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Bots invunrable to phaser/laser (burn?) damage
Laser and phaser damage is completely ineffective against Floorbots, Firebots and Medibots.
Concerning the latter, Medibots prox light goes yellow (???) if shot enough with a phaser (but not a laser??). This turns it off, but doesn't destroy it, friggin weird.

I cannot say if this is just concerning fire damage based projectiles, or fire damage as a whole, the one thing I didn't test was hitting them with a welder, but I have a feeling that wouldn't work either. Melee damage does definitely work on all 3.

On the otherhand, beepsky and cleanbot do indeed get murdered by both phasers and lasers.
On this note,it it intended that wizard projectiles do no damage to beepsky and other securitrons? They seem to be immune to fireball, which means that there is no way for a wizard to fight them.
most projectiles don't hit them, there is only a chance. you can kill beeps with fireball just aim next to him

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