09-08-2017, 10:01 AM
Usual Character Name:Adam Nehaldo
BYOND Username:Technature
Recommended by (if applicable):Ed Venture
Times Available:Unsure at this point. Job Searching's annoying like that.
Reason for Application (300 word minimum): The main reasons I am sending an application in for security are that Security is almost always empty and security itself itself never seems to be taken seriously when they are there, by other players and by security itself. I believe the main reason security is empty is because people find it to not be fun, which is understandable.
I feel it's not a role for everybody who plays the game simply because of how difficult it can be at times and, while it seems to have gotten better recently, the fact that the crew screws with security to an unrecoverable point disturbingly often. I hope to pass off what experience I have as security down to players who are trying to get used to the job as well as to encourage people to work together when they are in the role.
I also feel that, while US2 isn't meant to be taken super seriously, that the rules meant to be followed aren't as heavily enforced as they should be. Under most circumstances it isn't a problem, but with the introduction of Spy-Thief rounds, it can make the game seem less entertaining than usual at times. While I'm not sure how much an HoS would help the situation in that regard, I do feel that it would be useful in at least encouraging officers to stop people from breaking into places.
Ya know, BEFORE the place goes to shit. It's understandable not to stop minor crimes after more important things pop up.
Security also tends to be better to work with when officers know there's someone they can trust to not be a shithead, especially when it comes to dealing with other officers. Since not all officers are good officers, having someone who can teach them they're supposed to be not shit would probably be a good benefit.
Also, maybe it's irrelevant, but teaching officers to not harm baton with the stunner on repeatedly would probably be good too.
Security Experience (300 word minimum):I first started playing security around I think either november or december last year. It was to be honest a rough start, but I think I've definitely learned the important things to being an officer
When it comes to dealing with problematic crew members, it's important to get as much information as possible. This should take as little time as one can manage while being sure to actually arrest the right person. Mediating arguments is also the quickest way to prevent people from going overboard when it's not necessary.
When it comes to potential bad guys, it's important to deal with them in a way that keeps them in the game whenever possible. If they're doing minor things or their victims are consenting, the worst that should probably be done is a ticket and a stern talking to. If they're actively going out of their way to harm people, they should be brought in non-lethally when possible and have potential problem gear taken away (traitor gear, potential traitor gear (pens, scanners, etc.), PDA). Only when they're going on rampages of destruction should lethal action be considered top priority (and even then borging them at least let's them keep playing so doing that when possible would be nice). Of course the mass majority for non-lethality should be ignored if the people aren't potential normal crewmen (Syndies, Wizards, Blob) since if they're being mentioned, they're probably doing that last bit.
Being security is less about fighting or killing bad guys and more keeping general order and being a hurdle for bad guys. A good security officer I feel not only understands this, but also works together with their fellow officers to ensure they are reaching this goal and helping to make the round fun for everyone involved.
In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): I have roughly equal experience with Cog 1 and 2 security, so let's split this up.
Cog 1
espite security's large size, the doors in the middle make it difficult for people who got out of an officer's grip to avoid them for much longer than a few minutes (assuming more than one person is dealing with them of course). It also means people will have to break through several walls or doors in order to access all of security (assuming they want to). A large amount of security is also surrounded by restricted areas, or public areas time consuming to reach without said access. The general population brig also having doors down the middle also means it's possible to have several minor criminals without too many people being able to get together to attempt a break out. The mini-brig is quite useful as an ultimately inescapable place without assistance or really dumb officers, and makes a pretty good back-up if the main brig has been damaged in some way. The location of the armory also makes it difficult to invade it without the proper tools
Solitary confinement itself has a window to space, which while on its own is a great escape deterrent, is also problematic if anyone arrested has an accomplice to assist breaking them out, as it's the easiest place to escape from if there's a space pod there to assist them. The Mini-brig also has accomplice issues as prisoners can break out and be gone before an officer can properly react to the situation. While the public brig is SIGNIFICANTLY better than it used to be, it's large size makes it difficult to keep an eye on the entire brig at once without several officers keeping watch. The Northern half has an easy way to leave via the bathroom or the package receiver/sender room (assuming they can survive the trip) while the southern half is connected to the half of security that has potential tools and weapons for prisoners to use themselves. Along with that, if one needs two people to be in solitary confinement, one may need to trek half the station to do so. The armory's placement in itself is a double edged sword, as while it's difficult to break into outside of security, it's difficult to stop once it's happening and damn near impossible to fix.
Cog 2: The public Brig in security is relatively easy to monitor compared to its older brother. It also has less places prisoners can get out without the assistance of basic tools. Outside of the bathroom, all of it can be watched by a single officer. It also has very few windows, making it unlikely to break out without basic tools. The Guard Quarters make it easy to assist security in medical problems without relying too heavily on medbay. Both Solitary Confinement cells also have emergency window...thingies...to allow them to be usable even if someone breaks down the window.
Now that I think about it maybe I have more experience with Cog 1 than 2...
The entirety of security is surrounded by public areas or maintenance. The only rooms not easily accessible breaking through a single wall or door is the interrogation room and, Ironically, the Package Sending/Receiving room, which itself can be infiltrated through the very obvious way (The main room can be invaded via beepsky's room). The Solitary Confinement cells suffer from the same general problem as the mini-brig from Cog 1. Finally, the general security area is particularly big, potentially making it difficult to deal with prisoners that got away before they could be properly dealt with.
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):Nope.
Note: Personally, I feel this is less "Make me HoS" and more "How can I be better at this?". While it would be nice if everyone felt I was ready to try, please don't hesitate to give advice on how I can be better even if you feel I'm ready for HoS.
Though I must have learned SOMETHING after a year right?
BYOND Username:Technature
Recommended by (if applicable):Ed Venture
Times Available:Unsure at this point. Job Searching's annoying like that.
Reason for Application (300 word minimum): The main reasons I am sending an application in for security are that Security is almost always empty and security itself itself never seems to be taken seriously when they are there, by other players and by security itself. I believe the main reason security is empty is because people find it to not be fun, which is understandable.
I feel it's not a role for everybody who plays the game simply because of how difficult it can be at times and, while it seems to have gotten better recently, the fact that the crew screws with security to an unrecoverable point disturbingly often. I hope to pass off what experience I have as security down to players who are trying to get used to the job as well as to encourage people to work together when they are in the role.
I also feel that, while US2 isn't meant to be taken super seriously, that the rules meant to be followed aren't as heavily enforced as they should be. Under most circumstances it isn't a problem, but with the introduction of Spy-Thief rounds, it can make the game seem less entertaining than usual at times. While I'm not sure how much an HoS would help the situation in that regard, I do feel that it would be useful in at least encouraging officers to stop people from breaking into places.
Ya know, BEFORE the place goes to shit. It's understandable not to stop minor crimes after more important things pop up.
Security also tends to be better to work with when officers know there's someone they can trust to not be a shithead, especially when it comes to dealing with other officers. Since not all officers are good officers, having someone who can teach them they're supposed to be not shit would probably be a good benefit.
Also, maybe it's irrelevant, but teaching officers to not harm baton with the stunner on repeatedly would probably be good too.
Security Experience (300 word minimum):I first started playing security around I think either november or december last year. It was to be honest a rough start, but I think I've definitely learned the important things to being an officer
When it comes to dealing with problematic crew members, it's important to get as much information as possible. This should take as little time as one can manage while being sure to actually arrest the right person. Mediating arguments is also the quickest way to prevent people from going overboard when it's not necessary.
When it comes to potential bad guys, it's important to deal with them in a way that keeps them in the game whenever possible. If they're doing minor things or their victims are consenting, the worst that should probably be done is a ticket and a stern talking to. If they're actively going out of their way to harm people, they should be brought in non-lethally when possible and have potential problem gear taken away (traitor gear, potential traitor gear (pens, scanners, etc.), PDA). Only when they're going on rampages of destruction should lethal action be considered top priority (and even then borging them at least let's them keep playing so doing that when possible would be nice). Of course the mass majority for non-lethality should be ignored if the people aren't potential normal crewmen (Syndies, Wizards, Blob) since if they're being mentioned, they're probably doing that last bit.
Being security is less about fighting or killing bad guys and more keeping general order and being a hurdle for bad guys. A good security officer I feel not only understands this, but also works together with their fellow officers to ensure they are reaching this goal and helping to make the round fun for everyone involved.
In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): I have roughly equal experience with Cog 1 and 2 security, so let's split this up.
Cog 1

Solitary confinement itself has a window to space, which while on its own is a great escape deterrent, is also problematic if anyone arrested has an accomplice to assist breaking them out, as it's the easiest place to escape from if there's a space pod there to assist them. The Mini-brig also has accomplice issues as prisoners can break out and be gone before an officer can properly react to the situation. While the public brig is SIGNIFICANTLY better than it used to be, it's large size makes it difficult to keep an eye on the entire brig at once without several officers keeping watch. The Northern half has an easy way to leave via the bathroom or the package receiver/sender room (assuming they can survive the trip) while the southern half is connected to the half of security that has potential tools and weapons for prisoners to use themselves. Along with that, if one needs two people to be in solitary confinement, one may need to trek half the station to do so. The armory's placement in itself is a double edged sword, as while it's difficult to break into outside of security, it's difficult to stop once it's happening and damn near impossible to fix.
Cog 2: The public Brig in security is relatively easy to monitor compared to its older brother. It also has less places prisoners can get out without the assistance of basic tools. Outside of the bathroom, all of it can be watched by a single officer. It also has very few windows, making it unlikely to break out without basic tools. The Guard Quarters make it easy to assist security in medical problems without relying too heavily on medbay. Both Solitary Confinement cells also have emergency window...thingies...to allow them to be usable even if someone breaks down the window.
Now that I think about it maybe I have more experience with Cog 1 than 2...
The entirety of security is surrounded by public areas or maintenance. The only rooms not easily accessible breaking through a single wall or door is the interrogation room and, Ironically, the Package Sending/Receiving room, which itself can be infiltrated through the very obvious way (The main room can be invaded via beepsky's room). The Solitary Confinement cells suffer from the same general problem as the mini-brig from Cog 1. Finally, the general security area is particularly big, potentially making it difficult to deal with prisoners that got away before they could be properly dealt with.
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):Nope.
Note: Personally, I feel this is less "Make me HoS" and more "How can I be better at this?". While it would be nice if everyone felt I was ready to try, please don't hesitate to give advice on how I can be better even if you feel I'm ready for HoS.
Though I must have learned SOMETHING after a year right?