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Ideas of questionable quality
Distinguish between and separate space resistance and cold resistance.  Finally ditch the obtuse and poorly-documented "spaceworthy jumpsuit/outer suit + spaceworthy mask/hat = 100% cold resist regardless of stats" mechanic without balance concerns.  Let wolves be cold immune without having them zooming around in space with a jetpack.  Let lings spacewalk but still not want to get frozen solid.  Introduce liquid nitrogen without immunity to it being trivial to get.

Potential downsides include even more text in the tooltips (although we can probably ditch disease resist now) and no longer being able to spacewalk with fuzzy slippers/speedo/bathrobe/boxing gloves/horse mask/viking helmet.
farting in the pool should make bubbles
(07-27-2024, 03:24 PM)Mouse Wrote: Distinguish between and separate space resistance and cold resistance.  Finally ditch the obtuse and poorly-documented "spaceworthy jumpsuit/outer suit + spaceworthy mask/hat = 100% cold resist regardless of stats" mechanic without balance concerns.  Let wolves be cold immune without having them zooming around in space with a jetpack.  Let lings spacewalk but still not want to get frozen solid.  Introduce liquid nitrogen without immunity to it being trivial to get.

Why not just add barotrauma instead of differentiating between cold and "magical space cold"?
cold isn't what hurts you in space to begin with
Pufferfish are fished up alive and have to be properly killed ontop of being properly processed. You can also throw them around like a basketball, getting you high (or poisoned with enough throws).
(07-29-2024, 06:31 AM)CalliopeSoups Wrote: Pufferfish are fished up alive and have to be properly killed ontop of being properly processed. You can also throw them around like a basketball, getting you high (or poisoned with enough throws).

dolphin type suggestion
The "Adrenaline Rush" mutation should inject you with pure Epinephrine. High doses of Epi should act similar to meth.
(07-30-2024, 12:09 PM)Chasu Wrote: The "Adrenaline Rush" mutation should inject you with pure Epinephrine. High doses of Epi should act similar to meth.

Nah super high amounts of sugar!
If you die after signing up faustian contract, you get send to hell, but if someone tries to clone you, it will open up a gate in hell so you can get back to your body.

But... to get out, you need to climb out of hell through... random generated dungeons rogue like stuff...
Just as the captain is notified when the bonsai is destroyed, the HoS should be notified when the pasta is eaten.
Just as we have black holes, which suck things in, and white holes, which spit things out, we ought to have grey holes, which don't really do anything at all.
i have just learned the joy of the dab license and its stats. but i would love to see it upgraded.
1. dabs on people should maybe be once per person, and shouldnt count non-players. its too easy to farm dabs on people on a monkey or corpse thats dead so the stat means nothing frown
2. somehow save the total count of your stats across rounds and show them on the license in parenthesis

put this in this thread cause the idea of adding more features to this very dumb item/minigame is questionable in the first place
Wires can no longer be stacked

Rolls of wire still have 30 length but you cant add more wire to it cause thats not how wire works

When you lay down wire, you need wirecutters to cut the wire and finish the placement unless you use the whole roll, until then you can reroll the wire back up by retracing your steps, adding more after requires a junction box

For things that need so much wire, you cant take two seperate pieces, its gotta be all one piece. You also need wirecutters as well for any step involving wires

This post brought to you by electrician gang
To deal with the problem of staffies and clowns eating all of sec's donuts, I propose that a donut dispenser be added to Security on all maps.  It would contain glazed donuts, jelly donuts, bavarian creme filled donuts, cinnamon rolls, apple fritters, bear claws, and, if hacked, a box of a dozen starving, crazed weasels.
(08-03-2024, 09:44 AM)Mouse Wrote: To deal with the problem of staffies and clowns eating all of sec's donuts, I propose that a donut dispenser be added to Security on all maps.  It would contain glazed donuts, jelly donuts, bavarian creme filled donuts, cinnamon rolls, apple fritters, bear claws, and, if hacked, a box of a dozen starving, crazed weasels.

It could be just like the nukie barrier dispenser but for donuts

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