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Ideas of questionable quality
put bones in the food processor to make gelatin
Smart home horror kind of AI. Give them the ability to change the water temperature of showers and sinks. So AI can now burn people with water
New trait: Card Fiend
You have the option to place cards in a specific order in the deck, and all other players (that aren't detectives) see you shuffle the cards. Cheat your way to victory against all except that blasted cool guy with the hat!

Other new trait: Card Friend
If someone plays cards on a table, there's a chance you're notified no matter the distance. A 6th sense for knowing that there's a card game ongoing, and a chance for you to NERD OUT!
If you mindhack someone who has a mindshield, it should work the same as implanting a rev with loyalty. It needs to slowly harm them to almost crit before the implant to works. So, there are more reason to beat up people with blunt object.
How to fix mindhack implants on goon 1 forever (BEST METHOD):
Give Rose Pendragon and Yes man treeby mindshield implants
Mindhacking the HoS will now cause a violent explosion that kills both the implanter and implanted (and anyone next to them)

I hate the mind blocking.. so let's just find the nice middle ground!
Clown disbelief is changed slightly, not only are you unable to see clowns but if you're ever faced with clown objects in space (being slipped by a banana peel, hit with clown shoes, canned laughter is used nearby) you take brain damage. Your mind beings to snap instead of bend to the idea of clowns in space!

And when you have enough brain damage, you see clowns... as hallucanagetic monsters who speak in tongues
New clown technoclogy has been uncovered, but is it worth it in the end..?

A secondary system called "Clown Upgrde" that lets you potentially add in the entire server into a pod.. with each additional person past the normally safe 2 having the chance to damage the ship, with increasing damage. A failure to contain could cause the ship to bulge and violently explode!
(04-03-2024, 06:22 PM)Dhaidburt Wrote: Clown disbelief is changed slightly, not only are you unable to see clowns but if you're ever faced with clown objects in space (being slipped by a banana peel, hit with clown shoes, canned laughter is used nearby) you take brain damage. Your mind beings to snap instead of bend to the idea of clowns in space!

And when you have enough brain damage, you see clowns... as hallucanagetic monsters who speak in tongues

love it so much
If a skeleton player has over 200u of sugar in them, they turn into Gelatine. Or Jello.
They don't die, but do need to consume a lot of calcium turn back to normal.
Of course detatching limbs and eating them is 100% possible.
And they move slower.
Movement Speed and intent based vision

The faster you movement/more aggressive your intent, the more your view is slightly zoomed in giving you a little less visibility than normal
Make arcfiend actually able to use electronic surrounding them by making them able to remotely use an electronic with a cost, it will gradually damage the item. (This does not include doors)
Make people who are set to arrest/have the jailbird trait unable to dance/fall when dancing because "guilty feet have got no rythm"
Everyonce and awhile, have player's characters make a roll for a chance to trip.

On most occasions, this will be incredibly easy to pass and nothing will happen

However, the more items are on the tile you're on when it happens, the more likely it is to occur.

This would make all items on the floor potential trip hazards, but more so if many items were scattered in close distance of each other
(04-18-2024, 05:10 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Everyonce and awhile, have player's characters make a roll for a chance to trip.

On most occasions, this will be incredibly easy to pass and nothing will happen

However, the more items are on the tile you're on when it happens, the more likely it is to occur.

This would make all items on the floor potential trip hazards, but more so if many items were scattered in close distance of each other

This but the trip is an acid trip and only for players who taken any hallicunating drugs or weed.

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