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1. Should not be makeable by using an emag on a robot frame. This makes the roboticist specific traitor item worthless. Emagging a frame should make an emagged borg.
2. Should not be killswitchable.

1. Yes.
2. Fairly sure they don't appear on the robotics controls whatsoever?
3. Put a syndiborg suit on the syndicate shuttle
Syndieborgs got killswitched last round I was in. It's a problem!

3 would be nice if you could debrain an op without their microbomb going off, wouldn't it!

For some reason I think nukeops always explode even if their microbomb is removed. Maybe that's fixed?
Hmmm seems you have more than one bug on your hands.
Firstly syndiborgs most definitely were not on the robotics computer when implemented. Wiki says so.
Secondly nuke ops have surgery equipment that allows them to remove the microbomb and debrain a dude. I'm certain that bug was fixed, as I removed one from a nuke op not too long ago and no boom, but by all means test it again.
If syndiborgs are showing on the control computer, that's definitely a bug.

Edit: To add, I totally agree with removing the ability for emags to make syndieborgs. I also agree with putting a syndieborg frame on the nuclear shuttle.

I also think that emags shouldn't affect syndieborgs. You'd be surprised how many times I've been emagged despite being a syndicate borg.

It might be a good idea for syndieborgs to get some unique tools so they can actually do some damage in order to justify their relatively high individual cost compared to mass emagged borgs.
damn, i never knew emags could do that. why would anyone blow crystals on single borgsuits or the conversion chamber when this is objectively the best and most flexible option?

(06-22-2016, 02:42 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I also think that emags shouldn't affect syndieborgs. You'd be surprised how many times I've been emagged despite being a syndicate borg.

It might be a good idea for syndieborgs to get some unique tools so they can actually do some damage in order to justify their relatively high individual cost compared to mass emagged borgs.

syndieborgs should come with sunglasses effect type eyes, so it takes more than just a flash to stop them in their tracks
Honestly, I'd be in favor of syndie borgs getting some major fuck shit up items as part of a module unique to them and just raising the TC cost accordingly
(06-22-2016, 05:56 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Honestly, I'd be in favor of syndie borgs getting some major fuck shit up items as part of a module unique to them and just raising the TC cost accordingly
Same here.
I'm all for making syndieborgs not killswitchable, that's a neat idea
All for both removing the emag-ability of frames and adding special syndiborg options for TC cost and adding a syndiborg frame to nuke ops shuttle.
I like this syndicate borg buffing talk. Also majorly into ditching emagged frames. I never understood why that was a thing given how useful emags are.
Never knew about the emagging frames thing. That's dumb and I agree it should probably go, it outclasses the other roboticist options by a mile. Emagging borgs to turn them lawless should still stay, though. As for kill switching, I don't think syndieborg frames ordered via tcs even show up on the robotics computer - if they are then that's almost certainly a bug.

I like the idea of syndieborgs being able to be emagged, though. Chances are you're not going to have the same person making borgs and emagging them, so it's usually the outcome of at least two traitor plans intersecting, which is always fun. An emag isn't a precision hacking tool, after all, just a 'fuck electronics up' card.

And yes to syndieborgs getting buffed, please.
(06-22-2016, 12:54 PM)Grayshift Wrote: 1. Should not be makeable by using an emag on a robot frame. This makes the roboticist specific  traitor item worthless. Emagging a frame should make an emagged borg.
2. Should not be killswitchable.


Kickin' Rad (Oldschool)
Syndieborgs made by emagging frames most certainly appear on the Robotics Console, as I was recently killswitched to death as one. It'd be understandable if it was an emagged robot, which is basically a station borg that's been broken, but syndieborgs are syndicate....creation things on a seperate lawset from the station AI, makes no sense that a robotics console connected to the station's borgs can affect them.
Good news: I think I've written a patch that does this.
Bad news: I need to test it and have no idea how to do that.

I'll do some questioning later. If we can also confirm that nukeop implant removal is also working, I'll ask about getting the borg frame on the syndie shuttle upgraded.

I like that idea of syndieborgs getting a custom module or buff but that's beyond the scope of what I'm trying to do here.


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