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Teperone is the 'normalise your body temp' one right? Add a fake chem made in a very similar way that does the exact opposite while it's in your system. If you are cold, it cools you even more, if you are hot, heats you up more. Deadly in terms of heat if you aren't careful, and it has a similar name or something. Good for both nerds messing up and traitors sleepy penning this stuff idk.

(toperone is my suggested fake name)
"Teporone" is the current one. I'd go for "Toperone" or "Teperone" if you really want to mask it, but if this becomes a thing I can already envision people being immediately suspicious if you have the proper reagent in your body.
I like it, but make it something hard to make. Also, fuck it, do the same with other chemicals!

Epinephrine - Epeniphrine (Doesn't give you heart attacks but makes them happen faster when in shock)

Capulettium - Capulettum (Reverse effect. Makes you look perfectly healthy, even if you're dying/dead. Can be abused...)

Initropidril - Initopridril (Acts like Ephedrine)

Pancuronium - Pancorunium (Acts like meth)

But yeah, I like that idea. Just make them a bit more rare/difficult to make/dangerous to make.
Nah. Theres enough chemicals to make learning them diffivult without having to spellcheck them.
Make a candy bar full of this stuff -- a teplerone.
I'm all for this
Yes please, this sounds like fun

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