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Some blob suggestions
I don't think very many people are happy with the current blob. Some suggestions to fix some of the more common gripes:

- increase the amount of tiles needed for blob victory. With the current huge station and the lack of crew, blobs expand far more easily than they used to be able to on Cog1. Unless a blob is spotted before it gets a second nucleus up and if it's not completely new to the role, there's very little chance of stopping it outside of tactics like telebombing all the nuclei at one go.

- Have blob disabled with crew under a certain number. I've encountered my fair share of blob rounds where there were only about three to five people  on - often the blob is capable of winning without anyone ever spotting it, and there's only so much even the most skilled three to four people are capable of doing.

-Have blobs unable to eat monkeys to gain evolution points. It's becoming a common tactic, with latejoin blobs in particular, to set up near a valuchimp, knock it down and immediately gobble up all the monkeys to start off with 15 extra evolution points. Lings and vamps are no longer capable of using monkeys as free points without a little extra work, the same should go for blob.

-Do something about the coloring of black blobs. It is really no fun cranking your monitor brightness to maximum and risking eye strain just to get a hint of where the nucleus might be.
I just wish that I'd actually see more blob rounds themselves. Seems like it's only on low-population servers that blob is ever picked, never when there's a good amount of people to actually fight it.

Also all these suggestions is great, but I personally don't see a reason to change the objective.
Couple more suggestions:

-Have late-join/antag-respawn blobs start a little later. More of a general late-join antag thing, I suppose. Conflicted on this one myself - I suppose dead people probably won't appreciate waiting until the 45th minute or so for an antag respawn chance, but at the same time a blob or wizard spawning half an hour in is often a round ending threat, and doesn't give you very much time for carrying out anything particularly subtle or with a long setup time. What do you guys think?

-Have the round end if a late join/antag-respawn blob actually makes it to 500 tiles. Really,  given that they have the same objectives, it seems like a bug that this isn't happening already.  There's no killing it if it gets to that point, and if the shuttle hasn't been called yet then chances are everyone capable of doing so is dead and/or the blob is making it prohibitively difficult to do so. At that point, it's more a mercy killing of the round than anything.
Blobs are hard to balance because of their reliance on skill. I've seen a bright colored blob tank through early detection, teleTTVs and, most surprisingly, a crew that gave a shit... but this kind of blob is one out of thirty. I've noticed a weird trend with blob: There aren't very many intermediate players. It's generally either that they suck, or are death incarnate.

I'm honestly not sure which should be balanced for.
Blobs need victory conditions other than tile requirements. Have them want to end the round with a surviving nucleus in a specific room. Maybe recycle the nuke ops list?

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