Dr. Pritchard's Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Dr. Pritchard
BYOND Username: Xeram
Recommended by (if applicable): Nobody
Times Available: I generally play on Gibbed 4 any time between 3 PM and 9 PM Central time on weekdays and from 10 AM to 11 PM on weekends.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): Ever since back in donut station (Pre pathology removal and such.) I've noticed more skilled players being replaced by new ones, and being new to the game also being infuriatingly incompetent at their jobs. I hope to become a mentor so I can impart some of my knowledge with them to prevent others from, frankly getting completely screwed over because a newbie doesn't know what he is doing. As I've stated I have played since donut and aquired much knowledge covering every job on the station from the lowly assisstant to the Captain. The only area I unfortunatly would not be able to help players with is how to properly create a bomb mix (The actual assembly I can easily instruct.). I have experience with all antagonist roles (And good understanding of all the items/abilities avalible to the different jobs) and have played each multiple times. I also hope to help prevent situations where admins need to get involved due to the simple problem of players not knowing what they are doing, I'm sure everyone agrees theres enough drama on the station as it is without adding ignorance into the mix (And also helping to prevent those goddamn engineers from releasing the sing every single time. Seriously. It happens way too much on gibbed 4.). Besides my coverage of most topics when it comes to how things work in SS13 I tend to stick around until the round ends after death so I'll have plenty of time to awnser questions (Provided i die in the first place..). To summurize, I believe I could be an effective mentor with my veterncy, knowledge, and avalible time and hope to cut down on problems caused on the server by ignorance and incompetence to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read this and good day.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): I liked the first 3 movies, never saw the last one.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): My most recent was a jobban from all jobs which was successfully appealed, all of my others have been one day bans from donut times and one months ago for giving the ai free will as a nontraitor. All the single day bans were before the time all bans were cleared.
I haven't seen you in awhile but you seemed to be a pretty cool guy when I have, yes.
You're a sanctimonious prick and you murder people on a whim. It's interesting because I've noticed that I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I'd honestly rather have you banned than btek. that says a lot i think.
BadActor Wrote:You're a sanctimonious prick and you murder people on a whim. It's interesting because I've noticed that I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I'd honestly rather have you banned than btek. that says a lot i think.

So a shithead calls someone a shithead, which makes them not a shithead?
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:
BadActor Wrote:You're a sanctimonious prick and you murder people on a whim. It's interesting because I've noticed that I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I'd honestly rather have you banned than btek. that says a lot i think.

So a shithead calls someone a shithead, which makes them not a shithead?

It takes a shithead to know a shithead. Taking it a bit out of my appeal, don't you think? I'm just saying I'm a much lesser evil.

Let's put it this way: hypothetically, if I were someone on a forum with almost 600 posts (more than anyone else on the forum including admins (we're still being hypothetical of course smile)) and no real contribution except to serve as an exemplary display of how not to be an insufferably servile jackanape, would I be worse than someone who's truth is unfettered by a little rudeness??? Choices choices!
BadActor Wrote:You're a sanctimonious prick and you murder people on a whim. It's interesting because I've noticed that I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I'd honestly rather have you banned than btek. that says a lot i think.

I respect your opinion but there is no reason to be an arse about it.

Though I believe you have me mixed up with another honestly, I do not simply murder people on a whim (If I was such a person i'm quite sure my application would have been shot down by admins immediatly and i would have quite a number more bans.) I do tend to knock people who are being particuarly shitty unconcious and into crit if needed, killing only if i must (Or if they're a traitor and i can.).

I'd like to ask you two not to fight in this thread as it's not a place argue about what you guy's think of eachother, me, or others and i would like this to be atleast considered and not shut down due to pointless arguements on the thread.
BadActor Wrote:You're a sanctimonious prick and you murder people on a whim. It's interesting because I've noticed that I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I'd honestly rather have you banned than btek. that says a lot i think.

Also sorry about the double post, but I would like to point out that this gentleman recently (Today) received a week long ban (Starting as a perma) for lasering many people to death and releasing poison gas, combined with a good portion of the server claiming that he is a generally terrible player.
i support this...

pritchard is good at alot of the things in the game and i think could easily tell a newbie how to not gloriously fuck up things for the entire station.
Xeram Wrote:
BadActor Wrote:You're a sanctimonious prick and you murder people on a whim. It's interesting because I've noticed that I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I'd honestly rather have you banned than btek. that says a lot i think.

Also sorry about the double post, but I would like to point out that this gentleman recently (Today) received a week long ban (Starting as a perma) for lasering many people to death and releasing poison gas, combined with a good portion of the server claiming that he is a generally terrible player.

Doesn't excuse you from being a horrendous person. Also, laughing gas isn't toxic.

"lasering many people to death"? flagrant lie.
Despite Badactors scathing review, this is a mentor application, not a HoS application. We are not looking for a good non-violent character, we're looking for a knowledgeable player.
And on knowledgeable player, I would think Pritch fits in nicely.
So it's a yes from me.
Pritchard gets a massive yes from me, BadActor can drop the grudge and fuck off.
What Sundance said really. I've only been around a few months, and whilst I'd probably have much more to say on a HoS application, as a mentor I think Pritch would be great. He does know his stuff.
Pritchard is kind of a jerk and were this an HoS application I would say no. But it isn't, and since from what I have seen he is a smart jerk and because you have to actually try in order to be a jerk with mentoring then I guess him being a mentor would be fine.
I've seen you in game for a good while now. I can't say you're a lovely harmless dude, but you do know your stuff for sure. Strong yes.
A knowledgeable guy. He and I are at odds a lot, but he knows his stuff and I think he'd make a great mentor.

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