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Station Tour guide job
This might be a better idea for a gimmick then an actual job but:

A totally RP job that offers tours of everywhere, including places that Murphy won't go, or work with murphy by becoming the tour guide for specific parts of the station. Share facts, or make up bold face lies about key parts of the station to make things INTERESTING

"This dirty maint couch once housed a famous centcom president who went through a bad divorce, don't mention it to him"

"This is the general population cell, where police brutality is no longer allowed to occur"

Essentially a counterpart to the tourist job, also can work with telescience and have an RP reason to fly pods and explore space in destiny.

Requires an ability to either understand goon lore, or make stuff up as you go along.

could include an admin gimmick where they "reward" good tour guides by throwing together random events and watching the tour guide explain it as part of the tour. "that's a wendigo, one of many wendigo's to work on the station as delivery drivers, they do not like being called yetis"

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