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Chaplain Prayer Points
The chaplain has always been a sort of unfulfilled crew member sure he is great in wizard combat, (though I think this was changed recently as he has no immunity to directed spells).But this is pretty much all he has other than making the station clean and forming half fulfilled cults.

So I spent a few days on the idea that he should get points by performing his duties, these would grant points that you can use to
A. Fix rooms of the station...
B. Smite the wicked...
C. Detect descent among the crew...
And D. Preform miracle healing without making people retarded.

Before I get into the ideas I had for the points, we need to know how these would be acquired. Which as I said involved doing your duty.
The easiest way to accumulate these points is by performing last rites, so what would happen is when someone dies you bring them into the chapel near the altar maybe within a 5x5 range of said object in a container.
Floor Closet, Locker,Coffin etc. whip out the holy book and right click the container for the action to 'preform last rites' (must have one single 'no more no less' body in it) and then put it in the ME and send it out of the Z-Level.
The amount of points gained is differentiated by which container you use. Say you use a floor crate it would be the second most amount of points gained cause it resembles a coffin more closely where as a locker wouldn't be very ritualistic.

The points would be like this in my opinion...
15 points Personal locker
25 points Floor Crate
40 points Coffin

Now for the abilities, at 600 points you should be able to repair one section of the station (I believe this could be done by roll backing a select area but I am not sure what would happen.)
The section would be a room like botany or kitchen sized with greater sizes being able to be built with more points, 1 point=5 tiles seems fair enough.
As for smiting (which I knew some of you probably skipped down to here for) would be a bit like a extremely powerful flash bang mixed with weakened arc-lightning earlier light grenade later.

50= A shock that's like being tased with 5-10 burn and brute damage causes stammering
175= A small explosion reminiscent to a mining charge that at best cracks/burns floor tiles. 25-30 burn and brute damage.
300= A concussive blast that shatters windows (grills potentially) and does 60-65 brute damage and may leave the victim incapitated for awhile, 70–90 clicks.

The last two powers don't really need a long list as there abilities are basic, healing would use up 2 points for 1 health for 1 click and give them a religious buff that makes the healee have a extra chance to do criticals maybe 12% and doesn't stack.
Detect descent would be used for 400 points be used once every 10 minutes and name 1 antag per use, maybe have a limit of 3 uses per round.

The last thing your wondering is most likely what if the good old' chaplain is the traitor, well he would have his smite ability removed as well as detect antag as those powers are linked with nanotrasen.
So tell me how functional it could be for the game, A/N )The repair station ability sort of came to me like those blueprint machines in storage
The chaplain used to have abilities per religion that ended up being kind of dumb and none of them (except maybe the adeptus mechanicus chaplain being able to spawn a turret that would shoot anyone in sight) were as unbalanced and fucking weird as this
how about you take a break from the forums for a bit and next time actually heed my advice to stop posting stupid shit

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