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His Grace?
Does being infected by memetic kill agent mean you actually have to help the chaplain or do cult rules still apply?

Also does Memetic Kill agent become cureable in any way shape or form, or should someone just expect to die if they've been infected.
I don't think it really matters.
If you become a follower you're already within food radius.
the way i like to think about it is: stay close to the chaplain and maybe help knock people down so the toolbox can eat them. get fed to the toolbox when he starts having trouble finding new victims. that said it would be really cool to know if that's the sort of thing that would get you yelled at or not because i rarely get the chance to examine a traitor chaplain in the first place.
I just figured I'd ask the question since A. People infected by his grace end up hearing everything the chaplain says as an internal message, so it makes sense that Memetic kill agent makes them chaplain's army. and B. Rules frown at cults, but his grace sufferers have to be close to the toolbox to not die, which more or less means they are screwed unless they stay close to chaplain.
Cult rule applies to idiot chaplains deciding to start a cult outside of the traitor-selection process, and the inevitable cavalcade of shit that ensues when every moron on the station decides "hey come join the cult" means "hey let's murder everyone who isn't dressed like us." See also: assistant revolutions

His Grace is a coded thing instead of a dumb player thing, if you get corrupted by it think of it like being mindslaved. Do what the chaplain and/or current bearer of His Grace wants.
Cogwerks Wrote:Cult rule applies to idiot chaplains deciding to start a cult outside of the traitor-selection process, and the inevitable cavalcade of shit that ensues when every moron on the station decides "hey come join the cult" means "hey let's murder everyone who isn't dressed like us." See also: assistant revolutions

His Grace is a coded thing instead of a dumb player thing, if you get corrupted by it think of it like being mindslaved. Do what the chaplain and/or current bearer of His Grace wants.

Alright, now we finally have an official stance on the mindslave thing. Only took like 4 topics on it. smile

I went ahead and altered the traitor items page on the wiki to reflect this.
I would disarm the chaplain feed him to His Grace and become the new bearer if that is possible if not I guess I will warn everyone before running off from His Grace in a attempt to die honorably.
bladex454 Wrote:I would disarm the chaplain feed him to His Grace and become the new bearer if that is possible if not I guess I will warn everyone before running off from His Grace in a attempt to die honorably.
You can't disarm or knock down a chaplain with the Artistic Toolbox, and the Artistic Toolbox isn't His Grace. Seriously people.
bladex454 Wrote:I would disarm the chaplain feed him to His Grace and become the new bearer if that is possible if not I guess I will warn everyone before running off from His Grace in a attempt to die honorably.

So if you get mindslaved to help the Chaplain, you'd either kill the Chaplain to get his mindslaving device, or run off, warn everyone about the Chaplain, and kill yourself? You seem a wee bit on the shit side.
Archenteron Wrote:
bladex454 Wrote:I would disarm the chaplain feed him to His Grace and become the new bearer if that is possible if not I guess I will warn everyone before running off from His Grace in a attempt to die honorably.

So if you get mindslaved to help the Chaplain, you'd either kill the Chaplain to get his mindslaving device, or run off, warn everyone about the Chaplain, and kill yourself? You seem a wee bit on the shit side.
Have you not read anything else he's said?
BlackPhoenix Wrote:Have you not read anything else he's said?

Nor yours~
Archenteron Wrote:
BlackPhoenix Wrote:Have you not read anything else he's said?

Nor yours~
I think you shoukd read space demon if you want to see my shit side. Anyways loyalty has its limits.
Are you drunk or insane
I always figured the reason obeying the chaplain was left intentionally vague was so you didn't have shitheads examining the chaplain for a free pass to grief and kill everyone.
Then again a smart chaplain would just tell you to sacrifice yourself to His Grace and you'd have to follow anyway so eh.
Honestly I think His Grace needs a buff.
It's the whole mentality behind the memetic kill agent. It kills you if you're not close to his grace. So you have to stay close, but most people even with memetic kill agent will find a way to space or destroy the toolbox so they cured.
Instead, I think so called "followers" of His Grace should have a power boost, they have punches strong enough to knock people over, but they are forced to walk. This way it feels more of a cult, people mindlessly
shambling along with His Grace, drunk with power.

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