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Locker teleporter
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-What is this?
Locker teleporters are a new thing the mechanic/anyone can create
-How do i create them?
You just click on an open locker with a teleporter pad in hand
-How do i use them?
First of all, you will need to assign a code to them, like how you do with the normal teleporters, these can be paired to normal teleporters or to another locker teleporter, then you just enter and close them, the trigger for the teleporter is the closing of the locker, it can teleport people, critters and objects.
-Extra notes
Once you create them, you cannot move the locker around anymore, so that people can't just go around stunning and teleporting other people.
When you create it, it will retain the properties of the locker, so for example, if you create one using a mechanic locker, you can lock/unlock it by using a mechanic ID
alright, but if i cant move the locker anymore, how are you supposed to push it into the crusher once youve caught someone?
It's not really a traitor item, also probably using a wrench will remove the teleporter from the locker
Sounds like a good way to trap people inside a personal storage locker.
(03-11-2017, 03:56 PM)misto Wrote: alright, but if i cant move the locker anymore, how are you supposed to push it into the crusher once youve caught someone?

Set it up with two lockers, one you lock people into, and the other which is always open.

Put a graviton accelerator under the other open locker pointed at the crusher.

Lock someone inside your prison locker, push your trigger button, and the person will fly out of the unlocked locker right into the crusher.
Maybe make it so that you cannot weld or id lock a locker teleporter
(03-12-2017, 05:54 AM)ElectroBlueGuy Wrote: Maybe make it so that you cannot weld or id lock a locker teleporter

Alternatively make it so that the locker eventually bursts open and stuff comes flying out when filled to overcapacity.

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