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[Destiny] Give the AI a borg shell at the start of the round
A recurring problem I've noticed on Destiny is that no one wants to be the AI. In fact it's so bad that I have to remove AI from my job preferences if I want to play a round as something other than the AI. I think this is down to the slower pace of the server, there's a lot less for the AI to do as it's rarely subverted and chaos tends to be low. It would be nice, perhaps, if the AI had a borg shell at the start of the round, instead of relying a roboticist who may or may not be there to put the one in the crate together. While you can use the normal AI shells, they aren't often used as they're terribly flimsy and have limited tools, as well as being unable to move things and need recharging every few minutes. With a borg shell, the AI can more readily get involved in what's going on and helping out, in addition to finding fashionable hats to wear.
As someone who sometimes plays AI on Destiny this would be very nice to have. It's pretty easy to get stuck doing nothing for an hour without one, and there often isn't someone around who will assemble a AI borg.
Even though I haven't played Destiny, the lack of onstart AI-borg sounds like a pain for such lowpop ship.
Vitatroll Wrote:Even though I haven't played Destiny, the lack of onstart AI-borg sounds like a pain for such lowpop ship.
They're not talking the little blue floaty shell (the AI gets 2 of those, even on Destiny) but a full on cyborg shell with medical patches and/or RCD.

Also this thread tells me that I should get back on Destiny more instead of just Cog2.

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