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Minor Chem dispenser window closing upon a attempt to open it
So whenever I try to use the chem dispenser the window will open for a second and then close. This makes doing chemistry pretty difficult.

How to replicate: (Hopfully)
1. open the chem dispenser tab
2. Profit?

Os:windows 10
IE version: 11.953.14393.0
Byond Version:Beta 511.1378
This seems to be more than just trivial.
This sounds like the bug I've been having where any menu windows that pop up (the chem dispenser window for exmple) will stay white for a while like they're loading or something
Did you try clearing your BYOND cache? That fixed this issue for me long ago

Im also on 10x64bit with the latest IE updates
Great, now this is happening to me. And I just cleared my Byond and IE caches.

EDIT: And now it stopped after I opened IE and then force-killed the process. Strange!

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