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Popecrunch - excessive badmin events
I wish I could show you the server logs and what was going on on the zlevel where I was dicking around with nitro, because *no really it couldn't possibly have been what i was doing*.
1) What was lagging was the delqueue clogging. This means something was trying to remove a lot of things all at once. This seems like it would point at me, but:
2) THe nitro I was fucking with exploded on creation, removing items in a 2-3 tile radius and nothing else. For scale, my usual 'welp time to clear up my experiment' create-explosion value is 15K, and that clears out a few screens in all directions.
3) When the delqueue caught up and the lag lifted, there were no changes on the zlevel I was on that weren't already there - so my bullshit wasn't adding zillions of whatevers to the delqueue. If it HAD been me, then it would have changed from '2-3 tile radius gone' to 'oh, goodbye zlevel'.
4) Even if the lag relief was because the delqueue was killed and restarted, at least some (and by some, i mean several hundred, easily visible) of those deletions would have still been processed. Again, no change.
All of the above points to the conclusion that whatever clogged up the delqueue, it wasn't me. In fact, that's WHY i do most of my 'OOC Popecrunch: I wonder...' experiments on the centcom zlevel, because there's very rarely anything going on on that entire zlevel, so if it oopses, it minimizes the impact to players.
All sorts of weird things can cause the delqueue to come unhinged, I've personally seen it freak out and lag the server for ten minutes because someone opened the gate just before the crusher when people had been flushing things all round - causing an entire round's worth of trash to get crushed all at once. I get that I can't exactly show you logs and my screen from a couple days ago, but seriously this one wasn't me. I'm usually first to go 'oh holy shit i fucked that one up' when it IS my fault, so.

Also worth adding: BYOND's understanding of INF is... not great. Just before cranking the nitroglycerin to INF, i cranked it to just shy of inf by a couple powers of ten, and that only blew out half of one of the dummy shuttles. 'inf' nitro would have only been slightly more than that - and deleting the 'inf' nitro when it exploded on creation wouldn't have clogged delqueue by itself, because it's not like inf amount of nitro, it is 'one instance of nitro with amount=bignum'. It'd have the same server impact as eating an apple.

also also worth adding: in a different round, i was experimenting with mbc's floods to try and figure out why large floods paralyze people (answer: walking through floods progressively slows down your movement, and it's not that someone is paralyzed per se, but more that they are moving so slowly as to be effectively paralyzed. you still move, but if it takes an hour and a half to move one tile, you look paralyzed), and was quite happily surprised that 'oh shit oh SHIT it got loose, time to buildmode-paint a zillion drains all over the test area' and the associated 'several million units of liquid are hitting drains all at once' didn't lag anything at all.

edit 4: the secret of the ooze: i didn't holler at the guy for complaining about something i did. I hollered at the guy for complaining about what i did -> i and a couple others explained to him that what he was complaining about had nothing to do with me -> he continued bitching and hollering BAN POPE -> me and a couple others told him to can it because he was just being shitty at this point -> he kept at it -> my response. I don't have any problems with people complaining about my nonsense, I absolutely get that it's not everybody's cup of lukewarm urine, but when it escalates to allcaps shrieking in OOC about how I should be banned for something I had nothing to do with, that's a *bit* much.

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RE: Popecrunch - excessive badmin events - by popecrunch - 03-04-2018, 01:03 PM

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