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Cloning Hijinks!
Not sure what kicked this off, but on a previous round I had died and was getting cloned. As soon as they activated the cloning cycle, I popped out, fully healed and gibbering and dancing. Surprised the hell out of the people there, I went to get some alkysine, and as soon as I tried to pick it up I dropped into crit and passed out.
Almost forgot, similar but different, for some reason when I turn myself into a monkey, if I try to pick up an item before my sprite has completely finished resolving, the item will disappear. Accidentally zapped my ID earlier today, didn't know what the fuck.
Yes, this monkey thing is a terrible problem. Grabbing things too fast will cause it to vanish. It is terrible if a traitor monkeys you and you reach for the taser you had on your belt before he does, but it is suddenly gone. Worse, if you are alone and you magic away your ID of backpack.

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