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Pipe bomb mods - requests
Not sure if this thread will be taken  serious or just for giggles reading it. 
Here goes either way.

Glass - Extra range for shrapnel or perhaps a double dose of shrapnel or even some bleeding damage.

Telecrystal - Opponents who are in range of a telecrystal modded pipebomb are first gonna take blast and shrapnel damage, immediately afterward they experience a change in location. 

Bike horn - Honks first, then explodes. 

Spider egg - How horrible! thats not shrapnel, its angry little spiders! AHHHH

Butter - Slick floor!

Power Cell - Zaps like voltagen/magnetic event

Butt - Upon detonation, sound is a fart, and many butts go flying from epicenter. (yes, "blast furnace" butt duplicating)
Butts and power cells (the latter coupled with wire) exist. Power cell does basically what you said. Butt is a bit different.
I think these are great ideas, Boa.
(09-23-2016, 07:08 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: I think these are great ideas, Boa.

Seconded. I was sorely surprised that glass had no effect.
Thanks! Your compliments encourage me to spend more time thinking about these.
I was hoping for some more clever ideas to be added, lets brainstorm!

Maybe as an alternate choice for glass as extra shrapnel, we could use -stacks of ore-
Capped at 10, you can stuff 10 of any stacked ore into the pipebomb. When the bomb explodes, the ore goes flying as if thrown in a random direction from the epicenter. Getting hit with thrown items hurts. Especially if its erebite thats being thrown! Or burning char.

RCD cartridge - Suddenly walls, windows, and grilles materialize within the blast range. (like with the wizard spell ?pandemonium) [[In addition to exploding, of course]]
Maybe also all tiles in blast range get reconstructed. (the bomb patches its own hole)

.38 ammo - Shoots bullets in random directions when it explodes.

Owl egg - Releases owls

Bee egg - Angry bees

Banana peel - Improvised banana grenade

Rainbow Melons - Throws melons, for their familiar effect.

Honey - Sticks you to the floor if you're knocked down in the blast. Extra long stun as you unstick yourself from the floor and make your escape weighed down in sticky honey.
Nefarious, as most pipe bombs have a good chance of poking a hole in the station.
Also whatever was in the honey is now in your bloodstream
put in stapleguns to fling bonus staple shrapnel, but the downside is the staples keep anyones limbs from being blown off
Add a negative matter sphere to have its effect apply to everyone in the range of the explosion. And witness anti-gravity hell.
I cherrypicked 5 of these! might work on some new ones later
Put paper into the pipe bomb to make a confetti explosion.
(10-14-2016, 05:02 PM)MyBlueCorners Wrote: I cherrypicked 5 of these! might work on some new ones later

LSD. Makes everyone in the vicinity high as fuck.

NO2. Knocks everyone in the vicinity out.

Handcuffs. Throws up to 5 handcuffs in random directions. Whoever gets hit is immediately cuffed.

Water. Makes the bomb non-lethal and spews water everywhere. Scares the shit out of everyone before detonation.

Petri dish. Whatever disease is in the petri dish covers the blast radius, making an exceptionally deadly bio-weapon. Add water to make it non-lethal and the crew to think it was harmless. Laugh as they slowly die a horrible death.
Balloons, sprays random balloon animals everywhere.
Brain: The bomb will auto-aim into the closest person. Includes the thrower.
Shrapnel mod where you insert a stapler(due to the lack of nails or ball bearings) and it doesn't do nearly as much explosive damage but your bleed rate is increased for every piece of shrapnel that hits you.

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