09-03-2017, 03:57 AM
Whilst taking a glorious dump this fine morning I had an idea! An idea so great it warranted me taking 5 minutes to write a paragraph on a forum about it! You see in Space Station 13 there are a great many moments when you wish to "Flip off" your enemy, you successfully evaded a terrorist bombing, you made it to cent com with 2 lings on board, you just aced a clutch and wall banged some nubs. In these situations a victory dance is usually warranted... yet... it doesn't feel like enough... It doesn't rub in the salt at the satisfactory levels... you wish to do something so gratifying, so rude that it will make your enemies madder than a monkey with a kitchen knife... you wish too... dab. I know it may seem like an extremely childish move and is probably the most millennial idea ever proposed but hear me out! I have talked to many members of the game and suggested this idea to plenty of players with mostly positive feedback (one oblivious to my question asked me why it wasn't in!)! The only 2 people opposed to it where an admin and a captain (But he tried to set me on fire so he loses credibility)! I feel like this would be a splendid idea and would ad so much class to the game it would require servers to be hosted in England (City joke here)! In conclusion Dabbing would be a splendid addition to the game and any who disagree are haterz who I will be forced to dab upon.
(Please note that this is only partially serious and I can get by just fine with *me custom,I will now take my throne at the peak of the "Bad Ideas" Sub Forum)
(Please note that this is only partially serious and I can get by just fine with *me custom,I will now take my throne at the peak of the "Bad Ideas" Sub Forum)