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[CLOSED PR] Stops unconscious people spinning
big on zamu's take. some futile struggle is good because otherwise i may as well go and get a coffee when that neuro sting hits
i like being able to spam the ijkl when theres not much else to do when down in any manner yeah, feel this is more of an rp issue than classic issue.
i think some chems (ketamine, capu; i.e. sleepy pen & rp ling-sting) should get a status effect that stops the spinny instead of Everything
(05-03-2024, 01:03 AM)glowbold Wrote: i think some chems (ketamine, capu; i.e. sleepy pen & rp ling-sting) should get a status effect that stops the spinny instead of Everything

Yeah, I think that‘s the best that could be done.
Have my opinion, on the understanding that I don't play anymore and almost certainly won't return until we're in the days of OD and its less of a chore to play on linux.

I've gotta throw my support on the compromise result of death and deathlike effects (and ketamine, etc) removing the rolling effect, but leaving it in for most other unconsciousness. Really, this pr happening simultaneously with the hearing-while-unconscious pr puts it in an extremely strange state. Is unconsciousness supposed to be a lethargic state where you can still somewhat hear and act to an extent, or should it be a deep sleep that completely removes your awareness? These things seem at odds, and if I had to choose, I'd pick the former.

Mechanically, perhaps there could be normal unconsciousness and advanced unconsciousness? say, "Knocked Out" for most effects, "Blackout" for effects that should be more debilitating? Codewise, I think this could be achieved by inheriting from the unconscious effect (ie statuseffects/stuns/paralysis or whatever it is) and applying/removing a new mob property that disables turning similar to how paralysis already disables moving.
While I find it funny seeing people spin around while I'm a changeling consuming them or a security officer watching a player spin in struggle while I'm investigating what's going on, it often gives the situation away and is more conspicuous compared to a non-spinning body.

Perhaps adding continuous Z's to a body that is unconscious or knocked out could be better, that way you can actually tell that they're not dead.
I usually do it when I'm dead next to the cloner and nobody is paying attention to my body or when someone is trying to borg me well before my body starts to rot. I agree it should be stopped for sleepy drugs though
I believe if some sort of visual indicator was added for unconscious people it would remove the need for the whole spinning thing to get people to notice that someone is unconscious. Though, until something like that is added, I would be against removing the spinning since it is pretty much the only current visual indicator. You can examine people to see if they are unconscious, however this is often not done due to either a lack of awareness that it is a feature or the lack of visual indicator making people think you are just being weird rather than unconscious. This is mostly important for CO2 and wouldn't really affect capulettium to my knowledge since capulettium is meant to be more so a paralytic rather than a KO chem. This shouldn’t make people show anything like an unconscious visual indicator.
i totally forgot this even existed and thought this was about fliptonium spin or smth

good change, soul but its really for the best so knockout chems can... work.
I like this a lot, I know that some people think corpses spinning around is really funny, and I think the first time you see it, it *is* pretty funny, but it just kinda becomes a way to communicate "Hey clone me" or "Hey look over here" when you're dead as hell and shouldn't really be able to communicate anything. Corpses shouldn't really be showing major signs of life and not every bug that is a little bit funny should automatically stay around Forever, in my opinion.

For knocked out people I care slightly less. I think for 'crewmember is dragging me around and I'm poisoned" this is Good because people communicate that the person dragging them is A Badguy Who You Should Be Looking At by spinning rapidly and this Sucks and doesn't really make any sense. CO2 and N2O are annoying outside of this change all on their own for their ability to keep you stunned for long periods of time, imo leaks of those gasses just shouldn't do what they do now since being knocked out is such a debilitating effect. The gameplay you're supposed to have while stung by a ling is paying attention to where the ling is going and figuring out what you might do if you happen to wake up before you get killed. You shouldn't be able to go "Hey look at me" to anyone in your field of view.
I'd say no because spinning in your grave is funny as hell.
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