into the theater would be nice though. There's always tons of traffic in and out of there. Also, the front doors into medbay being separated like that looks a little weird.

And is that a pathology lab I see in medbay? I don't care how it works, I'll celebrate its return all the same.

I think I see two port-a-medbay remotes, one in the surgical theater and one in the MD's office. Is the port-a-medbay capable of working with two like that? Also, what's that briefcase-looking thing in the MD's office?

It looks like you placed the cloner in the hardest place to bomb, given genetics' current position. I don't know if that specifically was your intention, but I applaud it.

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - Clarks - 09-02-2014

How about turning tool storage and the other storage spaces into proper underlit mainenance closets. Slightly out of the way, with some window to peek in to. For max paranoia when you need that multitool.

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - ccaper - 09-02-2014

Cogwerks Wrote:Been busy as hell IRL lately, but here's some more work on the science wing:

Overall, pretty good, good work man, but one complaint. I feel like the Telescience gear should stay in Research, not in public areas. That way, we won't have staff assistants looting the whole place for God knows what before an expedition can even start. v

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - BlakeJohnson - 09-02-2014

QP Evergrande Wrote:Also, what's that briefcase-looking thing in the MD's office?

it's a laptop

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - QP Evergrande - 09-02-2014

ccaper Wrote:
Cogwerks Wrote:Been busy as hell IRL lately, but here's some more work on the science wing:

Overall, pretty good, good work man, but one complaint. I feel like the Telescience gear should stay in Research, not in public areas. That way, we won't have staff assistants looting the whole place for God knows what before an expedition can even start. v

The point of that change was to make that equipment available for expedition members without having to let them into research. If it needs to be more secure, add a blast door to that hallway access door that has to be opened from the telescience control room so people can't come in before the researchers are ready to send them off.

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - KikiMofo - 09-03-2014

QP Evergrande Wrote:It looks like you placed the cloner in the hardest place to bomb, given genetics' current position. I don't know if that specifically was your intention, but I applaud it.

Na man. You see, to us experienced bombers you can see a very large and easy way to bomb the cloner. I'll give you a hint. It's green and possibly leafy.

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - Xeram - 09-03-2014

KikiMofo Wrote:
QP Evergrande Wrote:It looks like you placed the cloner in the hardest place to bomb, given genetics' current position. I don't know if that specifically was your intention, but I applaud it.

Na man. You see, to us experienced bombers you can see a very large and easy way to bomb the cloner. I'll give you a hint. It's green and possibly leafy.

I think Genetics is in the perfect place to be bombed, and with that maint tunnel there as a buffer, every round won't immediately start with nuking Genetics from orbit because some drunk station designer decided to put one of the most important rooms for everyone practically open to space. :P

Basically: I like that it's harder to blow up from outside, it's still in a position to sustain critical damage though, with a nice big dark maint tunnel for criming. A++

Re: Cogmap 2: Map Harder - DyssalC - 09-03-2014

Cogwerks Wrote:

More work on the medbay overall shape:
Perhaps I'm missing it, but where is the genetics monkey pen?