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Long-standing Cyborg Issue

This issue has been in the game since the introduction of Cyborgs v2.0. Since the dawn of day Roboticists and Geneticists have been bickering over ownership of dead bodies, both guaranteeing revival.. of a sort. Except, since cyborgs v2.0 have been introduced, surgeons have noticed a huge increase in braindead borgs. The issue: if a brain of a player who has been dead for longer than 3-4 minutes (or perhaps ghosted immediately after brain was cut out) is put into a cyborg, he/she will NOT gain control of the cyborg. This bug has prevented me over 30 times now from being borged and NEVER EVER fails to appear. Please do something about this.
Personally, I've never failed to be borged before, reason being that I always re-enter my corpse when I realize that i've been drug to robotics.

The bug has been posted here on the forums many time. For now, the fix seems to be to pay more attention and try to be inside your corpse when your brain is removed.

The coders have long been aware of this and I think that the best we can do is make do and wait.
Not even re-entering the corpse helps me. I tried doing it while I was being dragged there, and it did not help.
This has happened to me a few times, too. Both while borging someone and being borged. It's very annoying.

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