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Crawling in my skiii--

Hi, I'm suggesting the ability to crawl when knocked down or when simply laying down. Basically, you'd click in the direction you want to crawl and you'd move one tile in that direction. You'd move at a pretty slow pace, clicking for each tile you move in. However, you can't crawl if you are unconscious.

Along with this, an optional idea to this would be that you'd be able to crawl after being stunned once by a stun baton. However, after being hit once more, you'd be completely immobilized. You can crawl away too if you are knocked down by, for example, a toolbox. You'd normally be knocked down immobilized but, this time, you'd be able to crawl before taking 2-3 more hits then being too weak to actually crawl anymore. This offers a last try to escape essentially, bringing out a dramatic crawl away before you are murdered or before you get lucky and escape.

Anyway, that's my spiel.
Add it as a way to move in the Walk/Run button. Because nobody uses this.
There's been a few large discussions about this topic. Well, the topic of downed-action in general.

I honestly don't think the first bit would be bad. Single tile click movement while downed akin to a monkey moving under and adjacent table, only with a proper delay. I'd say no to any stun baton movement, though. It wouldn't bother the people that want to kill you, but would be just an extra hassle to anyone trying to arrest you.
Yeah agreed. Stuns are supposed to stop you from moving. Other then that this is a great idea

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